First-class daughter

Chapter 711 Instigated by Who

Chapter 711 Instigated by Who
Chapter 711 Instigated by Who
As Jiang Keji said, he took out a token from his bosom, and presented it to Emperor Zhou Cheng with both hands.

Feng Qianyue took a closer look, her heart trembled suddenly, a trace of panic and shock appeared on her face, this token really belonged to him, how could it fall into the hands of these Khitan people?

his token...

Various possibilities flashed through Feng Qianyue's mind quickly, he looked at Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue—

No, these two people can't get his token easily, so, this token...

"Jiang Keji, what's the matter with this token? How did you find the fourth prince's token on the Khitan man?" Zhou Chengdi asked sharply.

"Your Majesty, I only found this token when I searched these Khitan people. I don't know about the rest." As the commander of the imperial army, Jiang Keji only took orders to arrest people, and never cared about other things. It's not his business either.

A look of panic flashed across Feng Qianyue's face, and a slight chill appeared on his back, and he said,

"Father, there must be a misunderstanding. I have never had any contact with the Khitan people. There must be something strange about this token appearing on them. I ask Father to investigate clearly and give my son a clean slate." Feng Qian The more he realizes the seriousness of his gaffe, as long as he proves that he has an affair with these Khitan people, it proves that Xiao Zhenhai's defection is related to him!
Not only does it prove that he is related to Xiao Zhenhai's defection, but more seriously, it is said that he colluded with Khitan and intends to rebel!
Xiao Zhenhai's family was ruined just now because of the charge of treason, if he also bears the charge——

Then all these years of being cautious, treading on thin ice, and enduring humiliation are all gone!

Lian Siyue continued to quietly watch the changes in Feng Qianyue's face, she saw the panic she had never seen before in his brows, the corners of his eyes, and some of his subtle expressions.

A cold smile slowly escaped from the corner of her lips——

Feng Qianyue felt this unusual gaze in the hall, and couldn't help looking over, he was startled——

is her?

"Your Royal Highness, why do you need to be complacent? You are talented and the most capable of all the princes, but because of your background, you have never been valued by the dog emperor. I don't want to do it for you!"

At this time, the Khitan man Yiming suddenly stood up and said a little excitedly——

"Emperor Dog, you don't know right from wrong. His Highness Fourth is clearly the most sage. You have wronged him all these years. You are a fool!"

When Yiming said these words, Lianlian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng showed a look of shock on their faces!

That's right, it was Feng Yunzheng, Ye Feng, Leng Mei, and Lian Tian who had sneaked into the Prime Minister's mansion to kill Lian Jue and captured them.

After Lian Siyue recognized them as Khitan people, she made another trick, it turned out that the people who kidnapped Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao He were Khitan people.

She knew that these Khitan people came here to avenge Yelu Chongyuan, the king of the Southern Courtyard, but they failed.

So, she had an idea, and immediately came up with an idea——

Xiao Zhenhai and Xiaohe just defected, and the emperor was furious, why not let Feng Qianyue carry this pot on his back?
Wasn't he anxious to make use of Lian Jue's life experience to make a fuss and defeat her and Lian Jue?
Therefore, Ye Feng and Lengmei took advantage of Feng Qianyue's full attention to track down the whereabouts of Xiao Zhenhai's family and neglected their own mansion, tied up Yi Ming and others, threw them into Yue Wang's mansion, and led Jiang Keji to go The Yue Palace investigated, and as a result, Jiang Keji found the Khitans in the Yue Palace.

However, Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng never expected that Yiming would suddenly risk his life to say these words, which were enough to destroy all Feng Qianyue's plans.

This is……

The two looked at each other halfway through the air, and suddenly, they understood everything——

Xiao Zhenhai, it really is a poisonous scorpion, old fox!

Before leaving, he still bit Feng Qianyue——

What a bite though!

On a certain winding path, the carriage bumped forward, and the thick sunset fell on the roof of the carriage, revealing a kind of tragic and gorgeous poignancy.

Xiao Zhenhai looked at the golden color outside the carriage - he was getting farther and farther away from the capital.

Yeluchu smiled and said, "General Xiao, don't worry, Xiaowang's subordinates are all loyal, and Yiming is Xiaowang's number one dead man, he obeys Xiaowang's orders very much, Xiaowang asked him to pretend to be with the Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue colluded with the Assassination Lianjue and let you go, he would risk his life to do the same."

Yeluchu has great confidence in the people he has trained.

Xiao Zhenhai put down the curtain of the carriage, with a deep coldness in his eyes, he snorted, "My son-in-law thinks he is cunning, and he once played tricks on this old man.

Now, before the old man leaves, he bites him silently, and he will not feel better, so that he can deeply remember that I, Xiao Zhenhai, will always be Xiao Zhenhai, even if the old man dies, he will not let him go!
Anyway, now that Rou'er is leaving with us, the old man has no scruples anymore. "

Xiao Zhenhai glanced at Xiao Rou who was lying on the fur mat and was sleeping very deeply, and hadn't woken up yet, and said.

"Xiao Wang knew early on that this fourth lady is the general's heart, so Xiao Wang paid attention to her when he first entered the capital. Since he wants to invite the general to go with Xiao Wang today, he will naturally not leave any of the general's family members.

Don't worry, the general, when he arrives in Youzhou, Xiao Wang will immediately invite the emperor's grandmother to make the Fourth Miss Princess Zhaoran. He wants to make the most of the glory and wealth. If the princess is willing, it is also possible to recruit another son-in-law. "

Facing Yeluchu's always polite attitude, Xiao Zhenhai was very helpful. He laughed loudly and said, "My lord, from now on, we will be on the same boat. You kill Lianjue, and I kill Feng Yunzheng." Lian Siyue! Hahaha."

"You and I collaborate, and the benefits can cut through gold!" Yelu Chu smiled along with Xiao Zhenhai, but a deeper coldness flashed in the corner of his eyes.

After laughing, Xiao Zhenhai's eyes fell on the sleeping Xiao He, a gloomy flashed in his eyes——

This is his most proud son, but now—

He stretched out his hand, patted Xiao He's body, and said, "He'er, even if you resent my father, I will take you away with me as a father. We have to avenge this great hatred of the Xiao family. I hope you When you arrive in Youzhou, you will figure it all out.


"Shut up!" Feng Qianyue made a move, kicked Yiming hard, and said with a cold smile, "How dare you use such a small skill in front of the emperor.

This king and you have never known each other. This king is even more ignorant of everything about you in the capital, let alone any conspiracy with you. Now you are deliberately pretending to have something to do with me in front of your father. Who is instigating you? ? "

(End of this chapter)

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