First-class daughter

Chapter 723 It's All Smiles

Chapter 723 It's All Smiles
Chapter 723 It's All Smiles
Now, in the Prime Minister's Mansion, everyone knows that the Ninth Highnesses are almost giving up all they have to marry their eldest daughter. No one has ever seen a prince marrying a wife in such a battle. His love and favor are beyond words. , unabashedly.

This not only made the unmarried ladies envious and jealous, but also made all the girls in the capital envious. Everyone was talking about how expensive the betrothal gift His Ninth Highness gave to Ronghe County Chief.

Lian Siyue doesn't care about these things, she should still eat and sleep, but now that Yun Zheng is openly supporting her, she is more leisurely than before, and she even asked Qingdai to find a lot of precious flowers and plant them in pots.

At the same time, Lian Yanqing and Lian Mu didn't say anything about Lian Siyue about Lian Jue, on the contrary, all of them valued and respected Lian Siyue even more.

Even Lian Siyue was going to be re-elected to be in charge of the rear house, and even his mother called Lian Siyue to come over, saying that Lian Siyue was originally intended to be in charge of the back house, but because she was going to marry and go to the mansion of His Highness the Ninth Prince. So he decided to choose another person, and asked Lian Siyue who was suitable to replace this position.

Lian Siyue elected the third wife, Mrs. Liu. From Lian Siyue's point of view, Mrs. Liu is as wise as a fool. From the matter of Lian Jue, she is better at assessing the situation than other people in the house, and she is hard to shake.

Lian's mother felt that there was no more suitable person at the moment, so she considered and agreed to Lian Siyue's proposal.

When Mrs. Liu heard the news, she was so excited that she couldn't get any more excited. She was the first to run up to Lian Siyue and assured her that she had to ask the county magistrate first about the matter of the house in the future. The county lord went to His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, and she would report to her even the big and small matters of the family.

Mrs. Liu is very clear that since Siyue can give her the power to manage the back house, she can also take it back. She can see very clearly now that in the Lian family, the eldest lady is nothing, and the old lady is nothing. The person is Lian Siyue, and if she wants to consolidate the power in the back house, she must rely on Lian Siyue's breath.

Lian Siyue said with a faint smile, "Third Aunt is being polite, Third Aunt can do it."

A luxurious carriage came out from Zhengyang Gate, and the people in the carriage heard the commotion outside, so they couldn't help but lift the curtain of the carriage.

The people on the street were amazed by his appearance when they wanted to see his right face, but felt regretful when they saw his left face.

Feng Jue asked, "It's so lively, what happened?"

Sijiu hesitated to speak.

"Go ahead."

"Your Highness, you have been kept in the palace by the emperor these days. You don't know that the news has spread throughout the capital."

"What news?" Feng Jue asked.

"Your Highness Nine, three letters and six ceremonies, I'm going to marry the eldest lady." Sijiu secretly glanced at Feng Jue and said.

Feng Jue's hands tightened slightly, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he said, "A match made in heaven, it's a happy event." He let go of the curtain with his hand, and hid a face behind the curtain.

"Your Highness, are you going to see the Eldest Miss? To the east is the Prime Minister's Mansion, and to the west is our Ming An Palace." After walking all the way, Sijiu asked.

After a while, a word came from inside the carriage, "Let's go west."

"...Yes, groom, go back to Ming An Palace." Sijiu ordered.

Inside the car, Feng Jue closed his eyes deeply. He remembered telling his sister once that if he is Lian Jue, he will always be Lian Jue. But now that he has become Feng Jue, everything has changed after all.

Now, everything in the prime minister's mansion has become very distant to him, and anything that happens there has nothing to do with him.

Now, his sister was going to get married, all he had to do was prepare a generous gift for her.

He remembered that when the sun rose to the prime minister's mansion, his sister finally said to him, "Jue'er, I will always be proud of you as my younger brother."

Younger brother is his eternal identity in front of her.

Liang Guofu.

"What..." Liang Shumo jumped off the bed like a grasshopper, grabbed the visitor by the collar, and said, "Sister Yue accepted His Highness Ninth Prince's marriage proposal?"

"Isn't it, young master, the whole capital has been spread, the three books and six ceremonies of His Highness the Ninth Prince have been spread from Prince Heng's Mansion to the entrance of the Xiang's Mansion, half of Zhengyang Street." The boy who came said.

"Oh!" Liang Shumo chopped off his feet violently, and said, "I blame my grandfather for beating me so hard that I couldn't get out of bed, and let His Highness Jiu rob my Sister Yue for nothing! No, I want to see Sister Yue immediately and tell her , it would be better to marry me."

Liang Shumo said, enduring the pain in his buttocks, twisting his body crookedly, and walked out of the mansion.

"Quick, prepare the sedan chair!" He hurriedly ordered again.

All the way to the prime minister's mansion, Liang Shumo's face turned green. This Ninth Highness is even more exaggerated than him, and the betrothal gift is too much——

"He moved the entire palace here!" Liang Shumo said angrily.

"Then young master, are you still going in?" The servant asked from the side.

"Turn back!" Liang Shumo said after thinking for a while.

"Ah, forget it?" The servant was taken aback.

"How is it possible! Never give up! However, the person I want to see now is not Sister Yue, but His Highness the Ninth Prince, let's go to Prince Heng's Mansion!" Liang Shumo ordered the bearer to turn the sedan chair around and headed for Prince Heng's Mansion .

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Because His Highness Ninth Prince was about to get married, there were very few maids and maidservants in Prince Heng's residence, mainly males. Concubine Liang was afraid that something might go wrong, so she specially sent Nanny Li and others from the palace to help.

His Highness Nine is in a good mood all day long, with a smile on his face all the time, in Night Breeze's words——

"Look at our Ninth Highness, even the wrinkles are full of smiles."

Feng Yunzheng tapped him on the head, and said, "This king is in his youth, and his appearance is as beautiful as a flower. Where did the wrinkles come from?"

Night Breeze giggled, and said, "That's the only way to describe a humble job. His Highness Ninth Prince is naturally magnificent and unmatched by anyone. Now that he is married with the eldest lady, he will be a pair of swords, the world's most immortal couple."

Feng Yunzheng smiled, "This remark is very pleasing to the king, I appreciate it."

Night Breeze was pleasantly surprised, and said with a shy face, "Your Highness, give me the cold eyebrow."

"Lengmei is a person, not a thing. How can this king give it to you?" Feng Yunzheng frowned and said.

"Your Highness, I understand what you mean. What I mean is that I need you to open the golden mouth first and allow me to get married, so that I can go after my wife with all my strength. Otherwise, I can't give her a title. Wouldn't I be sorry for her?" Night Breeze spoke his mind.

Feng Yunzheng folded his arms around his chest and groped for his chin, as if he was weighing something.

Night Breeze remembered what the eldest lady heard about her outspokenness that day, and quickly clasped his hands together, begging, "Your Highness, I made a mistake. I will go to the gate of Prince Heng's mansion and kneel in public for three days and three nights."

"That's all." Feng Yunzheng opened Jinkou, "This king agrees, it depends on whether you have the ability to catch up with this king's number one female secret guard."

Ye Feng was overjoyed, and immediately knelt down on one knee, saying, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness!"

"Your Highness, Your Highness, it's not good, it's not good!" At this time, the butler Liu Bo hurried over.

(End of this chapter)

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