First-class daughter

Chapter 707 Key Witnesses

Chapter 707 Key Witnesses
Chapter 707 Key Witnesses
"Mother Xiao, whether or not my eleventh emperor's son was taken away by Concubine Xu Xian, and what the truth is, tell me one by one without lying!" Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered.

"Yes, yes." Nanny Xiao wiped away the old tears on her face, and said, "This old slave did evil things back then, and he had no face to live on, but this old slave fought hard to survive, and he has been lingering for so many years. , I just hope that one day, I can give justice to the innocent little Highness."

"Mother, don't worry, speak slowly, the emperor is here, so you don't have to be afraid." Li Nan said, holding Nanny Xiao's arm and comforting her.

So, Nanny Xiao glanced at Concubine Xu Xian, Concubine Xu Xian felt that a sharp needle had been pierced into her back, and cold sweat broke out all over her body——

Nanny Xiao said, "Back then, the empress gave birth not to a little princess, but to a little highness. This little highness was very beautiful when he was born. Moreover, under the soles of his feet There are seven rare red moles.

In fact, according to the calculations of Imperial Physician Rong at that time, His Royal Highness would not be born half a month later. At that time, on the afternoon of that day, the Empress Empress came back from a walk in the Imperial Garden, and on the way, two ferocious wild cats rushed out of a fight and ran away. When it reached her body, the empress fell heavily in panic, and the servants carried her back to the Changchun Palace. As a result, she had an attack that night.

Because of the early birth, the Empress Empress had a dystocia, and the birth was very hard. When Her Highness was born, the Empress Empress fell asleep after being fed and drank coma drugs before she had time to take a look at her own flesh and blood.

After the Queen Empress fell asleep, the old slave and Wen Po put the little Highness into the basket containing the Empress Empress's dirty clothes, and secretly carried him out. Beside him, the boy was carried out of Changchun Palace by Wen Po and Lao Nu all the way, and handed over to Concubine Xian.

The empress was bumped by a wild cat, and the coma medicine in the bowl of soup she drank after giving birth was secretly instigated by the concubine Xian. "

"You!" Concubine Xu Xian's face turned pale for a while, and she said with a look of unstoppable anger, "Mother Xiao, you have been away from the palace for more than ten years, and now you come back suddenly, saying that the palace replaced the empress's son. It's not your idea, someone asked you to say that, say, you were instructed by someone to slander me so much!"

When Mother Xiao heard this, she suddenly became very excited, "I have not been ordered by anyone. I have been waiting for an opportunity all these years, an opportunity to expose the true face of your virtuous concubine. , virtuous and virtuous, but you are not worthy of this word at all!"

"Bold! How dare you openly insult me ​​in front of Shengjia, who gave you the courage to this slave, come here, drag her down and beat her hard!" Concubine Xian was angry and said sharply.

"Mistress, don't worry!" Nurse Xiao stood up abruptly, and approached Concubine Xu Xian step by step, "Back then, this old slave was loyal to the empress, but you set a trap for this old slave and offended him. Empress Dowager, you pretended to put the matter down, and then called the old slave to you, saying that if the Empress Dowager gave birth to a little princess, it would be fine, but if she gave birth to a little highness, you would have to replace the old slave with a civet cat for the crown prince. Ken agreed.

But the old slave has a big secret that was found out by you, Concubine Xian. The old slave gave birth to a son with a good friend in his hometown. In order to enter the palace, he bought off his father-in-law at the time, pretended to be an unmarried woman, and entered the palace. in front of.

Concubine Xian used this matter to blackmail the old slave, and the old slave was not afraid of being punished by the Queen Mother. At that time, the old slave was reluctant to let my friend and my child Li Nan sacrifice their lives for this.

Therefore, the old slave was fascinated for a while, agreed to your request, Concubine Xian, and took away the newborn little Highness!

But since then, the old slave has had trouble sleeping and eating every day, and his conscience has been tortured. Later, I told the queen that she gave birth to a prince, not a princess. The princess was brought back from outside, but the old slave was still timid. He lied to the Queen that His Royal Highness was born early and died, so he had to find someone to replace him!
The queen was very angry and drove the old slave out of the palace.
But you, Concubine Xian, planned to kill the old slave, but the old slave rolled off the cliff and survived.

Since then, the old slave has never come up from the cliff again. "

At that time, the old slave begged you bitterly, you can put your little highness in anyone's house to raise her, but please be merciful and don't kill him... But I didn't expect that even now, you still refuse to let her go!
Concubine Xian, concubine Xian, aren't you afraid that His Highness the Eighth Highness will suffer retribution because of you? "

Nanny Xiao said loudly, and suddenly pulled out the sharp hairpin on her head and stabbed at her body, "Your Highness, I am sorry for you, this old slave apologises with death!"

"Ding!" Jiang Keji's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick, and the hidden weapon flicked Nanny Xiao's hand. The hand trembled, and the hairpin fell to the ground, and Nanny Xiao was already limp in her son Li Nan's arms.

"Mother, mother..." Li Nan hurriedly shouted in a low voice.

Concubine Xu Xian's face was pale, she covered her heart with her hands, panting heavily, "You, Nurse Xiao, you..."

Hearing this, Emperor Zhou Cheng's face turned ashen. He looked at Concubine Xian and asked, "Concubine Xian, what Nanny Xiao said, can you admit it?"

"No, my concubine doesn't want to admit it, there's no such thing at all!" Concubine Xu Xian's voice trembled as she knelt on the ground, but her original composure was gone, and her shaky bun was also loose. , "Mother Xiao was a slave who deceived her superiors and deceived others and bribed the eunuchs to sneak into the palace. Just because she made up such a story, should the concubine be charged with murdering the prince? Your Majesty, the concubine and King Ming An Never had any contact."

As she spoke, she began to cry in the hall.

"Concubine Xian..." Lian Siyue sighed, shook his head, and said, "Nurse Xiao, you refuse to admit it, so what about Zhang Jiao from Shanhaiguan?"

Zhang Jiao?Concubine Xu Xian's eyes flashed with fear.

"King Ming An was young, he worried about the country and the people, he didn't want to live a life of glory and wealth, and went to Shanhaiguan to endure hardships, but you also secretly sent a man named Zhang Jiao to lurk beside Lian Jue, assassinating King Ming An several times, King Ming An was supported by the Emperor's Long Wei, so he managed to escape from danger several times, and finally Zhang Jiao failed to be dragged out by my fourth uncle and King Ming An, but Zhang Jiao also died of poisoning very quickly."

"It's nonsense, it's nonsense! I've never heard of Lian Siyue and Zhangjiao. Since they have been poisoned to death, there is no proof of death, so what do you want to say?" Although Concubine Xian was flustered in her heart, she still remained calm on the surface. A look of innocence.

"Am I talking nonsense, why not let Zhang Jiao speak for himself!" Lian Siyue said with a cold smile.

"Shangshu Lian Yanfu of the Ministry of War, the prisoner Zhang Jiao goes to the palace!" Feng Yunzheng ordered immediately.

Under Concubine Xu Xian's horrified gaze, Lian Yanfu was the first to appear at the entrance of the main hall, and the one following behind was obviously Zhang Jiao who should have been poisoned and died violently in Shanhaiguan!
(End of this chapter)

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