First-class daughter

Chapter 708 Panic

Chapter 708 Panic
Chapter 708 Panic
Even Siyue looked coldly at Concubine Xu Xian who was gradually disintegrating, she was not surprised at all when she saw Zhang Jiao, because Concubine Xu Xian never expected that the secret agent she sent not only survived, but also betrayed her and stood in the company's ranks. On the camp of Jue.

"Your Majesty, bring the prisoner Zhang Jiao." Lian Yanfu said.

Zhang Jiao knelt down on both knees and said, "Caomin Zhang Jiao pays homage to the Emperor."

"Lian Siyue, who is this, and what is his relationship with Concubine Xian?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"Zhang Jiao, tell the emperor exactly." Lian Siyue nodded towards Zhang Jiao.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Caomin Zhang Jiao was originally a servant of General Xu Yang's mansion. Later, General Xu Yang assigned Caomin a task. Caomin was drafted into the army and entered the tent of Marshal Lian of Shanhaiguan, in the same battalion as Ajue.

General Xu Yang asked the grassroots to find the right opportunity to kill A Jue, and they would be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver.

Cao Min wanted to kill Ah Jue and go to General Xu to receive the reward, but in the barracks, Cao Min and Ah Jue got along, but felt that he was a very good person. At that time, he also gave me all his silver and asked me to send it back to my family.

A Jue has a good heart and is dedicated to serving the court. The grassroots have no grievances or enmities with him, so they couldn't bear to kill him cruelly, and told him the purpose of my coming to Shanhaiguan. In order to make General Xu Yang give up, A Jue can An Xin stayed in the camp to practice, and also to protect the lives of the grassroots.

So let me continue to assassinate him according to General Xu Yang's order. In the end, I pretended to be poisoned and died. The assassination plan failed, all in order to make General Xu Yang dare not act rashly again. "Zhang Jiao said in earnest, only then did Concubine Xu Xian know that Lian Jue, a young brat, had already seen through her plot, yet he could still pretend that he didn't know anything!
He really deserves to be the person who grew up with Lian Siyue, with a deep scheming heart!

If the emperor recognizes him and returns to the palace, and there will be someone like Lian Siyue behind him to support him, then he will become Ye'er's fearsome enemy!

"General Xu Yang is the younger brother of Concubine Xian. Presumably General Xu also worked for you, Concubine Xian. You can't deny this, Concubine Xian. If the testimony of Aunt Xiao and Zhang Jiao is not enough, then the minister There is also a lot of strong evidence -

The year before last, you found seven red moles on the soles of Lian Jue's feet in the hunting garden, and you recognized him as the little highness you took away back then. You thought she had been strangled to death by you, but you didn't expect him to be blessed. After being strangled and thrown away, he came back to life.

So, you started to assassinate her again and again!

The first time, he went up the mountain to step on mulberries for me to eat, and was killed by the guards you sent. I personally led the nursing home to rescue him, and was helped by His Royal Highness, so although Jue'er was seriously injured, he was still alive. Saved a life.

You will definitely say, why should I say that the person who killed Jue'er was sent by you?

Because, you kept a secret, I found the soles of those assassin’s boots, which had the logo of the palace guards on them, and besides the emperor, only Concubine Feng De, my aunt Concubine Lian Shu, and the empress were the ones who had the right to deploy the palace guards. Empress and Concubine Xu Xian you.

Concubine De has nothing to do with the world, Concubine Lian Shu is Lian Jue's aunt, and the empress did not know Lian Jue at that time, so only Concubine Xian is the most suspected.

The second time was the Empress Dowager's birthday last year. Lian Jue was almost bitten by a poisonous snake while standing under the tree outside the Shouning shop. On that night, there were many snakes in your palace, Empress Xian. Your Majesty, you still have an impression. "

Concubine Xu Xian's face became paler and beads of sweat overflowed, she did not expect that Lian Siyue had already prepared this time, not just to get the antidote for Lian Jue, but to have a general liquidation!

Concubine Xu Xian has ruled the harem for decades, and many people compete with her for favor. She is not the only concubine who gave birth to the prince, but she is the most prosperous one, and she almost took the position of queen.

Over the years, she broke the wings of many empresses, and even the conceited empress was folded into her hands, but today, the formation was disrupted by a mere Lian Siyue!
"Concubine Xian, this is the end of the matter, what else do you have to say! You are virtuous and virtuous, back then I bestowed you with the word virtuous only because you were wise and accessible, and you were a role model in the harem. Evil!
Aren't you afraid that Lao Ba will be implicated and lose everything? "

"Your Majesty!" When Concubine Xu Xian heard the emperor mentioned Feng Ye, she knew that she could no longer kneel and crawl in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng, dragging his dragon robe, and crying, "Your Majesty, it's none of Ye'er's business. He doesn't know anything, he is a good boy, please don't anger him because of my concubine, Your Majesty, everything is the concubine's fault, it's the concubine's fault."

"Hmph." Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his hand and pulled out the dragon robe. With such force, Concubine Xu Xian threw her whole body back and fell to the ground, with the crowns spilling onto the ground. "I knew today, why bother!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Concubine Xu Xian immediately got up again, kowtowed, and begged bitterly, "This concubine made a mistake, this concubine really knew it was wrong, I shouldn't have attacked the empress's son, I beg your majesty not to Mou Ye'er, he is innocent, he is innocent, Your Majesty, he really doesn't know anything, he just wholeheartedly fights for His Majesty, helps His Majesty solve problems, His Majesty..."

"Feng Ye has such a mother and concubine like you, it is his bad luck! I will never forgive you!" Zhou Chengdi's hands trembled, his face flushed. As an emperor, his prince was stolen out of the palace by his concubine and tried to kill him He couldn't stand it anyway.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Concubine Xu Xian lacked her usual dignity and elegance, with regret and fear on her face.

"Your Majesty, King Ming An's time is running out, quickly ask Concubine Xu Xian to hand over the antidote, we can't delay any longer!" Lian Siyue knelt on the ground with an eager expression on his face.

"Father, it's only four hours, if it's any later..." Feng Yunzheng also said beside him.

"Concubine Xian, where is the antidote?" Emperor Zhou Cheng asked.

Concubine Xu Xian sighed deeply, knowing that the situation was over, she finally sat down on the ground and murmured, "Eunuch Yu, go get the antidote."

"Feng Degui, quickly go to Dongxi Palace and take the antidote to Xiangfu, and hand it over to Imperial Physician Rong to rescue King Ming'an." Emperor Zhou Cheng immediately issued an order.

Lian Siyue finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly closed her eyes——

Jue'er, you're fine!

The justice that should be sought, my sister will seek it for you one by one, so that you can return to the position of the prince in an upright manner.

She felt a gaze from the side, turned her head, and met that tender and gentle gaze, and finally a knowing smile appeared on the faces of both of them.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at the concubine Xian on the ground coldly, thinking about how to deal with this woman, so as to relieve his hatred!

(End of this chapter)

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