Chapter 735
Chapter 735
"So, then everything will have to wait for the news from Lian Tian and Leng Mei. I also hope that this matter will come to a conclusion before you get married, so that you won't feel at ease when you marry into Prince Heng's mansion, thinking about this matter." .” Liu said.

Lian Tian, ​​Leng Mei and several nurses rushed all the way to find Niujiapo. The location of Niujiapo is very hidden and not easy to find. In the end, they found the Hua family brother's home according to what Mrs. Rong said.

When the Hua brothers saw several men in black suddenly appearing, they dropped the ladle in their hands in fright, ran to the courtyard to protect a blind man, and looked at the man coldly——

This is probably the blind son of the family that Mrs. Rong was talking about.

Seeing this, Lian Tian stepped forward and said politely, "You are a brother of the Hua family, right? Don't be afraid, we are here to ask you about someone."

Leng Mei has already started to quietly examine everything in this dilapidated house, down to the detail that not a single plant or tree is overlooked.

Seeing Lian Tian's kind attitude, the Hua family brothers became bolder and asked, "Who do you want to inquire about, tell me."

"Is there another girl in your family? Where is she now?" Lian Tian asked.

When the Hua family brother heard this, his eyes flickered, and he hurriedly denied, "No, no, you made a mistake. There is only one blind son in our family. When he was young, he fell down a mountain and was poked blind. His mother went to the market to sell honeysuckle. , there are no more girls in the family."

With a cold eyebrow and a sneer, he said, "Then the clothes on the clothesline belong to your blind son too?"

The brothers of the Hua family saw that the girl's floral shirt was still hanging on the clothesline, and they were speechless at that moment.

Leng Mei pulled out the long sword from his waist, stabbed at the big brother with a bang, and said expressionlessly, "I'm not talking nonsense with you, tell me quickly! Where is your girl, I want to see her! Otherwise, you The life of the blind son is gone!"

Where did the brothers of the Hua family see such a fierce woman? They were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and said tremblingly: "I, I, my girl and her mother went to the market to sell honeysuckle together. Please spare your lives. An ordinary person who has never done anything bad!"

Leng Mei withdrew his sword and said, "Whether you have done anything bad or not, we will talk about it after seeing your girl! Leave your blind son behind, and go to the market immediately to call the girl back."

"Let's wait." Lian Tian said, "We're here waiting for the gathering. You father and son stay here and don't go anywhere."

Leng Mei glanced at Lian Tian, ​​but didn't say anything more.

"Yes, yes, we are obedient, we are obedient." The Hua family brothers and son stood in the courtyard, not daring to move, sweating profusely from fright.

A few guards were left behind, and Leng Mei entered the house, inspecting everything carefully. After a while, she heard footsteps behind her, and the hand that was touching the enamel bowl paused——

"If you ask him to go to the market to call for people, he is afraid of causing trouble." Lian Tian seemed to explain it to her deliberately.

"You and I have different styles of doing things, each is his master, as long as we don't interfere with each other." Leng Mei said, without any waves in his voice.

"Everyone is their master, that's why you lied to me to take you to the place where Xiangying was imprisoned, and then left secretly?" Lian Tian stood beside her, picked up a sewing basket beside her, and said.

"Extreme times, extraordinary means, I did use you, I will not feel guilty, as you said, each is his own master." Leng Mei said.

"So, why don't you believe me?" Lian Tian's eyes were a little hurt.

"I only believe in Your Highness Ninth Prince, Miss, myself, you are not within my trust range." Leng Mei has a cold temper, and has always been straightforward.

"What about him?" Lian Tian asked.

Leng frowned, and paused for a moment with the hand holding the bowl.

"This, what's going on, this..." At this moment, a woman's panicked voice came from outside.

With cold eyebrows and eyes fixed, he immediately put down the things in his hands and walked out quickly, Lian Tian followed immediately.

I saw a woman in a dusty gray coarse cloth shirt standing outside in the yard holding a bamboo basket, and the remaining honeysuckle in the basket spilled all over the floor——

This must be the sister-in-law of the Hua family.

Looking next to her, there is a girl wearing a floral blouse. She looks about fourteen or fifteen years old, with a disheveled face, but she can also be seen to be pretty. Fair-skinned, it looks like the result of years of hard work. At this moment, a pair of timid eyes looked at the stranger who appeared in the yard.

And Leng Mei was also secretly observing the girl's every move, not letting go of the slightest expression on her brows.

Lian Tian stepped forward, looked at the girl, and asked Hua's sister-in-law, "What's the girl's name?"

"Hua, Huayu, rainy rain, it rained a lot on the night when I was born, so I took this name." The sister-in-law of the Hua family replied cautiously, her eyebrows were cold when she saw the girl named Huayu, and even more so. Closely leaning against Mrs. Hua's sister-in-law.

"Was she born to you?" Lian Tian asked again.

"This..." The sister-in-law of the Hua family involuntarily glanced at her man and son, only to see that the two had already turned pale with fright, she bit her lower lip, and said, "Yes, I gave birth to it, rain is born of."

"Really?" Lian Tian smiled slightly, "How did I hear that your girl was brought from someone else's house?"

"No, no, no..." The sister-in-law of the Hua family bent her knees, knelt down on the ground, and said, "She was born by me, and she was born by me." She refused to admit that this girl was picked up , but this Hua Yu still refused to speak.

"Since it was born by you, let's make a confession." Leng Mei immediately ordered someone to bring out a bowl of water from the house.

"Don't lie, admit it, Xiao Yu is not our own." The Hua brothers stamped their feet anxiously, and then told Lian Tian and Leng Mei honestly that this child was not born by their own family, but that they were born A child sent to them by the elder sister Huamao who is a servant of a wealthy family.


This statement is exactly the same as that of Mrs. Rong and Nanny Hua.

"Come into the house with me." Leng Mei recalled Lian Siyue's order, and called Hua Yu into the house with good words.

Hua Yu looked at Leng Mei timidly with a pair of black eyes, and asked, "You, who are you, are you my real family?"

Leng Mei didn't speak, but stood beside her, unbuttoned her skirt, and glanced at the position of her shoulder——

Sure enough, there are bite marks of crescent moon marks here.

"You, what are you looking at?" Hua Yu quickly pulled up the clothes on her shoulders, a little unhappy.

Nodding his head coldly, he said, "I'm offended, you are going to accompany me to Lianxiangfu in Kyoto."

"Go to Lianxiang Mansion, what are you going there for? I don't know the people there, I, I won't go!" Hua Yu became scared and ran out of the house in a hurry, "I want to be with my parents. don't want.

(End of this chapter)

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