First-class daughter

Chapter 737 Do You Like Me

Chapter 737 Do You Like Me
Chapter 737 Do You Like Me
"A few days ago, I went to see Ah Yue." Feng Jue said lightly.

"How about her? I originally planned to go too." Lian Siyue said, "We all have a home, she can't be floating like a fallen leaf."

a few days ago.

The trees are lush and lush, and the simple temples are hidden among them.

In front of the nunnery, a little nun in green clothes knelt in front of the door, clasped her hands, closed her eyes, and muttered something. The sun shone on her body. She knelt from the morning until the sun set, and the closed door was finally closed. Opened it, and an old nun with the face of a monk appeared at the door.

She opened her eyes and called out, "Master—

"Amitabha, you are still back."

"Master, this disciple has settled his mind, so he came back to ask Master for his sins." Lingyu said reverently.

"Goodness, goodness, you left this temple without permission. I didn't want to take you in anymore, but my teacher sees that you are lonely and have nowhere to go, so I forgive you once. Get up and go in." Mrs. Jing'an said.

"Thank you, Master." Lingyu kowtowed solemnly.

"Lingyu, get up quickly, and go clean the meditation room with me, there will be distinguished guests coming in two days." Senior sister Lingmiao walked over, helped her up, hugged the rabbit in her arms, and said happily.

"Yes, Senior Sister." Lingyu bowed and walked past Master Jing'an.

"Lingyu, it's going well this time. Is the person you care about alright?" Lingmiao asked while cleaning the meditation room with Lingyu.

"It's all right." Lingyu said, sweeping the ground silently.

"That's good. From now on, you can stay in Shuiyue Nunnery with peace of mind." Lingmiao said with a smile.

"Senior Sister, few people come to Shuiyue Nunnery, who wants to come this time, and why does Master attach so much importance to it?" Lingyu asked.

"I don't know about this either. Master has never revealed it. Let's not think too much. Since Master attaches so much importance to it, he must be the most important person. Let's do things quickly." Lingmiao said.

"it is good."

Two days later.

Lingyu was reciting sutras and knocking on the wooden fish in the Zhaitang when Lingmiao came over and said, "Junior Junior Sister, the distinguished guest is here, Master let you go."

Lingyu was taken aback for a moment, what kind of distinguished guest needs her to go?
"Hurry up, leave it to me here." Seeing that she was still in a daze, Lingmiao took the wooden fish from her hand and urged.

"Oh, good." Lingyu came back to her senses, clasped her hands together, and walked towards the master's meditation room.

As soon as she walked to the door, she faintly heard a man's voice talking to the master. She approached the door and took a peek inside. to go.

"Lingyu is here, come in quickly." However, she only took two steps when she heard her master calling her.

She had no choice but to bite her lower lip, bravely pushed the door open, walked in with her head down, and said, "Master, the apprentice is here."

I saw that the one sitting opposite Master Jing'an was His Royal Highness Feng Jue, the Eleventh Prince. He talked about something with Master, and his face was flushed, as if he was having a good time.

When Feng Jue saw Lingyu coming in, his eyes fell on her.

"You came just in time. Father just talked about scriptures with His Highness for more than an hour. Now, Master is going to make some preparations for today's fast meal, because His Highness wants to stay and eat vegetarian food. You accompany His Highness Let's take a look at Shuiyue Nunnery." Master Jing'an said, stood up, greeted Feng Jue, and walked out.

"Master!" Lingyu hurriedly called, but Mrs. Jing'an had already left.

Lingyu had no choice but to turn around slowly, and said to Feng Jue, "Amitabha, benefactor, Shuiyue Nunnery is very small, there is really nothing to see, if the benefactor wants to eat vegetarian food, then stay and use it before leaving. If you have other matters, I won't accompany you." She said, turned and left.

"Although Shuiyue Nunnery is small, it's my first time here, please let little master walk with me." Feng Jue got up and said, and walked out first without waiting for Lingyu to say anything.

Lingyu paused, and had no choice but to follow behind him and walk out.

Fengjue walked in front, Lingyu put his hands together, and followed behind, walking slowly, silent all the way, she looked at his back, unknowingly, he was more handsome and handsome than before, even his shoulders looked more handsome than before. The past was more powerful, and the years had baptized him. He was no longer the red-faced young Lang Lianjue who quarreled with her on the hunting ground.

He said he wanted her to lead him around, but in fact, he had always been leading her.

"Eleven, do you regret it?" Finally, Feng Jue stopped under a big tree, turned around, and asked.

Lingyu was thinking about her own affairs, when he suddenly stopped and asked her, she was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head with confusion in her eyes, "What?"

"Do you regret that you have entered the palace and been a princess for a while?" Feng Jue asked.

"Do you regret it?" Lingyu looked into the distance, gradually becoming distant, and said, "Regret or not, I don't have the right to choose, and neither do you, do you? Your Highness..."

That's right, Feng Jue smiled wryly, who they are, they have no choice.

"Eleven, sorry."

"I'm sorry?" Lingyu showed a trace of doubt, "Your Highness, why did you say sorry to me?"

"I always have a feeling that I have taken everything away from you. Because of me, I cannot have you." This is the pain in Feng Jue's heart.

Lingyu smiled, and said, "Lianjue, you are so stupid, this is your life, not mine." There was a smile in her eyes, and the warm sunlight shone on her slightly pale and thin face On, at this moment, she looks so pure and beautiful.

"Eleventh, my sister is getting married." Lian Jue said, "Brother Nine Emperors."

Lingyu's heart trembled slightly, and she said, "I used to think that His Highness the Ninth Prince is very different from Lian Siyue, as long as Lian Siyue is around, his eyes will shine."

"Yeah, Brother Nine Emperors has always been very kind to her, trying to plot everything for her. Based on what I know about the Lian family, after what happened to me, Lian will no longer trust her sister. It is the most appropriate time for His Royal Highness to ask for marriage. time." Feng Jue said.

"Also, don't call me Eleven in the future, you are Eleven. My name is A Yue, and my name is Lingyu. You can call me A Yue, or Master Lingyu." Lingyu said with a smile.


"Lianjue, do you like me?" Lingyu raised her head and asked.

In the past, when the two of them quarreled in the hunting ground, they were still about the same height. She could stand on tiptoe and stare at him condescendingly. Before she knew it, he was already much taller than her. She had to look up to see him eyes out.

Feng Jue was startled, his heart shrank slightly, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

Lingyu smiled, her smiling eyes bent into two crescent moons, and there was a hint of tears in her smiling eyes——

(End of this chapter)

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