First-class daughter

Chapter 724 Give You an Invitation Card

Chapter 724 Give You an Invitation Card
Chapter 724 Give You an Invitation Card
"Why panic?" Feng Yunzheng suppressed his smile and asked;
"Then, Mr. Liang, the grandson of Liang Guofu, is here, and he is at the gate of the palace, saying that he is going to duel with His Highness." Uncle Liu said in panic, wiping his sweat. The old man is quite respected by the emperor, and this Liang Shumo is a well-known devil in the world, so he is naturally not easy to mess with, no wonder the butler is nervous
"Pfft!" Night Breeze laughed, "Your Highness, your number one love rival is here."

"For the first time, someone wants to fight with this king, which is quite interesting." Feng Yunzheng smiled and said, "Please invite him in."

"Yes" the butler got the order and hurried away
After a while, I saw Liang Shumo walking in aggressively in a purple brocade robe, and said loudly, "Your Highness, you are too unkind. I, Liang Shumo, have come to challenge you for a duel. If you have the guts, let's have a one-on-one written test."

He was yelling and cursing, but at a glance, he saw the spotless Ninth Prince in fluttering white clothes standing under a pine and cypress tree. He was surrounded by a fairy air that could not be tolerated in the world, with a half-smile on his face, Liang Shumo was taken aback. , stopped in his tracks, full of anger, couldn't express it all at once, looked at Feng Yunzheng stupidly, and murmured:

"Is it necessary for a man to look so good-looking?"

Feng Yunzheng didn't hear what he was muttering clearly, and said:

"I heard that Mr. Liang is going to fight with me? I don't know how to fight."

Then Liang Shumo came back to his senses and said, "That's right, Your Highness the Ninth Prince, you are really unkind. The last time I saw me in the Prime Minister's Mansion, I only secretly said that Sister Yue had someone in her heart. How could I expect that person to be you?"
And you didn't say clearly that you liked Sister Yue. Now you are taking advantage of my injury to propose marriage to Sister Yue, and you have made everyone in the capital know that if you do such a small trick, it doesn't mean that I won't have any more chances. Yet? "

Feng Yunzheng said unhurriedly, "I don't intend to give anyone a chance, naturally including Mr. Liang and you."

Liang Shumo was outraged by Feng Yunzheng's domineering declaration, and said bluntly: "Your Highness, you are too domineering. You like Sister Yue, and I like Sister Yue. We should have a public duel. Whoever wins, Sister Yue will belong to whoever wins." .”

"Yue'er belongs to me. I don't think there is any need to fight, but if Mr. Liang really wants to fight, I can let Ye Feng, the dark guard next to me, practice with you." Feng Yunzheng said arrogantly Liang Shumo's face turned blue with anger——

"You, you look down on me, and actually send a hidden guard to deal with me, you, don't you dare to make a move!"

"Butler." With a dark smile on Feng Yunzheng's face, he stretched out his hand, and the butler immediately brought over a booklet.

"This is the wedding invitation for this king and Yue'er. Mr. Liang, put it away and check the date carefully. You are welcome to have a glass of wedding wine when the time comes. Don't miss it."

Liang Shumo's face turned pale, "Didn't you just propose marriage? The date is set?"

"It was ordered a long time ago." Feng Yunzheng had a meaningful expression on his face.

Liang Shumo took the invitation card, looked at the content written on it, his hands were shaking, "You, you, you..."

Standing behind Feng Yunzheng, Night Breeze couldn't help laughing in his heart. His Highness Ninth Prince was really too bad. He was the first one to send the invitation to this fragile Mr. Liang before the exact date was set. It took the life of Mr. Liang.


Liang Shumo fell directly to the ground, still holding the invitation tightly in his hand, and said, "You are...too much."

"Young Master, Young Master!" The young servant who came with him was startled, and rushed up, shaking, "Master, wake up, wake up, don't scare the villain."

"Night Breeze, send a carriage to take Mr. Liang home. I won't send you if the king wants to enter the palace." Feng Yunzheng ordered.

"Yes!" Night Breeze said, trying to hold back his smile.

"I, I'm not going home. I'm here. I'm recuperating here." With his last breath of strength, Liang Shumo struggled to say a word
However, soon, Night Breeze and a few other guards lifted Liang Shumo up and put him in a carriage. At the same time, Feng Yunzheng also confessed, "Say hello to Old Master Liang."

Therefore, when Liang Shumo was sent back to Liang Guofu, he alarmed the old man of Liang. When the old man heard that he had openly gone to Prince Heng's mansion to find His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, he was so angry that he swung his stick and beat him violently. According to Night Breeze Said that Liang Shumo was still loudly saying when he was beaten, "Your Highness Ninth Prince, you are too insidious to let my grandfather beat me on purpose!"

The palace, inside the princess hall.

Pan Ruochu was wearing fiery red clothes, her face was tense, the long sword in her hand stabbed sharply, every move was quite fierce, when two maids came in, her eyes flickered, and the sword stabbed towards the maids.
"Ah!" The maid turned pale with fright, she fell to the ground with her buttocks, and the things in her hands fell to the ground.

"The princess is so amazing!" Another court lady came back to her senses and quickly knelt down and said.

Pan Ruochu felt a little lack of interest, put away the sword, sat down at the side, took a sip of the tea handed over by the court lady, although the old bitch Concubine Xu Xian deserved to be thrown into limbo, she also cleared her grievances but the money The matter of betraying her still haunts her.

"Princess, if you feel bored, I will accompany you to the Imperial Garden." said Xiuru, the newly assigned maid to her.

"It's quite boring, I think I'll go back to Qingnan." Pan Ruochu said.

"Princess, you can go back after His Royal Highness Ninth Prince and Ronghe county master's wedding. I heard that His Royal Highness Ninth Prince said that he would give one to the county master..." Before the other court lady could finish her sentence, Pan Ruochu With sharp eyes, he shut his mouth in fright.

"Go to the Imperial Garden!" Pan Ruochu felt depressed, got up and walked towards the Imperial Garden.

Arriving at the Imperial Garden, I just happened to see Feng Yunzheng walking towards this side from the other side from afar. Perhaps it was a happy event, and looking at him from a distance, there was a faint smile on his face. Pan Ruochu stared at him— —

Dressed in a silver robe, the whole world is covered, spotless, dignified, and the appearance of the man she likes is all on him.

She murmured, "I can't blame me for not being able to control myself, I can't blame me for not being free and easy, I can't blame me for becoming even hating myself, it's all because you are so good, I can't help but want to get you, thinking that you will be perfect Completely turned into Lian Siyue's person, I have trouble sleeping and eating, I, Pan Ruochu, have never lost before, and I don't want to lose this time, everyone says that a twisted melon is not sweet, but if it is not sweet, I want to twist it off, Even if you can’t give it to me, just take a look.”

Seeing him approaching, Pan Ruochu suddenly had the idea of ​​playing a prank, and she told the two maids, "Stand back, no matter what happens to me, don't come over."

(End of this chapter)

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