Chapter 706
Chapter 706
Lian Siyue approached step by step, with awe-inspiring aura, making Concubine Xu Xian, who had been calm and calm all this time, involuntarily take two steps back, and clenched the handkerchief in her hand——

Yeer?This is the reason for her to do her best in the harem!

Lian Siyue is right, if what happened back then is revealed today, then Ye'er's hard-earned feats will be in vain!
So, she can't, can't be weak, can't admit it!
Therefore, that combo must die!
"Lian Siyue, what did you say, the person who took the eleventh emperor away was the concubine Xian?" Emperor Zhou Cheng suddenly stood up from the dragon chair, and asked in disbelief. The government has confirmed Lian Jue's identity, but has not formally inquired about the ins and outs of Lian Jue's matter.

Pan Ruochu also blinked - the eldest son of Lianxiang is the emperor's son, this is a good show.

"Your majesty, don't listen to Lian Siyue's nonsense, how dare the concubine carry the emperor's dragon son out of the palace." Concubine Xu Xian made up her mind to deny it to the end!

It's been a long time, all the nuns and maids who worked for her are dead, and now there is no proof, as long as she clenches her teeth and refuses to admit it, even if Siyue knows the truth, there is nothing she can do about it, and the emperor no matter what Doubt, and you can't convict her with Lian Siyue's few words.

As for the Lianjue - the longer the delay, the better, after six hours, he will be powerless.

"Concubine Xian, at this point, are you still full of lies in front of the emperor?" Lian Siyue stared at Concubine Xu Xian closely. On the table, he shouted angrily:

"Bold Lian Siyue, you, a little county lord, dare to say these words of slandering the palace again and again, without paying attention to the emperor at all, come, detain Lian Siyue! "

"Concubine Xian!" Lian Siyue yelled loudly, with a piercing chill in his eyes, and said, "The one who doesn't put the emperor in his eyes, isn't it you? You know that Lian Jue is the emperor's child. You took him away for the sake of your status in the harem, you knew that Lian Jue was the emperor's child, and you repeatedly killed him in a vain attempt to exterminate him, and it's over!"

"Bastard!" Concubine Xu Xian suddenly raised her hand, and slapped Lian Siyue's face fiercely!
Even as the moon's head turned, a shadow suddenly drifted by like the wind, and raised her hand to pinch Concubine Xu Xian's wrist. Concubine Xu Xian only felt a huge pain, and when she raised her head suddenly, she saw Feng Yunzheng's murderous eyes , she was startled, then reprimanded:

"Bold! Disrespectful! As the Ninth Prince, you actually treat me..."

"Concubine Xian, you are alive, don't be too lucky." Feng Yunzheng slowly let go of his hand, and slowly uttered these words, Concubine Xu Xian's heart trembled, don't be too lucky?What does he mean by this?
I saw Feng Yunzheng walking in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng, cupping his hands, and said in a clear voice, "Father, since my ministers accidentally learned that the eldest grandson Lianjue of Xiangfu is the father's flesh and blood, they secretly investigated, intending to find out what happened to him back then. The ins and outs of things.

During the investigation process, the son-chen found that when the empress gave birth, the nuns and maids who served by her side were no longer alive, presumably because they were afraid of their deeds being exposed, they were all murdered by the concubine Xian shortly after the incident Killed! "


"However, the sky pays off!" Feng Yunzheng knew that the rescue formula was imminent, and without giving Concubine Xu Xian any chance to argue, she decisively interrupted her, and continued——

"Once, Erchen was assassinated and accidentally fell to the bottom of the cliff. He was rescued by a family of three. Erchen found a silver cup in the storage room of the house. This silver cup belonged to the palace. Although, at the time, I felt that it would be strange for a nanny in the palace to live in seclusion under a cliff with a healthy son, but because I was seriously injured at the time, I was worried about disturbing them, so, He didn't make a sound on the surface, but secretly ordered the guards to hide at the bottom of the cliff to watch.

A few days ago, when Erchen went to the bottom of the cliff again, the aunt finally told Erchen everything. It turned out that she was really not an ordinary person, but Nanny Xiao who had served by Empress Duanwen's side! "

Madam Xiao...

When Concubine Xu Xian heard this name, she took a deep breath and her back felt chilly. When she heard the sound of footsteps, she suddenly turned her head to look at the entrance of the main hall. Bu Yao fell to the ground with a bang.

At the door, an old woman in rough blue clothes walked in step by step with the support of a strong young man.

When Concubine Xu Xian saw this face clearly, her at first calm look was no longer calm at last, she was startled suddenly, and involuntarily took two steps back, her face turned pale for a while, her hand holding the handkerchief trembled——

Xiao, Mother Xiao, isn't she already dead?

Why, why are you still alive and well, don't you, have you seen a ghost?
Nanny Xiao walked up to Concubine Xu Xian and knelt down, "The old slave, Nanny Xiao, pays homage to Concubine Xian. I haven't seen Concubine Xian for a long time. Are you okay?"

Nanny Xiao said, slowly raised her head, looked at Concubine Xu Xian——

"Ah!" Concubine Xu Xian suddenly screamed, took a step back, and the maid behind her hurriedly supported her.

Lian Siyue looked coldly at Concubine Xu Xian who was pretending to be calm——

"You, who are you, Bengong, I don't quite remember, you can just say hello when you ask, why are you so close?" Concubine Xu Xian tried to calm herself down and scolded.

"That old slave really offended you, Concubine Xian!" Madam Xiao said so, then turned around and walked to the middle of the hall, bent her knees, knelt down with a plop, and said loudly, "Old slave, Madam Xiao, see you Your majesty, long live your majesty!"

After saying this, Concubine Xu Xian felt even more frightened, her palms began to sweat, and her mind was quickly thinking about how to escape this hurdle.

"Grassman Li Nan pays homage to the emperor, long live the emperor." The young man who followed also knelt beside Xiao Momo.

Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned slightly, looking at Nanny Xiao, feeling vaguely familiar in his mind, suddenly, his eyes lit up, and said, "I remember, you were the nurse of the deposed prince Feng Ming back then, Feng Ming liked it very much. You nurse."

When Mother Xiao heard it, she burst into tears, and said, "Your Majesty, you manage all kinds of affairs every day, but you still remember this insignificant old slave. ,emperor!"

"Mother Xiao, since the emperor is here now, you should tell the truth one by one, so that the father will not be deceived any more." Feng Yunzheng looked at the timing funnel in the hall, knowing that there was no longer any delay , the time for Lianjue is getting less and less, but if the truth of the year is not revealed first, Concubine Xu Xian will not come up with an antidote.

(End of this chapter)

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