First-class daughter

Chapter 747 1 Stayed

Chapter 747 Stayed all the time (after revision)

Chapter 747 Stayed all the time (after revision)

When Lian Siyue heard that the guests were gone, she immediately relaxed, twisted her sore neck, and said, "Then ask Qingdai to come in, wash and change my clothes for me."

"Let me come, I'll let them go down and rest." Surrounded by so many people all day today, he couldn't even look at her for a while, now it's finally quiet, and he doesn't want to let people in again.

"Take off the wedding dress first, this one is very heavy." As he said, he stretched out his hand to unbutton her neck, and when his slender fingers touched her chin, she suddenly felt her cheeks burning hot, and she shrank back involuntarily. Shrinking, her face blushing, this action made her feel the blood in her body coagulate.

As for Feng Yunzheng, when she unbuttoned her buttons one by one, her heart was pounding, her fingertips trembled slightly, and the roots of her ears were also hot.

"I, I'll do it myself." Lian Siyue stepped back suddenly, took his hand, and unbuttoned the wedding dress. Tomorrow, she will take off the heavy wedding dress for her and hang it aside. chair.

He was taking off the whole set of hair on her head one by one. The waterfall-like long hair slowly slid down and scattered behind her head. It was soft and soft on the white coat, looking gentle and beautiful.

She stood up and said, "You wait here, I, I'll go wash up."

His eyes were too hot and focused, and the ambiguous atmosphere in the room made her a little unsure how to deal with it.

Standing behind the screen, she slowly unscrewed the veil and wiped her cheeks, gradually calming down her nervous mood. When she finally finished washing and returned to the bed, he leaned his head against the bed and closed his eyes——

She stood in front of him, looked at him carefully, and fell asleep after a while. Yes, he was too tired recently. For the wedding, he personally intervened from the emperor to the servants of the palace. Give her a perfect wedding, especially today, there must be a lot of wine at the wedding banquet, and he can still smell the faint scent of wine when he stands like this.

Everyone said that he was the most beautiful man in Kyoto. Suddenly, her heart moved, she raised her hand, and used her fingertips to trace his facial features, heroic sword eyebrows, long and narrow eyelashes, straight nose bridge, and—— lips.

He still had his eyes closed, but he stretched out his hand suddenly, wrapping his arms around her waist, with a slight smile on his lips, and one of his hands pulled her into his arms——

"Ah..." Lian Siyue let out a soft cry, and fell into his arms unexpectedly, he fell on the bed following the force of her throwing over, and she lay on his body ambiguously, with her hands Clinging to his neck, the black hair scattered on his body, wrapped around his body, and the hair strands of the two were also entangled.

Lian Siyue supported his chest with her hands, and hurriedly wanted to stand up, but who knew that as soon as her hands touched his scalding chest, she hurriedly withdrew her hands, and the result became more and more flustered, more and more messy, and the hair of the two of them They were so entangled that she couldn't even move.

"Don't move." He put his hands around her back, hugged her tightly, pressed her head to his chest, and held her fluttering little hand with the other hand, greedily smelling the fragrance of her hair , closed his eyes, and said, "Baby Yueer, lie down with me for a while."

Lian Siyue stopped moving.

However, she felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, making her body feel like it was about to burn. She also heard his gradually heavy breathing, and his hands holding her became more and more intense. So hard, so hard that she could hardly breathe.

"Yun..." She was about to make a sound, but he suddenly turned over, pressed her slender body under him, and then lightly bit her neck, on that smooth and delicate skin——

It turned out that he had endured to the verge of being unable to restrain himself, and his breathing was so heavy that she was afraid.

"Yun Zheng, I, I..."

Finally, he spent a lot of effort to restrain his evil thoughts, finally turned over from her, pulled the quilt to wrap her tightly, while he hugged the quilt himself, trying not to hurt her— —

"Don't be afraid, I remember what I promised you. You haven't reached the point yet, so I won't overstep it. I'll talk about it when you grow up." Finally, he winked at her and reminded her intentionally.

Lian Siyue didn't move anymore, and let him hold her like this.

After a while, he suddenly wriggled again, and finally let go of her abruptly, jumped out of bed, ran to the bath tub quickly, took off his clothes, and jumped into the already cold water, making himself too hot body cools down—

Lian Siyue was wrapped in the quilt, and when she heard the sound of water coming from him, although she felt sorry for her, she still couldn't help laughing.

Feng Yunzheng ran in the water for half an hour before his body regained his composure. After he changed into clean clothes and came out, Lian Siyue really fell asleep this time, with his face buried between the quilts and the corners of his lips twitching. With a slight smile——

Feng Yunzheng smiled——

It's done, it's done.

When she woke up the next morning, Lian Siyue found that Feng Yunzheng had already woken up. Although the two of them hadn't bridal last night, they were just hugging each other, but she still felt a little shy. When her eyes met his, she felt a little embarrassed. bowed his head.

"Yue'er..." Feng Yunzheng was about to speak when Ye Feng's heavy voice came from outside——

"Your Highness, something happened in the palace. The Eighth Highness knelt at the entrance of Rongyuan Hall for a day and a night. The emperor finally promised him to release Concubine Xu Xian from the Leng Palace and regain control of Dongxi Palace. Everything in Dongxi Palace will continue as usual."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, Lian Siyue's face returned to its usual cold expression, and said, "As expected, the reason for letting her show her true colors at that time was to make His Royal Highness the Eleventh Prince return to his throne."

"In that case, Concubine Xu Xian will not let us go. If you are going to meet the emperor and concubine mother in the palace today, you should be more careful." Feng Yunzheng said with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"En." Lian Siyue nodded.

After a while, Qing Dai and others filed in, groomed her, and prepared to enter the palace.

Wild grass everywhere, deserted.

After a long journey for a month, Feng Qianyue was finally exiled to the border of northern Xinjiang——

More than a month of living in the open air, without enough food, Feng Qianyue has completely changed his personality. He has thin cheeks, unshaven beard, and messy hair. At a young age, there are traces of gray hair between the temples, and he looks older than before. In his teens, even his eyes became cloudy.

Because of his serious crimes, the soldiers who detained him along the way seemed very rude.

He often sat in the prison car with his eyes closed and meditated all day long. He would not even touch a bite of the food served in front of him, and would throw it away when it was rancid.

"It's here!" The soldier's rough voice sounded——

Feng Qianyue finally opened his eyes slowly. As far as his eyes could see, there was a vast expanse of barren grassland. As far as the eye could see, there were no people or animals——

This is where he will be staying for the rest of his life——

(End of this chapter)

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