Chapter 725
Chapter 725
After the two court ladies retreated, Pan Ruochu immediately climbed up to a nearby tree. With the cover of the branches, she couldn't see that there was anyone on the tree. She saw Feng Yunzheng approaching through the leaves, and a sly smile flashed in her eyes meaning.

Feng Yunzheng just came out from Rongyuan Palace to meet the emperor, and now he is going to Menghua Palace to meet Lianggui Concubine, because he is about to be the groom's official, he is extraordinarily beaming.

Pan Ruochu looked at him without blinking. When he passed under the tree, he blinked, let go of his hands, and fell into Feng Yunzheng's arms sharply, with a bright smile on his face.

As Feng Yunzheng was walking, he suddenly felt something strange coming from above his head, a sharp flash of light flashed in his eyes, he raised his head suddenly, and saw a red figure falling towards his arms with a scent.

"Ah, Your Highness Ninth Prince, help me!"

Pan Ruochu screamed, with frightened eyes on his face, he stretched out his hand towards Feng Yunzheng, but——

The moment she was about to fall into his arms, Feng Yunzheng retreated sharply——

With a "bang", Pan Ruochu fell to the ground abruptly. Thanks to her skill, she secretly exerted her strength when she finally landed, so she didn't break her own bones.

Feng Yunzheng looked at the person who fell in front of him, and frowned, his eyes didn't have the warmth when he faced Lian Siyue, only indifference

Pan Ruochu looked at him resentfully, and said, "I fell, but you didn't help me, I hurt, look."

As she spoke, she held up her scratched hand to show Feng Yunzheng. Sure enough, there was a trace of blood seeping from the palm of her hand. Her slightly pouting appearance was a little pitiful, completely different from her usual turbulent appearance, but it was different. charm

It's a pity that the person she faced was Feng Yunzheng!
"You're blocking my king's way." Feng Yunzheng looked down at the woman on the ground, and a faint sentence escaped his mouth.

Pan Ruochu blushed, her brain ached from anger, but in the end she had to get up by herself, and said angrily, "It's okay if you don't care about someone falling down, but it's too heartless to say that, anyway, I'm also a princess , You are so embarrassing for me."

"Princess Yiyun is such a big person, and she still climbed up the tree. This king doesn't understand very well." Feng Yunzheng looked up at the tree and said.

"Pfft..." Night Breeze behind him couldn't help laughing out loud. Is His Highness really ignorant or just pretending to be stupid? Princess Yiyun fell down on purpose, waiting for him to be a hero to save the beauty, but he didn't do anything to save her. Forget it, and secretly satirize others.

Hey, his master is really suffering from a disease called "specially favored like a moon". In his eyes, the eldest lady is good in everything, and everything is worth cherishing. If the eldest lady plays such a prank with him today, I'm afraid he will I want to fly to the sky happily, but it is worthless if it is replaced by another woman.

Pan Ruochu gave Night Breeze a hard look, and Night Breeze quickly closed his mouth, dismissed the smile on his face, and pretended to look away.

Pan Ruochu said, "I'll go up the tree to see the scenery, can't I?"

"Princess Yiyun take a look, I will take my leave." Feng Yunzheng said, and walked past Pan Ruochu.

"Wait!" Pan Ruochu blocked Feng Yunzheng's way, and said, "Your Highness did not forget that I went back to the capital with you and proved your innocence in front of the emperor, so you were safe and sound, and instead sent Xiao Zhenhai to the prison Right, now I'm treated as a stranger, could it be that His Highness can ignore others for the sake of a woman? It's too unmanly."

"If you don't represent your father, follow my king's suggestion, and go to Beijing with me to show my father's determination to withdraw the vassal, I'm afraid that your father is one of the people attacked by His Royal Highness, and you can't stand on the sidelines." Here, with the identity of a princess, I'm doing these boring things with this king." Feng Yunzheng gave Pan Ruochu a contemptuous look, and said

" said I was boring" Pan Ruochu admitted that if his father hadn't obeyed Feng Yunzheng's withdrawal of the feudal clan in time, Qingnan would be full of wars now, but he bluntly said that she was boring, which really hurt her self-esteem

Feng Yunzheng had no intention of talking to her any more, and walked past her, ready to leave
Pan Ruochu suddenly had a feeling of revenge in his heart, didn't he want to maintain absolute loyalty to that Lian Siyue, both mentally and physically?

She refused to let him get his wish!

So, when Feng Yunzheng passed by her, she deliberately pretended to sprain her ankle, and fell on Feng Yunzheng's body with an ah. Unexpectedly, Feng Yunzheng was very sensitive to the smell of other women. Before he thought of it, he had cleverly dodged and dodged it, so Pan Ruochu leaned impartially on Night Breeze who was following behind
"..." Night Breeze was taken aback, and immediately wanted to push away, but because Pan Ruochu was a princess, he had no choice but to hold back the impulse, clenched his hands into fists, and gave Feng Yunzheng a resentful look—His Highness wanted to keep his "" Bingqingyujie", unexpectedly sacrificed him without hesitation!
As soon as Pan Ruochu looked up, she saw Ye Feng's twitching and motionless face, she stood up straight suddenly, and said angrily, "Bold!"

"Yes, damn the humble job!" Night Breeze clasped his fists and bowed his head.

Pan Ruochu turned his head to look for Feng Yunzheng again, but he had already left
She turned her head abruptly, staring at Night Breeze
Night Breeze immediately said, "Damn the humble job, resign from the humble job"

As he said that, he quickened his pace and quickly caught up with Feng Yunzheng, feeling like he was running away
"...Hmph!" Pan Ruochu stomped his feet on the ground angrily.
At this time, when she looked up, she saw His Highness Feng Rong, his expression was gloomy, and he walked over from the direction of Rongyuan Hall resentfully, Pan Ruochu's eyes flickered:
The Tenth Highness, Feng Rong, was originally an ally with the Fourth Highness, Feng Qianyue. Now that Feng Qianyue has been relegated to southern Xinjiang to herd sheep, the Tenth Highness will inevitably be affected. It is said that the emperor has recently treated him very coldly. His Royal Highness's position as mother and concubine is not very high, so it goes without saying that she is in a current situation
Pan Ruochu looked at him, and suddenly came up against him, so he went forward and said, "Your Majesty Tenth is frowning, but what's on your mind?"

Feng Rong looked up, saw that it was Pan Ruochu, and said, "So it's Princess Yiyun, this king is thinking about something."

"But thinking about his own future, the Fourth Highness fell down, and the Eighth Highness and the Ninth Highness were divided into courts, but the Eighth Highness had a concubine who was holding back, and now there was an Eleventh Highness for no reason, and this Eleventh Highness was better than any prince. They are all more loved by the emperor, so His Highness the Tenth Highness is very distressed, which Highness should be attached to in the future so that he will not lose everything halfway like the Fourth Highness, right?" Pan Ruochu said bluntly
Feng Rong was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that Pan Ruochu's first class of girls would actually hit the point, he hurriedly said, "Princess Yiyun, the capital is no better than Qingnan, women are not allowed to discuss politics, you should pay less attention to these matters and have fun."

(End of this chapter)

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