Chapter 712

Chapter 712

Yiming was taken aback, and said, "Fourth Highness, it doesn't matter if I die, but your own father looks down on you, despises you as a court lady, suppresses you in every possible way, I feel worthless for you!"

As he was speaking, Yiming suddenly bit his tongue, blood flowed out of his mouth immediately, and he fell to the ground, followed closely by the rest of the Khitans, all of whom were bleeding from the corners of their mouths.

Jiang Keji quickly took a few steps forward, squatted on the ground to check the mouths of several people, and said, "They killed themselves by biting their tongues!"

"Probably because he was afraid that the father would continue to track down the whereabouts of Xiao Zhenhai and others, so he chose to simply commit suicide. It's really cunning." Feng Yunzheng said.

But at the same time, it also made Feng Qianyue even more speechless.

Sure enough, Emperor Zhou Cheng's face was extremely ugly.

His eyes suddenly looked at Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue saw murderous intent and deep resentment in his eyes, and a sense of sadness gradually felt in his heart——

Xiao Zhenhai was hijacked by the Khitan people, and this Yiming is now openly arguing for him, but in fact, he is accusing him of helping the Xiao family defect and colluding with the Khitan——

His father-in-law, when he left

"Father, son..."

"A slut will always be a slut. You are like your own mother. You have a kind of lowliness in your bones. I am disgusted by the way you refuse to accept your fate." Zhou Chengdi showed no mercy in front of everyone. In front of him, he severely reprimanded Feng Qianyue.

Feng Qianyue only felt a pot of cold water pouring down from the top of his head, a burst of coldness, a flash of sadness and loneliness flashed in his eyes, he opened his lips, and said:
"Yes, what the father said is reasonable, my son... was born as a slut."

Lian Siyue looked at Feng Qianyue. In her previous life, she would have been sad and angry for his current situation——

In the previous life, she had seen with her own eyes how Feng Qianyue was looked down upon by the emperor, how he was excluded by the emperor, and how he lived like walking on thin ice among the princes.

So, my heart was full of love and pity for him, weeping secretly for him, imagining that I could comfort him and help him.

She recalled the scene in her mind——

It was in the royal hunting garden, Feng Qianyue came out of the emperor's tent, and when she saw him enter the emperor's tent, she hid aside and waited secretly.

Seeing his lonely appearance, she finally mustered up the courage to follow behind him, and timidly called out, "Fourth Highness."

When Feng Qianyue heard someone calling her, she put away the thoughts on her face, turned her head, and saw a girl with red cheeks standing in front of him, "Are you the eldest daughter of Lianxiang?"

Lian Siyue blushed even more, nodded, "Yes, I am Lian Siyue."

A smile appeared on Feng Qianyue's face, and he asked lightly, "You have been following me?"

"No, no, I'm... I met you by chance." Lian Siyue's heart jumped when she heard what he said so directly, as if she was afraid that someone would see through her mind.

Feng Qianyue smiled slightly, it is undeniable that in Lian Siyue's eyes at that time, Feng Qianyue was the most beautiful man in the world, she was like an idiot, she was about to get drunk in his evil eyes, Therefore, she couldn't see at all that apart from the smile in those eyes, there was also coldness, ruthlessness, and terrible indifference.

She took off a sachet from her body, and with the purest sincerity of a girl, she gave the sachet to him, saying, "I embroidered this, and the embroidery is not good, so I give it to Your Highness."

She said, turned and ran away.

Feng Qianyue put the sachet in the palm of his hand. The embroidered work of the sachet was average, and the stitches were even a little uneven. His expression moved slightly, and he left holding the sachet.

Later, when Lian Siyue had the opportunity to marry him——

She cheered in her heart, feeling that she was the happiest person in the world, so with a pure heart, she paid for him and imagined for him. She knew his ambition and the revenge in his heart, so she paid silently and forbeared.

No matter what he did, she would support him unconditionally. Even when a wounded bear rushed towards her, she, a weak woman, stood in front of him without thinking of herself.

And when he and Xiao Zhenhai started to collude, she also advised him and found a way.

How did she know that at that time, he had already slowly given up between her and Lian Shiya, everything she gave for him, her love for him, and pity for him, became worthless in his eyes He didn't care about her feelings for him at all.

So, now, seeing Feng Qianyue being trampled on by Emperor Zhou Cheng in public, she no longer has any sympathy——

His life experience is pitiful, but the way he climbed up by stepping on the corpses and blood of his loved ones is so hateful and so damned!

She wanted to share weal and woe with him, but he didn't have this idea. From the beginning to the end, he only regarded her as a pawn to win the support of the prime minister's mansion!
Lian Siyue's distant eyes fell on Feng Qianyue, while Feng Yunzheng was looking at Lian Siyue, and the scene in front of him also returned to his previous life in a trance——

Outside the account, Xiaoyue'er stood in front of Feng Qianyue, full of apprehension and cautiousness, with love in her eyes.

She never knew that at that time, when her gaze was occupied by Feng Qianyue, he was standing silently behind her, holding a pink flower cut from a peach tree in his hand.

With a bitter smile on his face, he quietly put the flower branch on the ground, turned around and left.

And when Lian Siyue ran back excitedly because she had a conversation with Feng Qianyue, she stepped on this peach blossom. She bent down, picked up the peach blossom branch, and murmured, "Who, put this Beautiful peach blossoms are placed here."

"Come on, take the fourth prince..." Emperor Zhou Cheng had lost trust and patience with Feng Qianyue——

"Father!" Just at this moment, a voice came from outside the hall.

The eunuch trotted in, with a terrified expression on his face, Emperor Zhou Cheng's expression was displeased, "Someone is yelling outside."

"Back to the emperor, it's the third princess and...and..."

"With whom?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"With Princess Eleven." The eunuch wiped the sweat off his brow and said.


Emperor Zhou Cheng stared blankly, remembering that the third princess Feng Jiao came to him to tell him about seeing Ling Yue'er.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue looked at each other. It turned out that Feng Qianyue had left a trick. No wonder he didn't mention A Yue's matter for a long time. It turned out that Feng Jiao borrowed from the third princess to please the emperor. The mentality of meritorious service.

At this time, at the entrance of the main hall, the third princess Fengjiao walked in, and the person following her was clearly——

"Princess..." Lian Siyue was startled, Ah Yue was clearly dressed like a little nun——

Wearing a blue nun's shirt, her jet-black hair was gone, her face was pale and thin, her hands clasped together, her eyes fixed on the ground, she walked in following the third princess Fengjiao.

Lian Siyue felt sour and blamed herself, no wonder she couldn't be found, she became a nun.

(End of this chapter)

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