First-class daughter

Chapter 701 Time is urgent

Chapter 701 Time is urgent

Chapter 701 Time is urgent

Chun Liu was so frightened that she immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Slave, this servant said from a distance that it should be sent out, but the princess thinks that this servant is too busy, and this servant is afraid of showing her feet, so she dare not say any more."

"Forget it, she's lucky." Concubine Xu Xian sighed, and immediately ordered, "Go back to Xu Guofu quickly, and invite my younger brother, General Xu Yang, to come."

"Yes." Chunliu took the order and left the hall.

Concubine Xu Xian sat for a while, but was restless, so the eunuch Yu Gonggong asked, "Is the emperor resting?"

"Reporting to my lord, the slave just learned that the emperor left the palace in Xushi, and he hasn't returned yet." Yu Gong said fairly.

"Leaving the palace?" Concubine Xu Xian was stunned for a moment, the emperor's leaving the palace is always a big event, there is no one in the sixth house of the harem who doesn't know about it, why did she only know about this time coming out of the palace?She narrowed her eyes and asked, "Do you know who you are with and where you are going?"

Eunuch Yu shook his head and said, "I didn't reveal it, and the servants of the Rongyuan Palace didn't dare to talk nonsense, but I know that they left the palace with His Highness Ninth Prince, Commander Jiang and Eunuch Feng followed."

"Ninth Prince?" Concubine Xu Xian held the handkerchief tightly, thinking, "Where will he go with the Emperor?"

About an hour later, General Xu Yang arrived at Dongxi Palace, Concubine Xu Xian immediately pushed everyone away, closed the palace door, and said, "Brother, something happened!"

"Your Majesty, I've also heard about what happened in the Prime Minister's Mansion." Xu Yang signaled Concubine Xian not to worry, and said, "There are more serious things."

"Say it quickly." Concubine Xu Xian was startled.

"The emperor quietly went to the prime minister's mansion together with His Highness the Ninth Prince, Jiang Keji, Feng Degui, etc." Xu Yang said in a low voice.

"What..." Concubine Xu Xian's legs went limp, and she fell to the ground. Xu Yang hurriedly supported her, saying_

"Your Majesty, maybe the Emperor's visit to the Prime Minister's Mansion is just to interrogate Lian Jue about the fact that Lian Jue is not the real son of the Lian family."

"Brother, let's not lie to ourselves, even though Lian Jue is not the son of Lian's family but got the title of county king, it is suspected of deceiving the emperor, but the emperor will never go to the Prime Minister's mansion in person because of this matter.

Moreover, besides, the person who went there was Lao Jiu, a cunning and cunning old man! Concubine Xu Xian sat slumped on the chair, and immediately spoke, a little angry.

Xu Yang thought for a moment, then asked, "Ma'am, it should be a day before the sachet is delivered."

Concubine Xu Xian stared blankly, "You mean..."

"Once this Gu poison exceeds two days, if you don't find the antidote in time, you will definitely die. It has been a day now. If they can't find the head of Dongxi Palace, then Lian Jue will..." Xu Yang said, his eyes A trace of coldness overflowed.

Concubine Xu Xian slowly suppressed a hint of malice on her face, and said, "Yes, there is still one day left, if there is no antidote to Lian Jue, he will die, it will be fine if he dies!"

"Besides, the Eighth Prince is currently engaged in military affairs. Even if the emperor knows the truth, he will put the overall situation first and will not disturb the morale of the Eighth Prince's army. The best result is that the Eighth Prince wins the battle and uses King Anping's Rentou begs the emperor to be lenient to your empress, and the emperor will agree." Xu Yang analyzed.

"Yes, yes, Bengong, Bengong and Ye'er, Ye'er is everything to this palace, Ye'er is so outstanding, the emperor will not be willing to punish me, he will do his best to protect this palace, Bengong What else is Gong afraid of?
Even if the Lianjue recognizes the ancestor and returns to the clan, but the empress has fallen, he is just a son of the abandoned empress, I am not afraid of him, not afraid of him! Concubine Xu Xian tightly clenched her deputy, her voice trembling, her eyes were scarlet——

"The empress has already been defeated by Ben Gong, and her son can never hope to beat Ben Gong's son!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that the Fourth Highness would suddenly make a big fuss about this matter at Lian Jue's banquet, otherwise the Eighth Highness would not be at risk." Xu Yang said angrily when talking about Feng Qianyue.

"Hmph." Concubine Xu Xian snorted coldly, with a trace of cold contempt in her eyes, and said, "

At the gate of the city, Feng Qianyue looked solemn, secretly holding the saber at his waist.

Soon, a group of people came in a hurry, and he immediately stepped forward and asked, "How is it, is there any trace of the Xiao family?"

"Your Highness, I have searched everywhere, but there is no trace of the Xiao family."

"Trash!" Feng Qianyue raised her foot and kicked the visitor's shoulder forcefully, "There are so many living people, and they can't even find their shadows. What use is it for me, Prince Yue, to support you!"

Feng Qianyue rarely showed such a corrupt expression in front of his subordinates, because the Xiao family escaped, he couldn't escape responsibility!

"Your Highness, calm down, I suspect that these foreigners have long been prepared, and even, there are people here colluding with them, otherwise, under our hunt like a net, there is no possibility of escaping!" The kicked soldier hurriedly knelt Straight up, said.

Feng Qianyue's eyes were startled, "I was in a hurry for a while, and I didn't think about it. From this point of view, there is indeed someone who has made arrangements, who could it be?"

Some people's shadows flashed in his mind.

"Your Highness, at Xushi today, the emperor went to the Prime Minister's Mansion in person. He has not yet come out. The Prime Minister's Mansion is heavily guarded and no one is allowed to enter or leave." At this time, Ying Kong brought the latest situation of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Father, go to the Prime Minister's mansion in person?" Isn't Lianjue a matter of dating and having a child, is it worth the father's trip in person?Feng Qianyue faintly felt that some things seemed to be beyond his expected range, did he overlook something?After a moment, he asked:
"How is Lian Shiya now?"

Ying Kong shook his head, "The people we sent couldn't be contacted, Your Highness, is something wrong?"

Feng Qianyue focused, let out a breath slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Something happened."

"What will happen?" Ying Kong asked with his head trembling.

Feng Qianyue shook his head, "Now I don't know what happened to Lian's family, but it must have something to do with Lian Jue's life experience." He thought again in his mind, recalling the little things since the implementation of the plan , like a falcon trying to find a hole in it—

"Xiangying! Ying Kong, is there any news about Xiangying?"

"After Xiangying entered the Lianfu with his wife, she was deliberately arrested by the eldest lady and provided false information, and she has not seen her since then," Ying Kong said.

Feng Qianyue narrowed her eyes slowly, and then a flash of light flashed in her eyes, saying, "I've been fooled!"

"Your Highness!" Ying Kong quickly followed Feng Qianyue's footsteps, "Unknown subordinate."

"Lian Siyue must have known that Lian Shiya's blood from Lian Jue was not for a curse, but for blood to confess her relatives."

"Then the subordinate doesn't understand even more. Since the eldest lady has long realized that His Royal Highness and Madam will force the Lianxiang to confess their relatives, why do they try to prevent it, but just watch it happen?" Ying Kong hurriedly followed on, asked.

Feng Qianyue paused, pondered for a moment, and said, "This is really the place where this king is worried and worried! Win Kong, get ready, this king is going to visit the prime minister's mansion."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Feng Qianyue ordered others to continue looking for the whereabouts of Xiao's family, while he rushed to the Prime Minister's mansion.

However, when he arrived at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, he found that he was heavily guarded by the imperial guards. Feng Qianyue nodded towards Ying Kong, and Ying Kong stepped forward, clasped his fists, and said:
"Your Royal Highness wants to see the emperor, so please let me know."

"The emperor has ordered that no one is allowed to enter. Your Highness, please go back first." The guard guarding the gate said.

Yingkong paused, and asked, "Do you know why the emperor came to Xiangfu overnight?"

"I don't know." The guard replied.

At this time, Jiang Keji, the commander of the imperial army who heard the movement, came out, saw Ying Kong, and asked, "Is it the Fourth Highness?"

"Exactly." Ying Kong replied, "Commander Jiang, His Highness Fourth Highness has found Princess Eleven, and would like to ask Commander Jiang to report to the emperor."

"Princess Eleven?" Jiang Keji glanced at the carriage at the door, thought for a while, and said, "Please Fourth Highness, please come later."

"It's work."

Jiang Keji turned around and walked into the Prime Minister's Mansion, the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion was closed again heavily.

On the carriage, Feng Qianyue felt more and more ominous, as if there were dark clouds overwhelming him. Through the gap, he saw several crows hovering over the Prime Minister's Mansion——

Lian Siyue, why on earth did you deliberately fall for my tricks?

(End of this chapter)

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