First-class daughter

Chapter 732 I miss you

Chapter 732 I miss you
Chapter 732 I miss you
After leaving the Rongyuan Hall, Pan Ruochu was so angry that she couldn't understand it. She originally planned to let Fengrong get involved with Lian Siyue, but now the emperor suddenly came down to marry her and Fengrong. What happened in the middle? What's the matter?

"Pipa, I'm going to Prince Yongqing's Mansion to find His Majesty Tenth!" She wanted to retire and the emperor refused, but what if Feng Rong, an idiot, wanted to retire?
When Pipa heard it, she hurriedly said, "Princess, please remember to be cautious in your words and deeds. Today you ran to the Rongyuan Hall to resist the decree. This is a serious crime of beheading, but the emperor still did not pursue it. It can be seen that the emperor is wholeheartedly trying to facilitate your reconciliation. Regarding the marriage of the Tenth Highness, if you cause trouble again, I am afraid that you will cause trouble to your upper body, so you should stay in the Princess Palace peacefully and wait to marry the Tenth Highness."

"No! Marriage is a lifelong event, and it must not be casual, and the other party is still a useless person that I hate! Pipa, don't talk about it, even if it is the emperor's decree, I will not marry this marriage anyway." Pan Ruochu said Then, regardless of dissuasion, he left the palace.

In fact, besides liking, she also has her own ambitions. The person she wants the most is His Highness Ninth. The Tenth Highness is now the county king, and will at most be a prince in the future. If she marries the Tenth Highness, she will be a prince and concubine. , She thinks she is the proud daughter of heaven, how can a mere princess be worthy of her status, what she wants is to follow His Royal Highness to ascend to the first throne in the harem, so she must try her best to destroy this door marriage.

"Princess, princess..." Pipa and Xiuru anxiously chased after her.

The door of Yongqing Prince's Mansion opened slowly, Pan Ruochu stepped forward, kicked the guard over the door, and shouted: "Let Feng Rong come out to see my princess!"

Feng Rong heard that Pan Ruochu was here, so she hurried out and said, "Princess Yiyun, why are you here at this time?"

Pan Ruochu scolded coldly, "Hmph, Feng Rong, you are so authentic, you actually ran to the emperor and asked me to marry you."

When Feng Rong heard this, she was not to be outdone, and said, "Princess Yiyun, who is the one who is dishonest? You got me drunk and used some dirty tricks, which made me almost commit absurd things and commit serious crimes, so what? Say?"

Seeing that Feng Rong's head was still wrapped in gauze, Pan Ruochu felt a little guilty, and said, "I was just joking with you, now, I personally came to apologize to you, it was my fault.

However, I want you to go to the emperor and ask the emperor to annul your marriage with me. We will not end this marriage. "

Feng Rong smiled and said, "That can't be done. I've been thinking about it. The best way for King Anqing to ally with me is for you to marry me and be my concubine. Therefore, it's too late for me to be happy with the marriage my father gave me." , how could you ask him to take back his life?"

"You!" Pan Ruochu's face turned red with anger, and said, "Feng Rong, I don't like you, and you don't have any affection for me, and it's just a matter of seeing and hating each other, so why bother." She, Pan Ruochu, wanted to match the proud son of heaven, a fool like Feng Rong, when she was in Qingnan, she wouldn't even look at her.

"Hehe..." Feng Rong said, "Whoever said that I have no affection for you, Yiyun? I think you are beautiful, free and unrestrained, and I really like you. As for whether you like me or not, then I don't care." It's gone, but after being together for a long time, I will always like it, don't you think?"

"You! You are such a rascal!" Pan Ruochu cursed angrily.

"To each other, if Lian Siyue hadn't had enough courage to hurt me and stop a ridiculous incident, the consequences would be unimaginable to her and me. Yiyun, before you speak of others, you should think about it. What did you do that is not on the stage!"

"Then isn't she okay now?" Pan Ruochu stomped her feet angrily.

"Hmph." Feng Rong snorted coldly, "You should be glad that she is fine. If something happens to her, do you think you can leave the capital alive? Brother Jiu Wang will never let you go, Lian Siyue is his treasure .You want to marry him, but he will never marry you, so you should give up your heart completely. "

When the news reached Prince Heng's mansion, Feng Yunzheng was checking the guest list for the wedding, and he ordered, "Prepare a generous gift and send it over when the time comes."

When the news of the emperor's marriage to Pan Ruochu and His Highness reached Lian Siyue's ears, she was eating the bird's nest brought to her by Liu Xiren.

Hearing about this, she also showed a look of surprise on her face. It has only been four hours since she came back from Wenxiang Tower, and this marriage has been settled. The speed of His Highness Ninth Prince is really fast.

There was a faint smile on her lips.

"Miss, now, Princess Yiyun will never bother you again." Qing Dai said happily.

"This Pan Ruochu, on the surface, seems to be benevolent and righteous, but in fact, he is a person with a small structure, and his heart is not open enough. In the end, he is just a person spoiled by King Anqing. So, she will make It's not surprising that she framed me and His Highness the Tenth Highness. It's just that because she has never seen a real fight between women, the tricks to deal with me are really low-level, and I am not even interested in dealing with her."

Soon, there was another news that Pan Ruochu was dissatisfied with the marriage with His Highness the Tenth Highness, so he ran to the Yongqing Palace, beat His Highness, and forced him to go to the emperor to ask for an annulment. Rong Yuandian cried out, and Emperor Zhou Cheng was furious at last, and sent someone to issue an imperial decree to Pan Ruochu to get married as soon as possible.

"Suicide is not worthy of sympathy."

"Miss, I saw the young master today, oh no, I saw His Highness the Eleventh." Qing Dai quietly glanced at Lian Siyue, and said cautiously.

Lian Siyue paused lightly with the hand holding the spoon——


"At this time today, the servant girl went out to do business for the eldest lady, and saw His Royal Highness the Eleventh standing far away at the gate of the Prime Minister's mansion, and the servant girl hid aside, and found that he was staring at this side for a long, long time, and the servant girl was thinking, he He should really miss Missy, or he knows that Missy is going to get married, so he wants to say congratulations to Missy. The servant saw Sijiu that day, and Sijiu said that His Highness Eleven worked hard every day to read. I often read it from nightfall to dawn the next day, there is no one else in Ming An Palace except Sijiu, the slaves are really worried about His Highness the Eleventh... no one takes good care of him..."

Qing Dai said, with a look of melancholy on her face and tears in her eyes.

Lian Siyue listened and didn't speak for a long time——

And why didn't she know that in Ming'an Palace, apart from Sijiu, there are probably very few other reliable people, the emperor, the queen mother, and others are all staring over there——


"He is a prince. If he doesn't have the ability to have absolute control in his palace and survive in such a complicated environment, even if I go to see him every day, he won't be able to survive. If he is strong enough, the future I can go back to Xiangfu at any time." Lian Siyue said, seemingly indifferent, with no expression on her face, but secretly clenched her palms.

(End of this chapter)

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