Chapter 727
Chapter 727
"Princess, according to your instructions, we made an appointment for His Majesty the Tenth Highness to meet at the same time, but Rong and the county master did not meet at the same time, and there was an hour in between." The maid Xiuru reported.

Pan Ruochu raised his chin slightly, and with a smile on his face, he said, "Two hours is enough for me to get that idiot Feng Rong drunk."

So when the hour was approaching, Pan Ruochu left the palace and went to Wenxianglou. There was no flower feast at all, but in order to have a secret conversation with Pan Ruochu, Feng Rong specially ordered the boss of Wenxianglou to make some flowers to put on a show.

When Pan Ruochu arrived, Feng Rong was already waiting inside, a smile flickered from the corner of her eyes, she walked over and said, "Your Highness the Tenth Highness has been waiting for a long time."

"Princess Yiyun, you said that Qingnan is willing to assist this king? What the princess says counts." Feng Rong cut to the chase and said.

"Naturally, we women in Qingnan can make decisions, unlike you women in Kyoto who can only hide in the boudoir and embroider. When I was in Qingnan, I helped my father and brother train soldiers." Pan Ruochu talked about the women in Kyoto. Woman, quite a bit contemptuous.

"However, this king is not outstanding among the princes. In the past, I was only attached to the fourth brother, but Princess Yiyun wanted to help me. It seems unreasonable." Feng Rong said.

Pan Ruochu smiled, and said, "Your Majesty the Tenth Prince really doesn't need to underestimate himself. According to my observations in the capital for many days, His Royal Highness is not without talent or virtue, but just lacks a suitable opportunity. Your Highness, His Highness the Ninth Prince is short. The other princes all have their own influence, and of course we in Qingnan want to support someone who will trust us wholeheartedly."

When Feng Rong heard Pan Ruochu's praise for him, he couldn't help but feel a little elated. He had been depressed and frustrated, and thought that he had nowhere to show his talents when he was full.

"To be honest, I have already sent a secret letter to my father and brother, mentioning His Highness the Tenth Highness, and praised His Excellency." She continued.

Feng Rong felt very satisfied, he was rarely recognized by others, and now Pan Ruochu's just right flattery made him very grateful.

Seeing the opportunity, Pan Ruochu said, "Your Highness, why don't we have a drink while chatting."

"Okay, it's rare for a friend to have a thousand cups. Princess Yiyun's heroism is indeed not as shy as we girls in Kyoto. Today, the king is free to drink freely. Come and serve wine." Feng Rong said happily.

"Your Majesty, you don't know. I can't hold back in the palace. When I was in Qingnan, I always ate meat and drank heavily. When I came here, I have to be careful when I talk and walk. Today, I have this wine. You don't have to worry about anything." Pan Ruochu seemed to be very frank, pouring wine into the bowl freely and freely, and drinking it as soon as he picked it up, his movements were very heroic.

Feng Rong saw that a woman drank so frankly, she didn't have any excuses, so she started drinking with Pan Ruochu.

"Speaking of which, His Royal Highness Ninth Prince has the most stable position now. His mother is a good concubine in the palace, and Concubine Liang's mother's family is strong. Mistakes and handles, and repeated meritorious deeds, this time the emperor recognized His Royal Highness the Eleventh, and he also contributed a lot, so so far, the emperor is very relieved of him. I dare say that even if he cannot ascend the throne, he will always be in the court in the future. There's a place for him."

Feng Rong frowned, and said, "You're right. Brother Nine Kings is truly as powerful as the sky now, and no one can match him. Unfortunately, he and Brother Four Wang are incompatible. In the past, I was in Brother Four's camp, and Brother Nine Kings treated me very well." There is a grudge, this time he is getting married, the invitation will be the last one to reach this prince's residence."

"Besides, the Eleventh Prince's Fengjue, he is the most special. He has made outstanding achievements in the battlefield, and the emperor loves him very much. In the future, he may also have a share in the throne. However, the emperor is afraid of the relationship between the Lian family and the eleventh prince's adopted son. , will intentionally separate them, and relying on the emperor's favor is the least reliable guarantee, unless the emperor intends to cultivate other reliable forces for him..."

While talking eloquently, Pan Ruochu kept adding wine to Feng Rong.

Feng Rong was originally thoughtful and depressed, but now that he and Pan Ruochu had opened up the conversation, he drank more and more wine, and gradually became slightly tipsy.

Seeing this, Pan Ruochu secretly smiled, and then continued to pour wine for Fengrong. Seeing that the time was almost up, he found an excuse to leave, and told Fengrong to come back later.

When she went out, she winked at Xiuru, and Xiuru took out a palm-sized incense burner from her sleeve, lit the incense burner, and quietly placed it at the corner of the table where Feng Rong was sitting.

The filthy thing in this incense burner was given to her by Concubine Xu Xian, saying that it has the effect of invigorating the sun. In order to gain favor, some concubines in the harem would secretly hide this filthy thing in a candle, or at the risk of being thrown into the cold palace. Hidden in the incense, the emperor was confused.

At that time, Concubine Xu Xian taught her to use this thing to confuse Feng Yunzheng, but she was not ashamed to use this method to get a man, so she refused at that time, but now, it is good to use it on His Highness the Tenth Prince.

"Princess, the sedan chairs of Narong and the county master have arrived at the door." Pipa hurried in and said in a low voice.

"Let's go!" Pan Ruochu solemnly ordered the guards at the door, "Later, Narong and the county master will come, you only let her in by herself, do you understand?"

"Yes, princess, I will follow your orders." These guards were all bribed by Pan Ruochu, so they obeyed her orders very much.

Lian Siyue got off the sedan chair at the gate of Wenxiang Tower, and was accompanied by Nanny Tai and Qing Dai all the way into Wenxiang Tower. After asking the shopkeeper about Princess Yiyun's private room, she went up to the second floor.

When she showed up, all the young ladies in the Wenxiang Building had their eyes on her, because of His Highness Ninth Prince's marriage proposal, she has now become the focus of envy of everyone, so naturally she attracts attention as soon as she shows up.

Pan Ruochu was sitting in another private room, she raised a corner of the curtain with her snow-white hands, saw Lian Siyue went up to the second floor and walked towards her appointed direction, a smile appeared on her face unconsciously.

The palace maid Pipa was a little worried, and said, "Princess, this Ronghe county master is actually not easy to mess with. In the past, many people fell into her hands. It is said that she will not let her own aunt go. The princess should be careful." What's more, besides, now, she is His Highness Ninth Prince's quasi-wangfei, and His Highness Ninth has made a big battle to marry her. If something happens to Her Majesty Tenth, I'm afraid, I'm afraid His Highness Ninth Prince won't let it go easily. "

Pan Ruochu sat down on the chair comfortably, and said, "That's right, I invited her, but she went to the wrong place by herself, so it has nothing to do with me, am I not here to wait for her seriously?"

(End of this chapter)

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