First-class daughter

Chapter 705 Hand over the antidote

Chapter 705 Hand over the antidote
Chapter 705 Hand over the antidote
Pan Ruochu was enraged, "Concubine Xian, as a harem empress, you actually open your eyes and tell nonsense in front of the emperor, you are too courageous."

Lian Siyue sighed softly again, Pan Ruochu was busy getting angry, angry, and accusing, but what effect would this have on Concubine Xu Xian?
I only heard Concubine Xu Xian say, "Princess Yiyun is young and vigorous, I don't blame you, but if you put the blame on me for the mistakes you made, I will not let you off easily." What she said Her voice was soft, but it exuded a chill and oppression, which made Pan Ruochu lose her mind for a moment. She originally thought that she would be able to make things clear with a few words, but when it came to Concubine Xian, she became the wrong side.

"You asked the palace maid Chunliu to give me this sachet. You gave me two in total, one for Mingan County King and one for Ronghe County Lord. I didn't want it at first, but you asked Chunliu to convince me that it was My Qingnan mascot is just a mascot, not a token of affection for men and women escorts, if she hadn’t told you what you said, how could I have sent a sachet to someone I don’t know! The emperor’s lesson, you can call the maid Chunliu Come and testify with my maid Yinzi!"

As Pan Ruochu spoke, he found that his aura was getting weaker, and Concubine Xu Xian's aura had already tightly overwhelmed her.

"Princess said so? But your maid Yinzi clearly said that you asked her to embroider this sachet." Concubine Xu Xian said flatly.

"What, you, Yinzi..." Pan Ruochu blushed with anger.

Concubine Xu Xian said to Emperor Zhou Cheng, "Your Majesty, please allow the concubine to pass the maid's money into the palace."

"Quite." Emperor Zhou Cheng's face became colder and colder.

During this interval, Concubine Xu Xian slowly looked at Lian Siyue, the corners of her lips slightly raised, and Lian Siyue looked at her quietly.

After a while, Yinzi walked in tremblingly under the custody of the guards.

"Yinzi!" Pan Ruochu shouted!
Yinzi raised his head and glanced at his master, then dodged immediately, knelt down, and said to Emperor Zhou Cheng, "Slave, slave, slave pays homage to the emperor."

"Concubine Xian said that you embroidered this sachet for Princess Yiyun, is it true?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"Yinzi, tell me quickly!" Pan Ruochu ordered loudly.

"Your Majesty, yes, my princess asked her slaves to embroider it." Yinzi lowered her head, not daring to look at Pan Ruochu, trembling all over her body.

"What!" When Pan Ruochu heard that his servant who had been with him for many years actually lied to frame him, he walked up to Yinzi, slapped her hard on the face, and cursed, "Yinzi, you follow me!" I have been around the princess for many years, and this princess has treated you well, but I didn't expect you to conspire with Concubine Xu Xian to frame this princess today, tell me, what kind of benefits did Concubine Xian give you, and asked you to do this betrayal!"

Pan Ruochu was also a martial artist, he slapped Yin Zi dizzy, Yin Zi suddenly kowtowed on the ground, and said, "My lord, the princess redeemed her sins, before the emperor, slaves dare not lie."

"You still dare to lie!" Pan Ruochu said as she was about to lift her foot to kick Yinzi. She was always proud and arrogant. When she was in Qingnan, she never looked down on anyone, even her two brothers , but also to be courteous to her, but now being opposed by a slave, she couldn't swallow this breath in her heart.

"Princess Yiyun is trying to kill someone to silence her?" Concubine Xu Xian asked coldly.

Pan Ruochu put his feet back, turned his head abruptly, and looked at Concubine Xian fiercely, "You woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion, obviously you asked me to take the sachet as a gift, but you were the one who gave me the sachet long before you gave it away." You've already bought off my minion, right?
Oh, good!You said that this sachet belongs to this princess. As we all know, I have never lived with King Ming'an, and he has never sinned against me. I have no reason to harm him. Concubine Xian, your planting is a bit obvious, right? ! "

Seeing Pan Ruochu calm down, Lian Siyue knew that the princess probably gradually realized that anger had no effect on Concubine Xian, but it was a pity that she met Concubine Xian, and Concubine Xian prepared more than one for her. A servant who betrays his master.

Sure enough, Concubine Xian looked at Feng Yunzheng and said, "Ming'an County King has no grievances or enmity with you, but you are full of hatred for Rong and County Lord.

It's just because you love the Ninth Prince Yunzheng in your heart, but Yunzheng...but you want to belong to Rong and the county lord. Feeling uncomfortable with the county lord, Bengong advised you at that time, twisted melons are not sweet, you should be kind to others, the palace is no better than Qingnan, don't act recklessly.Your maidservant can also testify of this. "

Yinzi nodded, and said, "Yes, yes, the princess did say that. When she learned that the King of Ming'an was deeply in love with Rong and the county lord, she asked her servant to make a sachet of poisonous poison. When the princess was in Qingnan I just like practicing Gu."

"You..." Pan Ruochu has always been self-proclaimed, so she never expected that the concubine Xian would turn her white into black today. Moreover, she had indeed expressed in front of the emperor that she would be the concubine of His Highness the Ninth Highness, so the concubine Xian His rhetoric is even more credible to the emperor, "I didn't, you taught me to give medicine to His Highness Ninth Prince, to cook raw rice and cooked rice, I didn't listen!"

When Feng Yunzheng heard the words "cook raw rice into mature rice", he immediately felt displeased, and there was a trace of indifferent disgust in his eyes.

"You said that I wanted to kill Ronghe county magistrate, so why did I give the sachet to Ming An county magistrate but not Ronghe county magistrate?"

"Then I don't know, or the situation didn't allow it at the time?" Concubine Xu Xian blinked her eyes as if guessing.

"You, you... Your Majesty, Concubine Xian is lying, I, Pan Ruochu..." Compared to Concubine Xian's step-by-step approach, Pan Ruochu's side is already defeated.

"Also, Your Majesty, the concubine just sent people to search the palace of Princess Yiyun, and found a large number of red flowers in the palace of the princess." After Concubine Xu Xian finished speaking, Eunuch Yu took out a large bag of red envelopes and put them in the In the hall, "Yinzi, tell me, what are these red flowers used for?"

"Back, back to empress, these safflowers were found by the princess by her servants. She said that the safflowers are extremely cold and can cause infertility. She wants to boil the safflowers into a decoction and give them to Ronghe to drink them. , the county magistrate will bleed heavily and lose her fertility, and His Highness the Ninth Prince will not want her in the future." Yinzi said tremblingly.

When Feng Yunzheng heard this, he felt a chill all over his body. If it wasn't in the Rongyuan Hall, just because these women were talking about Yue'er here, he would get rid of these people immediately!
"You fart! Yinzi!" Pan Ruochu wished he could kill Yinzi immediately, "My princess doesn't know the effect of safflower at all, and I have never seen safflower before. How did this princess come up with such a wicked plan!"

From Lian Siyue's eyes, Concubine Xu Xian seemed to be sure of victory, while Pan Ruochu had obviously lost the battle. Today, if the person who was poisoned was not Lian Jue, Pan Ruochu would die in the hands of Concubine Xian, and he would not even be able to survive.

It's just that the person who was poisoned today was Lian Jue, so... it's different.

"Concubine Xian, let it be enough, the more stones you move now, it will be your own foot." Lian Siyue regained her composure, feeling that Pan Ruochu had also been taught a lesson and the time had come, so she said.

Pan Ruochu was taken aback for a moment, his angry eyes were taken aback, and he looked at Lian Siyue——

"Master Ronghe, you..." Lian Siyue wants to help her?
"Lian Siyue, what nonsense are you talking about? How dare you treat me unreasonably in front of the emperor!" Concubine Xu Xian originally met Lian Siyue's gaze righteously, but when she saw Lian Siyue's cold blade-like gaze , but the body has a feeling of being split in two.

"Your Majesty, when you took the Eleventh Prince away from the Empress Empress, you should have thought that Princess Yiyun would not be able to cover up the crime of killing the emperor's dragon veins for you." Lian Siyue looked at Concubine Xu Xian, step by step approaching her—

"You are delaying time now because you know that it takes only two days from the onset of the Gu poison to the death of a person, and King Ming An only has six hours left, so Concubine Xian should hurry up and hand over the antidote, but don't Let the Eighth Prince's battle be in vain!"

(End of this chapter)

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