First-class daughter

Chapter 738 Don't come near me

Chapter 738 Don't come near me
Chapter 738 Don't come near me
"Look, you don't like me at all. You came to see me just because you felt sorry for me, sympathized with me, and couldn't help worrying about me for the sake of your friends. I know all of this and I am grateful.

But, Lian Jue, please, don’t approach me anymore, I’m afraid I’ll misunderstand you, I’m afraid, I’m afraid I’ll be greedy for your warmth, and then become a bad person, asking for more from you, I don’t want to change myself It's like this, so please don't disturb my practice anymore..."

Feng Lingyue still couldn't say the following words, and finally said, "Besides, although the emperor spared me, he gave an order that he never wants to see me again. It is always inappropriate for you to come to see me.

So, little Highness, you go back and take care of yourself. The palace is dangerous, so be careful. As for me, Shuiyue Temple is my destination. I have already promised Master that I will practice hard here in the future and be a real monk. . "

As she spoke, Lingyu clasped her hands together and said "Amitabha", then turned around and walked towards the nunnery step by step.

"Eleven..." Feng Jue took a step forward, "Listen to me..."

Lingyu turned her head, "What else do you want to say, Your Highness?"

"Actually, my sister and I are also looking for your family members for you. We are looking for Mother Xiao to understand what happened back then, and she provided some clues. I believe that you will find your relatives in a short time, so you don't have to worry about it again." You are homeless, so don't be in a hurry to become a monk, don't be in a hurry to be a real monk..."

Lingyu pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Thank you, poor lady, for your kindness, Amitabha."

She said and walked forward.

"Eleven!" Feng Jue shouted.

When Lingyu heard this sound, she tried her best to hold back, didn't look back, straightened her back, walked in step by step, then turned around, and slowly closed the door, completely isolating herself from Lian Jue open.

Feng Jue stood there in a daze, watching her face disappear before his eyes, and then slowly withdrew his hand.

Behind the door, Lingyu's back was leaning tightly, and her body slowly slid down, her hands tightly covering her mouth to prevent herself from crying, but the crystal clear tears fell into her mouth in big ones, Extra bitter.

In the distance, Master Jing'an saw this scene, shook her head helplessly, and walked over.

Lingyu raised her head and saw her master's kind and kind face, she couldn't help standing up and throwing herself into her arms.

Mrs. Jing'an patted the back of her head with her hand, and said, "Ask what love is in this world, and let life be self-reliant. Lingyu, do you know why Master married you with this name?"

Lingyu shook her head, choked with sobs and said, "I don't know, please ask Master to clarify."

"Jade is something that absorbs the aura of all things in the world. The teacher thinks you are like a crystal clear gem, so I gave you this name.

But now, you are trapped by love and suffering in your heart, just like a piece of fine jade, covered with dust, you can't see through it, and you don't know how to take the road ahead, so you will only suffer more and more. "

"Master, what should the disciple do?"

"Lingyu, you have to know that this Shuiyue nunnery is not a place for you to escape from your love debts. You have to pay back the debts you owe. After paying off, you will be free."

"But I don't know what to do..." If she left Shuiyue Nunnery, where else could she go?

"Don't worry, just stay and think about it. There will always be a day when you can think clearly. You see, it's getting dark. Come in and eat. Only when you're full will you have the strength to think about things." Mrs. Jing'an Holding her hand, said.

"Thank you, master." With this small Shuiyue nunnery, and her master and senior sisters by her side, she already felt very happy.

On the way down the mountain, Feng Jue was silent all the way, for some reason, a certain piece of his heart seemed to be shattered heavily by something, and he wanted to pick it up, but he couldn't pick it up.

"...Little Highness." Sijiu saw that he had been silent for a long time, and finally couldn't help but took two quick steps, stepped forward and said, "Actually, that little master Lingyu is really pitiful. I still remember that when she quarreled with you, your highness, she was really aggressive, and she made the servants pretend to be animals and hunt them with swords. Compared with now, she is really a different person.

Moreover, the slave just saw that this Shuiyue Nunnery is small and dilapidated, with no incense, and she has to go up the mountain to cut firewood, cook, clean, and have three vegetarian meals a day. No wonder she is getting thinner and thinner. How can I stand it. "

"I'm such a bastard!" Suddenly, Feng Jue slammed on the tree beside him and said.

Sijiu was taken aback, "Your Highness, you, how could you be a bastard?"

However, Feng Jue didn't say anything, and went down the mountain in silence.


Feng Jue and Lian Siyue roughly finished talking about meeting Ah Yue before leaving the prime minister's mansion.

Even Siyue thought about it, Ah Yue lost her hair and became a nun at a young age, there are indeed many things wrong——

If I take her to Prince Heng's mansion to be my companion, I can still protect her, I wonder if she will be willing?
When this idea came to her mind, Leng Mei came back and said that the Hua family really had an adopted daughter with crescent-shaped marks on her shoulders, she was timid and had no ideas.

"Where is the person? Go and see." Lian Siyue said with a heartbeat.

"It's at the old lady's place. Master, the eldest lady and the old lady Rong are rushing over. I heard that the eldest lady almost fell on the way. Maybe I'm too excited." Leng Mei replied.

"Let's go." Lian Siyue was also looking forward to seeing this person who might be her sister, and her mood fluctuated a little.

Even when Siyue arrived at Qing'anyuan, she saw her parents and grandmother. There were two villagers in coarse clothes standing in the middle, a woman and a girl. The woman's clothes, looking timidly at everything around her.

"Siyue, you came just in time. This is the sister-in-law of the Hua family and the girl adopted by her family." Lian's mother saw Lian Siyue and beckoned her to sit over.

"Yes, grandma." Lian Siyue replied.

When Hua Yu heard this voice, she couldn't help looking at Lian Siyue. She felt that this noble lady looked quite bold, and she couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Mother Lian said to the lady, "Go and see if there is a crescent-shaped bite mark you bit on her shoulder."

"Yes, mother." The eldest lady walked up to Hua Yu with a trembling voice, looked at her with tears in her eyes, and said, "Let me see your shoulder."

"Mother, I, I don't want it, I'm afraid." But Hua Yu took two steps back, hiding behind Hua's sister-in-law, refusing to let the eldest lady touch her.

Seeing the situation, the sister-in-law of the Hua family seemed to understand a little bit, and said, "Xiao Yu, don't be afraid, you see this lady has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, she must be a kind person, let her have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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