First-class daughter

Chapter 728 Pampering Her and Petting Her

Chapter 728 Pampering Her and Petting Her
Chapter 728 Pampering Her and Petting Her
Pan Ruochu felt that he had a sure chance of winning, if His Highness the Ninth Prince wanted to marry Lian Siyue, then let something happen to her, and his reputation would be damaged. At that time, His Highness the Ninth Prince might not be able to accept her calmly.

And with so many people present today, news about Lian Siyue and His Highness the Tenth Highness will spread soon.

Here, Lian Siyue went up to the second floor and walked forward step by step. She raised her chin slightly, but her sharp eyes were fixed on the ground.

"Miss, look." Qing Dai pointed to the ground and whispered, "As expected, you have guessed it right."

Lian Siyue looked in the direction of Qingdai's finger, a chill appeared in her eyes——

"Miss, it seems that Princess Yiyun really has no good intentions, shall we go?" Mother Tai asked.

"It's all here, let's go and have a look." As he spoke, Lian Siyue had already arrived at the door, but the guards blocked the way, saying:

"My princess likes to be quiet, the county master please go in by yourself, don't bring slaves."

When Mother Tai heard this, she became angry, and said, "You dare to block the way of our eldest lady, you really have the guts of ambition, get out!"

As Mother Tai said, she pushed the man away, and the two strong guards were surprised.

"Huh." The guard snorted coldly, and said, "Princess Yiyun is a princess conferred by the emperor, but the county lord is just a county lord. The princess does not allow the county lord to bring slaves. According to the law of etiquette, shouldn't the county lord obey the princess's words?" ?"

"The princess' rank is indeed higher than that of the county lord. What you said is not wrong." Lian Siyue said indifferently, her eyes swept over several guards.

The guards were originally full of arrogance, but Lian Siyue's gaze made them feel a kind of bone-chilling coldness, and they couldn't help but fell silent.

"Mommy Tai, Qingdai, you stay here, I'll go in and meet the princess." Lian Siyue ordered.

"Miss..." Qing Dai was a little worried, she always felt that this Princess Yiyun was not kind.

"Open the door." Lian Siyue said.

The guard hurriedly opened the door, Lian Siyue walked in, and the guard closed the door.

Over there, when Pan Ruochu saw Lian Siyue enter that room, a smile appeared on his face, and he said to Xiuru and Pipa, "I have arranged that room in advance, there is no place to escape, Feng Rong is drunk The wine, together with the effect of incense, will definitely bow to Lian Siyue Overlord. When the time comes, when everyone hears the news and rushes to see the two people entangled together, Lian Siyue will not be able to marry His Highness Ninth Prince cleanly. .”

"Princess..." Pipa hesitated to speak.

"I know what you want to say, but I'm not afraid even if the Ninth Prince is here! Besides, he won't come back today at all. I've found out a long time ago that he has official business today and wants to go out. He should go now." It's gone." She, Pan Ruochu, is not a reckless person, so she had to investigate before making the plan.

in the city.

Liu Xiren got out of the sedan chair with the help of the maid and the mother-in-law. Now that she had a happy event in her belly, she thought of coming to buy some fabrics herself, so that the embroiderer could help sew some underwear.

When she was about to enter the shop, she found Ye Feng, His Royal Highness's personal guard. When she looked at it, she realized that His Royal Highness's sedan chair was right in front of her. She thought of something suddenly, and walked quickly After chasing him, he called out, "There are Night Breeze guards ahead."

Night Breeze heard the voice, turned around, and found that it was the person who had a heart-to-heart conversation with the eldest lady in Xianheyuan that day, so he stopped in his tracks, clasped his fists in his hands, and said, "Miss, what's the matter?"

"I have an important matter. You can tell His Highness the Ninth Prince a message for me. Just say that Princess Yiyun Pan Ruochu has made an appointment with Siyue to meet at Wenxianglou today. I'm afraid that Siyue will suffer a disadvantage." Liu Xiren said anxiously.

Night Breeze was taken aback. That savage princess asked the eldest lady to meet?He immediately said, "Thank you for letting me know, Miss, I will report to His Highness Ninth Immediately."

"Okay, you go quickly." A stone finally fell from Liu Xiren's heart.

When Feng Yunzheng heard Night Breeze talk about Pan Ruochu's appointment with Lian Siyue, a heavy haze appeared on that gentle and elegant face.

"Your Highness, why don't you go according to the original plan and go to Wenxiang Tower to see the situation? The eldest lady is smart and not easy to mess with. If you think about it, you won't suffer from Princess Yiyun." Ye Feng said, Because Feng Yunzheng has something important to do today.

Feng Yunzheng frowned slightly, and said, "She's smart and won't suffer easily, but it doesn't mean that this king can let her take risks and ignore her. She is only my king's woman, regardless of whether she will suffer losses or not." The king has to take care of it, otherwise how can it be called hurting her and pampering her.

"This king never likes to get involved with women too much, and he doesn't like to waste his energy on people who are not worth it. Since Pan Ruochu really wants to compete with Yue'er, then this king has no choice but to intervene. This king is very defensive. It's shameful." Anyone who bullies my family, Yue'er, this time I will stand up for him, so that those women who have any thoughts about this king will automatically disperse and don't disturb Yue'er's peace.

Night Breeze, tell me to go down to Wenxianglou to pick up Yue'er. "

"Yes, I obey." Ye Feng thought in his heart, it's not good for Pan Ruochu to offend anyone, if he insists on offending the eldest lady, His Highness will do it himself this time, I'm afraid she can't finish eating and walk away.

Seeing Feng Yunzheng's carriage turned around and headed towards Wenxianglou, Liu Xiren who was standing at the door showed a gratified smile on his face.

Besides, on Lian Siyue's side, after she entered the private room, she smelled a strong smell of alcohol and a faint smell.

The natural vigilance made her cover her nose with her hand, hold her breath before she figured out what was going on, and her sharp eyes quickly swept across the room.

At this time, there was a hot and unbearable sound from somewhere in the room, Lian Siyue looked at it, and saw a man with almost faded clothes lying on the ground, a little unsightly.

Lian Siyue saw that this person was Feng Rong, His Highness the Tenth Prince.

She immediately understood Pan Ruochu's intentions, her face showed mocking contempt, this kind of method is really leftover, even if Shi Ya is still alive, she will not use it again, Pan Ruochu played vigorously when he arrived.

"Ah..." Feng Rong let out an unbearable voice. He saw a woman appearing in a daze, and his body became hotter. He stood up, stumbled towards Lian Siyue, his face was flushed, and his breathing was heavy. I'm afraid the girl turned pale with fright, but Lian Siyue looked extremely calm, fixed her eyes on the vase at the side, and when Feng Rong rushed towards her impatiently and wanted to hug her into her arms, she quickly took it Passing over the vase, it hit him hard.

The vase is broken—

Feng Rong only felt his eyes go dark, and immediately, blood gushed out from the top of his head, and then he heard a plop, and he fell to the ground suddenly.

Lian Siyue looked coldly at the people on the ground, and her own fingers were cut by the vase, and the blood slipped down the fingertips drop by drop, but because she hit Feng Rong too hard, her hands were numb and even bled. I didn't even notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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