Chapter 736
Chapter 736
Leng Mei followed and walked out, Hua Yu hid behind Hua's sister-in-law, grabbed her adoptive mother's clothes tightly, and said, "Mother, you tell them, I'm not going to that Xiang's mansion, I want to stay here, I'm afraid. "

"This girl is very nice. What do you want Xiaoyu to do in Xiang's mansion? She has lived with us in Niujiapo since she was a child. She has never been anywhere. She is very timid..." Hua's sister-in-law grabbed Hua Yu's hand tightly, Said.

"She didn't go alone, you husband and wife went with her." Leng Mei said.

"Go together? Girl, can you tell me what you want us to do in Xiangfu?" Hua's sister-in-law asked uneasily.

"You'll know when you go." Leng Mei said.

Lian Tian suddenly asked, "Does Hua Yu know that she is not your husband and wife's biological child?"

"I knew it since I was a child. I didn't want to tell her at first, but there are many people in the village. When I met someone with a bad heart, I told Xiao Yu that you were picked up by your parents. She came back crying and asked us every time. I told her the truth, our elder sister came back and asked her where Xiao Yu was brought, but she never said anything, she just said that the less we know, the better, so we let it go." Hua family brother said.

"So that's how it is..." Lian Tian looked at Hua Yu again, the fear in her eyes came more from the prime minister's mansion she was going to, rather than the mystery of her own life experience.

"It's getting late, let's go, it's best to go back to Xiangfu before dark." Leng Mei looked up at the sky and said.

After a while, Lian Tian left two nursing homes to look after the Hua family's blind son, while the rest took the Hua family couple and Hua Yu to Xiangfu.

on the carriage.

Hua Yu was sitting next to her adoptive mother, with Leng Mei sitting on the opposite side, her gaze fell on her quietly, she felt a little scared, so she lowered her head and leaned closer to her adoptive mother, holding Hua Yu tightly with her hands. In the end, Leng Mei closed his eyes, stopped looking at her, and folded his arms around his chest.

Hua Yu looked at Leng Mei quietly, and asked in a low voice, "Mother, who is she? She looks so fierce, I'm afraid."

"Shh." Sister-in-law Hua hurriedly stopped her from continuing—

She also felt that this cold girl was much more terrifying than the other adult, and she drew her sword at every turn.

So, the two mother and daughter stopped talking, and went to the Prime Minister's Mansion with a feeling of apprehension. [The setting of the story is that Xiao Yu has known since she was a child that she is not the biological daughter of Hua's sister-in-law and Hua's brothers, so her reaction is relatively calm. 】

On the Lian family's side, while secretly searching for the lost first-in-law daughter, Lian Siyue's marriage is also in full swing, because the wedding date is getting closer and closer.

In the afternoon, Lian Siyue was called to Qing'an Courtyard. When Lian's mother saw her, she hurriedly told her to sit down and said, "Come over and look at these lists, which one do you like? On your wedding day, there will always be Carrying you onto the sedan chair personally, this is originally what the younger brother and elder brother should do, but you also know that Yan'er is still young, Jue'er he..." Lian'er mother said, her eyes were also a little melancholy, "Forget it, don't say it. I asked your second aunt and third aunt to choose a few close brothers from the family, and you can see who you want to carry you on the sedan chair."

Lian Siyue took the roster and flipped through it page by page. They were all relatives of Lian's family. She looked about the same, so she closed the booklet and said, "Grandmother, you decide, Yue'er has no objection."

It is polite to say that I have no opinion, marriage is a lifelong event, not to mention that it is the fate cultivated by two generations of talents like her and His Highness the Ninth Prince, I still hope that every detail will be perfect without any regrets.


"Old Madam, Eldest Miss, the Eleventh Prince is here!" Just when the grandfather and grandson were a little silent, Nanny Song ran over excitedly and said.

"Your Highness the Eleventh, he, is he here?" Lian Mu was taken aback for a moment.

As he said that, Feng Jue had already walked in and called out, "Old lady..."

Lian's mother hurriedly knelt down and said, "This old man pays homage to His Highness the Eleventh Highness. His Highness suddenly arrives, and this old man is terrified."

With a smile on her face, Feng Jue leaned over to help Lian's mother up, and said, "Old madam, please get up quickly."

Mother Lian raised her head to look at the person in front of her, and the corners of her eyes couldn't help getting wet. Lian Xi whispered beside her, "Mom, let His Highness the Eleventh sit up."

Mother Lian quickly wiped her eyes and said, "Look at me, I'm so confused, His Highness the Eleventh is standing and talking to me, hurry up, Your Highness the Eleventh, take your seat."

"Thank you, old lady." Feng Jue sat down on the main seat in a graceful manner, while old lady, Lian Siyue and others sat down on the side.

Even Siyue knelt down and said, "Why is Your Highness the Eleventh here?"

Feng Jue looked at her, clenched his fists in his sleeves, and still had a normal expression on his face, and said, "This king specially went to ask Father, and on the day of the county lord's wedding, I will carry the county lord into the sedan chair."

When Mother Lian heard this, she hurriedly said nervously, "How, how did this happen? This is really a mighty grace from the emperor, a great gift from heaven."

When even Siyue heard that he was going to come back and carry her into the sedan chair, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Afraid that she would be worried, Feng Jue said, "Don't worry about the old lady and the county magistrate, this is the father's personal consent. The father said that the county magistrate married to be the concubine of Hengqin and saved the life of the king. The king will bear it." The county lord gets on the sedan chair, and it's justified by both emotion and reason."

When he said these words, his tone was very flat, but the slight trembling at the corners of his eyes still revealed his inner emotions.

"Si Yue thanked the emperor for his kindness." Lian Si Yue nodded and said.

"I am very pleased to see the county master getting married," Feng Jue said.

Once upon a time, he was the first to tell her anything, his emotions, his glory, everything about him, and he never concealed it. Now when he speaks, he covers up the truest thoughts in his heart. Said some superficial polite words.

All that was left was a secret sigh.

Feng Jue left Qing'an Courtyard with Lian Siyue——

"Don't worry, I will keep your teachings in mind, and be cautious in my words and deeds. There are some people sent by other people in the mansion, and I have taken good care of them. Now, I am still very safe in the Ming An Palace. I will carry you on my back." The sedan chair was also agreed by the emperor, and I will never risk your marriage." Feng Jue said as he walked.

Lian Siyue nodded, and said, "Your Highness, I know that you are going through a very difficult road, and I have never been by your side to help you, but you are doing well now, and I believe you will get better and better as you go. Yes, Your Highness, please keep two words in mind: keep a low profile."

"Sure enough, you still care about me." Feng Jue showed a childlike smile on his face, which is what he cares most about, "The thing I fear most when I leave the Xiangfu is that you don't care about me at all, you still care about me .”

"Just now I was praising you, but now His Highness looks like a child who hasn't grown up." Lian Siyue said.

The sun poured down and quietly shone on the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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