First-class daughter

Chapter 702 The situation worsens

Chapter 702 The situation worsens
Chapter 702 The situation worsens
Feng Qianyue couldn't understand why Lian Shiya tried to find a way to inform him if the internal situation of the Prime Minister's Mansion changed——

It can only be said that something unexpected must have happened. So, what is it?Is it related to Lian Jue?

He couldn't figure it out!
Feng Qianyue couldn't help feeling a deep chill on his back.

Jiang Keji was about to enter the Wenhua Academy, but was told by the eunuch who came out, "Commander Jiang, the emperor is worried about the eleventh prince. If there is anything, report it later."

Jiang Keji nodded, turned around, and saw the Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng walking over, Feng Yunzheng asked,
"Commander Jiang, I heard that His Highness Fourth is outside, does he want to see Father?"

"Yes, His Royal Highness is seeking an audience outside." Commander Jiang said.

"Oh." Feng Yunzheng didn't ask much, with a faint expression on his face, he let the other side go.

"Your Highness Ninth Prince, please stay!" Jiang Keji suddenly walked quickly in front of Feng Yunzheng, "His Royal Highness asked the last general to report to the emperor that Princess Eleven is in his hands."

"Eleven?" Feng Yunzheng showed a trace of doubt on his face, "Isn't Eleven already dead? How could it be in the hands of Brother Siwang? Commander Jiang, what's going on?"

"About a month ago, the third princess told the emperor that someone said that she had seen the eleventh princess in the downtown area. The emperor didn't believe it at first, but what the third princess said was true, so the emperor asked the last general to inquire secretly, and the fourth highness found out first. Eleventh princess, it seems that the princess is really not dead, there may be something hidden about the burning that day." Jiang Keji reported one by one.

Feng Yunzheng frowned slowly, and said, "If this is the case, this matter is indeed worthy of further investigation, Commander Jiang, and report to the emperor immediately when you have a chance later."

"Yes, Your Highness." Jiang Keji clasped his fists, raised his gaze slightly, and glanced across Feng Yunzheng's face indistinctly.

After Jiang Keji entered the Wenhua Courtyard, Feng Yunzheng turned around and walked into another courtyard, the smile on his face disappeared, and a coldness flashed in his previously calm eyes——

Feng Qianyue is holding eleven as the last straw!However, once this matter is exposed, Yue'er may be affected to some extent.

"Your Highness, the sudden appearance of the eleventh princess is not good for the eldest lady. Since Commander Jiang told you first, he obviously reminded you of something. Why don't you just let him tell the emperor instead. If the emperor knows, it will be troublesome... ..."

"Night Breeze, do you know how Jiang Keji got the position of Commander of the Forbidden Army?" Feng Yunzheng asked with a faint expression on his lips.

Night Breeze thought, "Your Highness, what do you mean... Commander Jiang is testing His Highness?"

"Jiang Keji naturally doesn't have the need or the guts to do this. It's the father who is testing this king." Feng Yunzheng showed a faint sneer.

"How do you say that?" Night Breeze was taken aback.

"Jiang Keji is the closest and most trusted subordinate of the father, but at this moment, he directly told me the big thing that Ling Yue'er did not die. Jiang Keji has been by the father's side for many years, and no one can pry it out of his mouth." A little bit of news. In order to obtain first-hand information in the palace, Xiao Zhenhai asked many people openly and secretly, but he couldn't get a single word from Jiang Keji.

This king has no contact with him yet, so he has no reason to tell this king such an important matter beyond his father.If it's not a temptation, it's something else. If the king hears the news but keeps silent, the father will definitely suspect the king's intentions. "

Looking at the two generations, although his father is not a wise emperor, he is also not a foolish emperor, and he is extremely suspicious and often tempts the prince. The reason why the crown prince Feng Ming was deposed at the beginning was because Feng Qianyue said in front of the father that After hearing the gossip about abolishing the prince, the emperor found an opportunity to ask Jiang Keji to test it out. As a result, Feng Ming accidentally showed his scheming, and Feng Qianyue was in the way, so he was abolished by the emperor in a fit of anger.

Jiang Keji's temptation today is exactly the same as when he went to test Fengming back then.Although he is getting closer to his father now, under the imperial power, there is no pure father-son relationship.

After Feng Yunzheng's analysis, Night Breeze was already in a cold sweat of fear. Fortunately, His Royal Highness is wise enough, otherwise after tonight...he shivered violently——

It is said that a companion is like a tiger, which is true, there are traps everywhere, if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

"However, now that the Eleventh Princess is in the hands of the Fourth Highness, if the trouble comes to the emperor and exposes the eldest lady's plan to save the Eleventh Princess, the consequences..." Night Breeze said worriedly.

"This is indeed a problem..." Feng Yunzheng said, "However, it's not always the case..."

As he spoke, he looked up and saw Lian Siyue holding the sachet taken from Lian Jue's body in his hand, looking at it thoughtfully, the sachet was exquisitely crafted and the stitches were well-proportioned, it could be seen that a lot of thought was put into it.

"Yue'er, what are you looking at?" Feng Yunzheng walked over and asked.

"Your Highness, look at this sachet, it's Pan Ruochu's congratulatory gift to Lian Jue..." Lian Siyue handed the sachet to Feng Yunzheng.

"Pan Ruochu? Why is an unmarried woman giving a sachet to an unmarried man?" Feng Yunzheng asked suspiciously.

"That's right, the person Pan Ruochu likes is Your Highness. Although I haven't had any personal contact with her, I don't think she is the kind of person who would casually give men sachets, not to mention that he has never met Lian Jue." Lian Siyue said .

"Yue'er!" Feng Yunzheng showed a begging expression on his face.

"Okay, I'm analyzing." Lian Siyue smiled and comforted, "I also heard that Pan Ruochu likes to wield knives and guns?"

"Yes, when she was in Qingnan, she often appeared as a woman disguised as a man, and King Anqing almost raised her as a prince." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Dancing with knives and guns? Can she still embroider such delicate sachets? This Pan Ruochu seems to be a strange woman." Lian Siyue said, but there was a faint sarcasm on the corner of her lips.

"So, this sachet is really strange..." Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue seemed to have thought of the same place.

"What did Commander Jiang say to His Highness just now? I saw His Highness has a dignified expression." Lian Siyue looked at the direction Jiang Keji was leaving and asked.

"It turns out that Lingyue is in Feng Qianyue's hands. Jiang Keji just revealed the news to me."

"I didn't expect that I kept fighting with him, but in the end he took the lead! I hope he didn't do anything to Ah Yue, otherwise, I, Lian Siyue, would definitely make him regret it for the rest of his life!" Lian Siyue said fiercely.

"Now that the entire Xiao family has defected, he can't absolve himself of the blame. I'm afraid he wants to put all his eggs in one basket and drag you and me into trouble." A cold expression appeared on the corners of Feng Yunzheng's lips.

"It's not good, Your Highness, County Lord!" At this time, Feng Degui hurried over and said anxiously, "His Eleventh Highness seems to be dying, he vomited a lot of blood, and his abdominal pain was unbearable. pain."

(End of this chapter)

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