Chapter 726
Chapter 726
Pan Ruochu smiled and said, "Pedantry, it doesn't matter whether he is a man or a girl, as long as it is right, it doesn't matter. Besides, His Highness is in urgent need of help, isn't it? Perhaps, we Qingnan can help His Highness. "

"You don't get paid for nothing, Princess Yiyun will definitely not help this king for no reason." Feng Rong said.

"Your Highness, this is really not a good place to talk, why don't we find a place to talk tomorrow, what do you think?" Pan Ruochu said.

Feng Rong thought to himself, it's okay to just meet this Princess Yiyun, because of Feng Qianyue's relationship, the other princes also keep a distance from him, and now they are worrying about how to live and work in the future.Just now, Princess Yiyun has a very accurate grasp of the situation in the DPRK and China, and she is the daughter of Pan Xilin. Maybe talking to her more can really get some inspiration, so he said, "Tomorrow in Wenxiang Tower, there will be a There will be a flower viewing banquet, and many princes and nobles will go to watch it, Princess Yiyun is bored in the palace, so why not go and have a look."

In fact, there was no flower viewing feast, but Feng Rong made up such a reason because he felt that it was inconvenient to meet a conferred princess in private.

Pan Ruochu naturally knew what Feng Rong meant, so he said straightforwardly, "Okay, I have nothing to do, so I'll go to Wenxianglou to enjoy the flowers tomorrow."

A faint smile flashed in her eyes, Your Highness Nine, this time, I will forcefully twist your melon once.

Pan Ruochu is a bestowed princess, she can act much more freely than other regular princesses, basically she can go wherever she wants.

Not long after the betrothal gift was given, Feng Yunzheng officially set the date of the big wedding. Just now, the Prince Heng's mansion has received news that the date has been set on the [-]th of this month. Counting it, there are only less than ten days left .

As soon as the date was set, His Highness Ninth Prince sent someone to bring a lot of expensive jewelry, and Ye Feng led the people to carry them into the Prime Minister's mansion.

Seeing that her room was full of piles, even Siyue couldn't stand the cold sweat, and asked, "How much does he want to give me?"

Night Breeze said with a smile, "Your Highness said, give whatever you can or use for the eldest lady."

Lian Siyue said, "Then you go back and tell him that it's enough, if you give it any more, the dowry of our Prime Minister's mansion can't compare to what he gave."

What Lian Siyue said was true. Originally, when Lian Yanqing saw the betrothal gifts sent by His Highness the Ninth Prince, he thought about how to buy the dowry. He felt a little headache when he thought about it, because the things His Highness Ninth gave were too many and expensive. But now, he is still giving, so much so that he has no choice but to order the housekeeper to open the warehouse he was reluctant to open, take out all the treasures inside, and count them one by one. Inside the dowry.

Lian Yanqing went to Qing'an Courtyard to complain, and said to Lian's mother, "His Highness Ninth Prince's battle is a bit big, and my son's old background will be moved out."

But Lian's mother said, "Give it, give it, money is something outside of your body. Besides, Yue'er is your only legitimate daughter, and you will have to rely on her a lot in the future."

When Lian Yanqing heard what Lian Mu said, she stopped talking, yes, this daughter has climbed up to the Ninth Prince, that is really a solid backing, who dares to despise her.

Liu Xi, who came to visit Lian Siyue, said humanely, "Siyue, look, how much His Highness the Ninth Prince loves you. Now, no one in the whole capital knows that His Highness Ninth Prince and the County Lord are so favored by the heavens. His "means" It’s really outrageous, I saw it with my own eyes today.”

Lian Siyue sighed slightly, and said, "Don't look at his upright appearance on weekdays, in fact, sometimes, he really looks like a child, which makes me dumbfounded."

Liu Xiren smiled and said, "You are not married to His Royal Highness the Ninth Highness, but now it is like a little wife talking about her husband. Every time I see you, you are at war with others. It is rare to see such a peaceful appearance now. See."

"What little wife, it's fine for him to be joking with me like this, you are also teasing me now, Xiren, are we still good friends?" Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing as she spoke.

"Honestly, Your Highness Ninth Prince has set the date so urgently. I'll figure it out. After you get married, there's still a month before you get married. Then on the wedding day..."

Even Siyue is a person who has lived through two lifetimes, so she naturally knows what Liu Xiren is referring to, but she couldn't help but blush, and said, "I said to marry one month later, but he refused, saying that one month is too long , I really can’t wait, so I will marry and go home first, raise me, and talk about it later.”

Liu Xiren sighed, "He is such a good man, Siyue, you have to watch him closely, the more he loves you and spoils you, the more people want to back him and get him, don't be too careless, even if His Royal Highness has no intentions, and he can't control other people's intentions..."

Just as he was talking, people from outside came in to report that Princess Yiyun had sent a post, inviting Lian Siyue to go to Wenxiang Tower to enjoy the flowers, and the post also said that the county magistrate must appreciate it.

Pan Ruochu invited her to enjoy the flowers?

Liu Xiren frowned and said, "Are you familiar with this Princess Yiyun? I've heard a lot of rumors about her. She's quite an extraordinary person. You should be careful."

Lian Siyue looked at this post and smiled lightly, and said, "I have no relationship with her, and she suddenly invited me to enjoy the flowers. I'm afraid the ulterior motive is not in the wine, but in His Highness the Ninth Prince."

"What, you mean..."

"This Princess Yiyun should be one of the women you mentioned, but she is a particularly powerful one. After all, she is from Qingnan, and she is also a princess personally appointed by the emperor."

"Then she must have no good intentions. You mustn't go. I'm going back now. I just said that I am busy preparing for the big wedding and I really can't get away. She has nothing to say." Liu Xiren asked her to refuse, and left Pan Ruochu is farther away.

Lian Siyue said with a hint of coolness in his eyes, "The posts have all been delivered, if you don't go to the appointment, I'm afraid it will be true."

"In that case, you send someone to talk to His Highness the Ninth Prince about this." Liu Xiren really didn't like Pan Ruochu's behavior. Although the woman didn't say anything clearly, it gave people a feeling of grabbing something.

"No need, I'll go by myself. Since I've decided to marry His Highness the Ninth Prince, I can't try to rely on him, and I have to be able to stand alone. Besides, didn't you say that there are still many women in the capital who favor him? , then I might as well go to meet some of the representatives. If necessary, it would be good to make an example of others.

Unless His Highness the Ninth Prince likes someone, I will leave without saying a word. If he doesn't like someone, but those people insist on coming over, I will not be soft-hearted. "

She lives a new life, and even when it comes to love, she will no longer be timid or hesitant——

"If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. If I like it and he likes me, then I won't allow anyone to destroy us."

(End of this chapter)

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