First-class daughter

Chapter 695 Let me feed you

Chapter 695 Let me feed you
Chapter 695 Let me feed you
"No, Lian Siyue won't be so lucky! God, are you blind? Why do you want to help this bitch Lian Siyue again and again! Why do you want her to be Lian Jue's sister, but I am not Why is she so lucky!

She killed my mother, can't you see?

Lian Siyue, I curse you, I curse you, I want to curse you for eternity, it is you, it is you who destroyed me, I curse you, I curse you to die a bad death, and after death, you will be killed in the wilderness, eaten by wild dogs, Not even a hair left! "

Frowning tightly, Mrs. Liu waved to the guard and said, "My lord guard, please do me a favor and imprison this crazy woman elsewhere, otherwise we will all be scared to death by her."

"Shut her up in the cellar of our Lian family. There is a stone door there. After the stone door is closed, no matter how loud the sound is, you can't hear it." Lian Yanqing said to the guards, and asked the housekeeper to guide the guards.

The guards weighed it for a moment, and saw that the third lady seemed to be crazy, and the cursing words were so harsh that they were afraid of disturbing the emperor and the eleventh prince, so they agreed after thinking about it, opened the door, and ordered the other two to take Lian Shiya out of the firewood room. Take it out and take it to the water cellar.

"Let me go, let me go quickly, I want to see the emperor, I don't want to go to the water cellar, I want to see the emperor! I want to expose the true face of this bitch Lian Siyue!" Lian Shiya struggled to break free, but the forbidden How could the guards allow her to be violent, and immediately put on heavy handcuffs and shackles, making her unable to move anymore.

When Lian Shiya was taken away, the Lian family sat in the woodshed, looking at each other, until now they have not recovered from the shock that Lian Jue is the prince——

Some people are even desperately thinking about whether they have offended Lian Jue, especially the Hu family. The assassins are very disturbed. Because of Lian Yunlang's death, she has wronged Lian Jue for many years and has always regarded Lian Jue as a thorn in her side. Who would have thought that he was a prince left behind by the people?

"Everyone, you don't have to worry too much. King Ming An and Si Yue are as close as siblings. King Ming An will definitely listen to Si Yue. Si Yue is the eldest granddaughter of the Lian family and will definitely propose marriage for us." Third Master Lian Yantao broke the silence and said optimistically.

"Oh." Mrs. Liu chuckled, "She was locked in the woodshed and was almost poisoned to death by arsenic and even burned. She has such a heart. She wants to save the whole family. Don't forget, when you hear that Lian Jue is not How many vicious thoughts some of you had in your heart when you were in the same family, but this child like Yue is like a bright mirror in his heart."

Compared to other people's apprehensions, Liu's mentality is very relaxed, and the smile slowly appeared on her face, because she won the bet——

For so long, she has seen Lian Siyue's methods, and she believes that she will not lose power in Lian's family so easily, she will only take advantage of adversity to fly higher, to places that Lian's family can't reach.

After hearing what the third sister-in-law said, Lian Yanqing remained silent—

As the current prime minister, it was the first time that he felt that his future destiny was finally tied in the hands of one of his daughters, and just now, the intimacy between her and His Highness Ninth Prince was obviously not enough for him as a father. Putting it in his eyes, it made him feel ashamed and angry!and also--



When Feng Yunzheng appeared with Lian Siyue in his arms, the guards guarding Xianheyuan knelt down one after another, saying, "His Royal Highness is a thousand years old."

Without squinting, Feng Yunzheng carried her into the yard calmly.

Night Breeze, who was behind him, looked at the nursing homes and said, "His Highness Ninth doesn't like being disturbed, so you go back on your own."

"Yes, Lord Ye." All the nursing homes retreated one by one.

Night Breeze folded his arms around his chest and stood guard at the door. He was dressed in a black brocade robe and exuded a condensed aura. When people passing by saw him, they all flinched and walked away quickly with their heads down.

All the servants in Xianheyuan saw His Highness Ninth Prince holding Lian Siyue back in his arms, except Leng Mei, who had recited Feng Yunzheng's love words, all of them were stunned, and some maids even blushed.

"Okay, let me down." Lian Siyue poked her head out of his cloak, she thought, don't let the servants be too disrespectful and destroy her usual indifferent appearance.

But Feng Yunzheng pushed her head back with his chin, pampering and domineering, "Don't let me go, I like to hug like this, so I have to keep hugging, no matter who sees me."

Lian Siyue was startled, and her face turned red. He really didn't blush when he said such things to her in front of so many people. I remembered the love words he wanted to say to him coldly.

Seeing the delicate blush on her face, the doting smile in Feng Yunzheng's eyes deepened.

"Miss, let him hug you if His Highness Ninth likes to hug you. We are also happy to watch, Your Highness Ninth, do you think so?" Nanny Tai was straightforward, her eyes narrowed as she smiled.

"Are you Mother Tai?" Feng Yunzheng sat up on the chair with Lian Siyue in his arms, and asked.

This is the first time he has come to Lian Siyue's courtyard, and he has never been here in the previous life. The assassin can't help feeling in a good mood and very novel.

Grandma Tai was overwhelmed with flattery, she knelt down on her knees and said, "Yes, yes, old slave, Grandma Tai, His Highness Ninth Prince actually remembers this old slave, and this old slave really died without any regrets."

"You can't die, Yue'er still needs to take care of you. This king knows that you are a loyal protector of the lord, and this king has seen it." Feng Yunzheng smiled, as if he was the male master of the fairy lotus courtyard.

This is also the first time that the people of Xianheyuan saw His Highness the Ninth Prince smiling at such a close distance, just like seeing a fairy who never eats the fireworks in the world all day long. The eldest lady who speaks the language, at the side of His Highness the Ninth Prince, finally looks like a little girl of her age.

Mother Tai was even happier after hearing His Highness Ninth Prince's words, she said, "Don't worry, Your Highness Ninth Prince, this old slave will take care of Missy."

At this time, food was brought from the kitchen, Qing Dai ordered the maids to fill the table with food, including rock sugar bird's nest soup, cherry condensed dew honey, green jade bean cake, purple ginseng and pheasant soup and so on.

Looking at the food, Lian Siyue sat up suddenly and said, "No, I have to go and see Jue'er quickly, he was suddenly poisoned, there must be..."

Only halfway through her words, Feng Yunzheng covered her lips with his fingers, and said, "I will take care of Lian Jue's matter. Now that the father and the imperial physicians are there, you will not be close to Lian Jue if you go." By Jue's side, I sent someone to guard the door, and will report any situation as soon as possible, so you don't have to worry.

Be obedient, eat and rest first, and then go to see him, the person you value, I value as much as you. "

"Okay." Lian Siyue thought that what Feng Yunzheng said was reasonable. Now that the emperor is there, she would not be able to get close to Lian Jue, so she nodded and said, "But let me down first, my stomach is really serious. hungry."

"I feed you."

(End of this chapter)

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