First-class daughter

Chapter 733 Finding My Sister

Chapter 733 Finding My Sister
Chapter 733 Finding My Sister
After a while, Nanny Tai said that Mrs. Rong, the mother of the eldest lady and the grandmother of the eldest lady, came. It is said that she was invited by Lianmu.

"Miss, this servant guesses that what they want to talk about is about the young lady who was taken away that year." Qing Dai said.

Lian Siyue nodded. In fact, these days, she has been thinking about this matter. She has been thinking about getting this sister back, and asked His Royal Highness to inquire secretly. However, because too many things happened, it was too late to ask about this matter. That's all.

And the grandmother was in a hurry to call the grandmother over, probably seeing that she was about to get married, and wanted to find the second daughter back.

"Qingdai, get ready, I'm going to see my grandmother too." Speaking of which, even Siyue hadn't seen this real grandmother for many years.

Lian Siyue went straight to Qing'an Courtyard, opened the door and entered, and saw an old lady with gray hair sitting on the sour pear wood chair, this person was the old lady of the Rongguo Mansion.

Lian Siyue walked in and called out, "Grandma, grandma, Yue'er is here."

When the old lady heard the voice, she turned around abruptly, saw Lian Siyue standing in front of her at a glance, and said hurriedly:
"This is Yue'er. Counting it, I haven't seen her for three years."

"Grandmother." Lian Siyue stepped forward, and Mrs. Rong held her hand——

"Let me take a good look."

In the past, the Rong family was also a prominent family in Kyoto, but these years have begun to decline. Now Mrs. Rong can't hold up her face in front of Lian's mother, especially when the child exchange was dropped, and Lian's mother didn't take old man Rong at all. People should be regarded as sinners in the family.

Seeing that Mrs. Rong and Lian Siyue were very close, Lian's mother frowned and said, "Mrs. Rong, let's talk about my granddaughter being taken away by you."

Madam Rong's complexion changed slightly, and she said, "I'm sorry for the Lian family. Rong Xue was also bewitched by me to take the risk. Back then, she was really reluctant to give birth to the daughter she gave birth to. After she was taken away, she asked me Many times, where did the child go, can she be recognized as a righteous daughter, I warned her that she will never mention this matter again in the future, and treat it as if she never gave birth to this daughter."

"..." Lian's mother turned blue with anger when she heard this, and said angrily, "Mrs. Rong, my family's flesh and blood are left to be ruined by you like this. You are really, really insane!"

"Old Madam Lian! Think about it for yourself. Back then, where did your Xiangfu put me, Xue'er, the real headed mistress? Xiao Xianmin was obviously a lowly aunt, but she rode on my Xue'er's head. What did I do? Mother, can you not plan for her?" Mrs. Rong said.

"Your reason is high-sounding. For the sake of your own daughter, you don't hesitate to mess with my family's blood and abandon my family's flesh and blood!" Lian's whole body trembled with maternal anger, and Lian Xi hurriedly reached out to caress her heart, comforting her softly.

There were tears in the old lady's eyes, and she said, "It's my fault, I'm a sinner of the Lian family. In fact, I haven't had a hard time these years. Today, I just brought my old face to plead guilty to the Lian family." If you want to kill or cut, I will not have any complaints."

"Hmph!" Mother Lian snorted coldly, "What's the use of killing you now?"

"Grandmother..." Lian Siyue saw that the two of them were arguing more and more fiercely, and finally couldn't help but said, "Right now, let's find out where my sister is going. Grandma, it's understandable for grandma to be angry. Firstly, the ones who took away were the flesh and blood of the Lian family, and secondly, something big happened almost this time, and you should know it too."

Lian's mother held back her breath after hearing this, and said, "Mrs. Rong, I'm taking Yue'er's face into account. If you want to tell me the whereabouts of my granddaughter who is living outside, I'll take care of you." I don't pursue it anymore."

Madam Rong wiped away her old tears and said, "Even if you don't ask, I will explain it clearly."

"Grandmother, do you still remember where you took your sister away and sent her?" Lian Siyue asked.

Old Madam Rong's eyes welled up with tears, and her thoughts drifted to distant memories——

"At that time, I was waiting for Nanny Zhou two miles away from the Prime Minister's Mansion. I carried a male doll on my back. At that time, the doll was bought from a lady named Luo. She said it was born by her natal brother. I was planning to buy her child because there were too many dolls in the family to support. At that time, I also believed her words, so I didn't even know that this child was the Eleventh Highness.

After waiting for more than an hour, Nanny Zhou brought the girl over. I sighed and said, "It's really a girl again, so I can only feel sorry for her. After I exchanged children with Nanny Zhou, I handed over the girl I gave it to my close-fitting Nanny Hua at the time. She has been by my side for decades, and I trust her very much. "

"Where did Nanny Hua take my sister?" Lian Siyue had some impression of this Nanny Hua in her mind, and she had seen it when she went to Rongguo Mansion when she was young.

"Mother Hua had a brother in the countryside. The brother took a wife, and there was only a blind boy under his knee. The couple always wanted to have another child, but the brother went hunting in the mountains and fell, so he couldn't have another child. Mother Hua took the girl away. Sent it to them." Mrs. Rong said.

"Where is that brother, hurry up and send someone to look for it!" Lian's mother said quickly when she heard this.

"It's in Niujiapo, Xicun, thirty miles away from the capital." Mrs. Rong said, "This is what Aunt Hua told me back then, but Aunt Hua passed away last year, you just need to send someone to Niu's house Poe looked for it, the one with the blind daughter."

Mother Lian suddenly felt hopeful, and hurriedly told Nanny Song, "Let Lian Tian quickly take someone to Niujiapo in the West Village, remember, this matter should be kept quiet, no, let him come to see me, and I will tell him face to face."

"Yes, old lady, this servant is going right now." Nanny Song hurried to find Lian Tian.

Lian Siyue asked, "Grandmother, Mother Zhou said that when she took my sister away, my mother bit one on her shoulder in order to meet her in the future. The imprint is like a crescent moon. Is there such a thing?"

The old lady Rong nodded, and said, "Yes, when she was hugged into my hands back then, there was blood on the shoulder, and the swaddle was also red. I asked Madam Zhou, and she said that Xue'er put it on her arm for the sake of getting to know each other well. I left a mouthful."

After a while, Liantian came, and Lian's mother told her personally, "Liantian, quickly take someone to Niujiapo, West Village, and find a family with a blind daughter named Hua, and their second daughter is The lady from our prime minister's mansion was taken away back then, if you bring her back, I will recognize her."

"Yes, old madam, I'll go to the humble position."

"Lian Tian, ​​wait." Lian Siyue stopped Lian Tian and said, "Miss may be afraid when she sees you. If she refuses to come back, you stay there and don't let her leave. Send someone back to notify me. Go pick her up. Also, I'll send Leng Mei to go with you, she's a girl, so it's better to talk."

"Yes." Lian Tian took the order.

(End of this chapter)

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