Chapter 746
Chapter 746
She raised her eyes and looked at him, Feng Yunzheng's eyes were filled with a lingering brilliance, Lian Siyue suddenly felt her cheeks burning hot, and her ears were so red that they were about to bleed.

"so beautiful!"

"This is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." The people around looked at Lian Siyue and let out bursts of exclamation.

"It's a match made in heaven with His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince."

It's just that I heard that Rong and the county lord are not yet ready, so what will happen tonight's bridal chamber wedding night?Just look at it and not eat it?

And Feng Yunzheng's heart rippled, as he looked at his beautiful girl like a fascination——

Yes, yes, she is his little princess now—

"Look, His Highness Ninth is blushing!" Normally, who would dare to make jokes about His Royal Highness Nine, but now that he has no temper when he is married to a bride, everyone is making fun of him, and he is not angry, just watching happily Even like the moon.

At this time, someone started to make trouble and asked, "Your Highness Ninth, after getting married, who will take care of the money of the palace?"

"Of course the princess is in charge. I don't want a penny." At this moment, his silly look is really cute.

"Wow, so generous, the princess is blessed."

Yes, looking at the entire Zhou Dynasty, which man, especially the dignified prince, would be willing to say in front of everyone that all the money will be given to his wife, and he does not want a penny. This is really holding his woman in the palm of his hand heart.

Tsk tsk tsk, Ye Feng, who was watching with his arms folded at the door, made a tsk tsk sound, and teased in a low voice, "What a wife slave!" As he spoke, he glanced at Leng Mei, moved closer to him, and blinked, the old man Classically said, "I will also take care of mine."

He said coldly, "What can you do?"

"Although it's far behind our master, there's still a little bit of it." Night Breeze said with his thumb and index finger together.

In fact, Night Breeze is the happiest today. The eldest lady is married, which means that he thinks he can work with Lengmei every day again, and it won't take a long time to see each other again——

very nice!very nice!
"Then who will be in charge of the affairs of the princess in the future?" Some people with good intentions continued to ask.

"Naturally, I will take care of everything." Feng Yunzheng said with a good temper.

"Okay, okay, let's leave after drinking the Hebei wine. It's time to return this bridal chamber to the husband and wife, otherwise His Highness Ninth Prince should be in a hurry." Said, the little princess who had been waiting by the side for a long time, the little princess king Under the guidance of the people, the wine was brought over.

"Princess, get up and drink this wine together with His Highness." Liu Butler, who was in charge of these etiquettes in the palace, handed two glasses of wine to the two of them.

The two people's hands wrapped around each other's arms, and then they put the wine glass to their lips, and they drank it with their heads raised. Immediately, Lian Siyue's face turned red.

After drinking, the crowd made a fuss and left the bridal chamber to eat the wedding banquet. After the last person closed the door, only the two of them were left in the bridal chamber.

Feng Yunzheng reached out, took off the tiara on her head, and said, "It's too heavy, take it off first."

"It doesn't feel heavy, it's just that I'm hungry. Since I got up in the morning, I have eaten two mouthfuls of gruel. The third aunt said that's all I can say." She couldn't help touching her belly, full of the mood of a little daughter's family. .

"Knowing that you will be hungry, I have asked the servants to prepare a few side dishes that you like to eat."

Her wedding dress was too heavy to move freely, so Feng Yunzheng picked up everything she ate, handed it to her mouth, and fed it mouthful.

Lian Siyue blushed and said, "I'll do it myself, next time you are in front of everyone, don't do this, I'm afraid everyone will make fun of you in the future."

Feng Yunzheng smiled, "It's up to them to laugh, I love my own woman, is it wrong?"

"You." There was a sweet feeling in Lian Siyue's heart.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, everyone has urged you to come out for a drink." According to the rules, Feng Yunzheng was going to appear at the wedding banquet.

"Understood!" He was quite unhappy, but finally got up and said, "I'll come as soon as I go, let Qingdai Lengmei and Taimao come in and talk to you."

It stands to reason that when they arrive at the Prince's Mansion, they will arrange for new servants, at most one maidservant of their own, but His Highness Ninth Prince doesn't mind this, and specifically told the Prime Minister's Mansion to let her bring all the ones she trusts, so that she will be more comfortable.

Feng Yunzheng left, Qingdai, Taimao, Lengmei and others came in——

"Miss, Your Highness said..."

"Girl! You can't be called Eldest Miss now!" Mother Tai quickly reminded.
"That's right, that's right, look, this slave is the quickest to forget, Wangfei, Wangfei." Qing Dai hurriedly slapped her mouth.

"Don't forget in the future, this is Prince Heng's Mansion, not my Xianheyuan. His Highness the Ninth Prince values ​​us, so we must be more cautious in our words and deeds, not to cause trouble for His Highness the Ninth Prince, let alone because you belong to me, If there are any inappropriate words and deeds in this palace, if you do something that hurts the face of me and the Xiangfu, then you don't have to follow me, remember." Lian Siyue took the opportunity to tell the servants who married with her He gave me a lot of words.

"Yes, Princess." Several people became more cautious in their words and deeds.

"Princess, when His Highness the Ninth Prince went out just now, he ordered that you should be still hungry, so let the servants feed you more." Qing Dai said.

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "I'm already full."

She doesn't feel hungry anymore, and when she thinks that it will be the evening, which will be the wedding night of the two, she feels uneasy——

Seeing her thoughts, Mother Tai whispered in her ear, "Princess, don't be afraid, His Highness Ninth Prince is a good man."

It's okay if Nanny Tai didn't say anything, but even Siyue felt even more nervous when she said that.

In the first rebirth, everything is calm, except when facing matters related to Feng Yunzheng, she will involuntarily show the mood that a little daughter should have.

I don't know how long it took, but even Siyue was a little sleepy, so she asked Qingdai and others to wait outside the room, and she lay down on the marriage bed, with her chin supported by her hands, shaking her head.

Feng Yunzheng finally finished the wedding banquet, and when he returned to the door of the room, several maidservants hurriedly bowed their knees to salute, Feng Yunzheng asked the housekeeper behind him to give everyone rewards, and then ordered: "Go down and rest."

After saying that, he entered the bridal chamber, and when he glanced around, he saw that she had fallen asleep on the marriage bed at some point, her tender white face was hidden in the red wedding dress, and under the light of the candlelight, she looked very beautiful. Very delicate and charming——

After all, she was just a little girl who hadn't grown up yet. When she fell asleep, she was so peaceful. With a slight smile on his face, he strolled to the edge of the bed and sat down, looking at her face——

As soon as he sat down, the bed sank, Lian Siyue opened his eyes suddenly, looked at the person sitting in front of him blankly, and said softly, "When did you come back?"

"Did it wake you up? I just finished the entertainment outside, and the guests are almost gone. Now I can rest in peace."

(End of this chapter)

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