First-class daughter

Chapter 694 11 Liquidation

Chapter 694 One by one liquidation
Chapter 694 One by one liquidation
Lian Siyue leaned her head softly on his chest, with a trace of warmth and attachment that she had never had before——

She once said that in this life, she will not be emotional, not emotional, not loving, not hating. She only wishes to live a lonely life, and leave the Lian family after taking revenge, and live the life of idle clouds and wild cranes that she really wants, which is endless There are endless intrigues and intrigues.

But I never thought that there would be such a person in this world who has been chasing after her from the previous life to this life, and she fell in love and moved her heart;

She understands that there is no love or hate for no reason in this world, and she doesn't want to be alone anymore.

"I'm so hungry." Her voice was as soft as glutinous rice, she raised her head and nestled on his chest like a cat, and asked.

"Okay, I see. Let's go eat first." Feng Yunzheng lowered his head, kissed her lightly on the forehead in public, and hugged her tighter. Lian Siyue closed his eyes and leaned on the into his arms and let her carry her away.

And everyone in the Lian family hadn't recovered from the horror that Lian Jue was actually the eleventh prince, and they were shocked by His Highness Ninth Prince and Lian Siyue. When did they... get so good?
Moreover, this man is unmarried, the woman is unmarried, so intimate in public, how could he have no scruples?If the word spreads, do you still want Siyue's reputation?
Moreover, Lian Siyue has always been dignified and stable, even a little cold, how could she show the demeanor of such a young girl?

And even though Lian Siyue, as the eldest granddaughter of the Lian family, did such an "immoral" thing, but the appearance of the Ninth Highness protecting her, his eyes, every move of his hand and every gesture exuded a powerful aura, and they suddenly Can't say a word.

Suddenly, there was a sudden sound, and when everyone saw it, Lian Mu's eyes went dark, and she fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Come on, come on!" All of a sudden, everyone was in a hurry.

While Lian Yanqing was stunned, he didn't realize that the old lady had fainted. He stood up from the ground staggeringly, took a step forward, but his feet went limp, and he fell to the ground.

"Brother..." Lian Yanfu stepped forward to help.

"Come here." At this time, Feng Degui came over and said, "According to the emperor's order, in order to prevent the eleven princes from being hurt unnecessarily, all the suspects in the Lian family will be detained and guarded by the imperial guards."

"...What, this, what should I do?" Everyone suddenly panicked, especially the female relatives in the back house, all of them were terrified.

They have always been used to being expensive, but now they are going to be imprisoned, everyone is afraid.

On the other hand, Lian Yanqing closed his eyes, let out a long sigh, and let the imperial guards help him up from the ground, and walked to the firewood room. He had a gloomy expression on his face, and he no longer had the demeanor of a prime minister.

"Is the emperor here?" In the firewood room, Lian Shiya seemed to have heard the movement, excitedly grabbed the cell door, and asked the guard guarding the door.

"Yes, Miss San, the emperor is here." The nurse replied.

A smile appeared on Lian Shiya's face, she was in a good mood, and said triumphantly, "That's great, so what if you lock me up, the emperor himself came to deal with these bitches."

But at this moment, she saw his father, Lian Yanqing and others all coming this way, and there were guards with swords in the palace behind him, who seemed to be being escorted.

She froze for a moment, a smile froze on her face——

"Father, second uncle, third uncle, fourth uncle, and aunt, you, why are you all here?"

"Hmph." Mrs. Liu snorted coldly, and said, "It's not because you are a murderer. Now our whole family will be locked in the woodshed, unless Lian Jue, oh, no, unless King Ming An When you wake up, you are willing to forgive us."

"Third Aunt, what did you mean? Why do we have to look at Lian Jue's face? He's not a wild..."

"Shut up! You bastard, you won't regret dying ten thousand times!" Lian Yanqing didn't wait for Lian Shiya to say the curse of Lian Jue, and she kicked hard on the Chapman, causing her body to be affected. , took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

"Lian Xiang, let's go in." The guard in charge opened the cell door and said to Lian Yanqing.

When Lian Shiya saw that Lian Yanqing walked into the prison with his head down, and the rest of the people were also locked in one by one, she hurriedly got up regardless of the pain in her body, and asked anxiously, "What's going on? What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" The second wife's wife Hu stared at Lian Shiya fiercely, sneered, and said, "King Ming An is indeed not the flesh and blood of our Lian family, but he is the emperor's eleventh prince. We recognize each other. Although there are still many things we haven't figured out yet, we can see that the emperor values ​​this prince very much. Not only did he come to the Prime Minister's mansion to claim it in person, but now that Lian Jue is injured, he is also very nervous. 5
Lian Shiya, thanks to you bitch, our whole family is now a suspect in the murder of the eleventh prince.

And you, the instigator, think about how you treat the eleventh prince, and count how long you can live.

You want to kill Lian Siyue, but now, Lian Siyue is the eleventh prince's benefactor, and you are his enemy, you really can't beat her to the death, hahaha! "

"What..." Lian Shiya was so shocked by the news that she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time, and she was in a daze. It was true that Lian Jue was not a member of the Lian family, but he was, unexpectedly, the emperor's son, "No, this Impossible, how did he become the emperor's son? Father, does it mean that even Siyue and she..."

"Heh." Lian Yanqing chuckled, his eyes were like two cold swords, piercing deeply into Lian Shiya's heart, "The emperor has confessed his marriage in front of our face, Lian Shiya, you are so capable It was not Lian's family who could find out that King Ming An was the prince. Why didn't he find out that he was the prince? The play you sang with the Fourth Highness has turned into a scandal. Let's see how the Fourth Highness will end! But, the truth is also the truth. I was hurt by you!"

He has been an official for decades, he has been cautious in every step, and has never provoked any serious criticism, but now, he is actually charged with murdering a suspect of the prince!
It is really a famous name for a lifetime, and it will be destroyed once!And the instigator of all this was his perverted daughter. If the current conditions did not allow it, he would immediately beat her to death with a stick.

No, it's impossible, how could it be... And even Shiya refused to believe what she said, but her father and uncles and aunts have already been imprisoned, and my father would not laugh at such things.

Her body went limp, and she fell to the ground dejectedly——

Lost, lost again, lost to Lian Siyue's scheme in the past, but this time lost to Lian Jue's background!
She began to think back to the beginning of the plan, "Ah!" She suddenly screamed in the firewood room like crazy, each sound was more frightening, and everyone's scalp went numb, especially that The expression is very scary.

(End of this chapter)

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