Chapter 748
Chapter 748
This is the northern border, which is different from the southern border. This is almost a forgotten place, and even wars will not affect this place.

He will be accompanied by a flock of sheep here, and he will have three meals a day without fine clothes and fine food. He will not see anyone for a long time, but someone will always watch him, and it is clear how many sheep there are here.None of them spoke to him, all he could tell was the weeds and the sky.

His days will be like stagnant waters, day after day, until death.


With a bang, the door of the prison car was finally opened, and the shackles on his hands and feet were also taken off. After being locked for more than a month, it was only when the iron was untied that he found that his hands, ankles, and wrists had already begun to rot, exuding a burst of rot. There was a smell, and there was a circle of white ant-sized insects crawling on the carrion.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, he fell to his knees in pain.

Now, he is just a commoner who has committed a crime. Without the status of a prince, the guards just watched him unable to stand up for a long time.

"In the future, you will be in charge of these flocks. Even if there is one less sheep, someone will know about it. Be honest, don't try to play tricks!"

The soldiers who escorted him scolded him coldly, and drove the prison car away. He watched the smelly sheep crowding around him, and his face was deeply buried in the ground——

His mind is full of the sentence that Lian Siyue gave him when he left Beijing:
"Now, this Golden Palace, this power, status, glory or wealth, have nothing to do with your Fourth Highness."

This sentence is like a curse, it is the curse cast by Lian Siyue on him, from the moment he left the capital, it has been circling in his mind without stopping for a moment, disturbing him day and night, from time to time There is no peace at all times.

"Lian Siyue! Lian Siyue!" He kept chanting her name as if in a daze.

This is the biggest torture she gave him 1!It is a thousand times more painful than dismembering the body by five horses and cutting the body apart.

"What are you waiting for, the sheep are being herded!" Someone slammed the whip vigorously and said loudly.

He looked down at the wriggling white worm on his rotten ankle, and said to the scolding person, "Give me a knife."

"What do you want to do?"

"My feet are rotten. If I don't remove the carrion, my feet will be useless. At that time, let alone shepherding sheep, I can't even walk. Give me a knife." He said.

"There is no medicine for you here. If you want to remove carrion like this, you may die of pain." The man said.

"Don't be afraid, lend me the knife." Feng Qianyue insisted.

Seeing him in this state, the guard had no strength to escape and could not attack, so he threw the knife at his waist into the air, Feng Qianyue reached out and caught it, and said, "Light me a fire .”

The guard wanted to see if he had the guts to pick his own flesh, so he really jumped off the horse and lit a fire beside him.

"Thank you!" He burned the knife until it turned red, then picked up a twig beside him and bit it in his mouth, picked up the knife and pointed it at the carrion crawling with white worms, cut it down, and there was a "squeak" immediately There was a sound, accompanied by a burning smell, a piece of rotten flesh was removed, and a puff of blue smoke rose from his foot. His hand holding the knife trembled violently, biting the branch tightly and flowing down between his teeth, along the The corners of the mouth slipped down.

He closed his eyes tightly, then opened them, and cut again.

The guard was stunned, and the token in his hand fell to the ground with a snap. He had never seen anyone who was so good at him.

Feng Qianyue really held on, and removed all the carrion on both ankles, then threw the knife away, and fell to the ground powerlessly, like a dead person.

"Lian Siyue, it was you who taunted and attacked me and gave me strength. Even if I, Feng Qianyue, wait until I die, I still want to see you again!"

When he was in a daze of pain and almost dizzy, Feng Qianyue was saying such a sentence in his mind.

The flock surrounded him, licked his face, passed over his body, the sheep manure was pulled by his side, and the stench was suffocating, his chest was heaving, and his hands were clenched tightly with the last bit of strength The wilderness below.

Khitan, Youzhou, the Imperial Palace.

Singing and dancing, the maids shuttled between the banquets, and in the hall, several slender women were dancing to the music.

The Empress Dowager Renyi of Khitan sits on the main hall, wearing a large phoenix robe, with a cold and serious expression on her face all the time, she is a Han, she came to Khitan at the age of 14, shed blood all the way, and now she is the Queen Mother of Khitan, At the same time, she is also a widow, a widow who is only 48 years old.

She married Yelu Lurong as a side concubine at the age of 13. Yelu Lurong was not very favored when the former emperor was alive. The one who was really favored was another side concubine. Later Yelu Lurong was in the battle with Dazhou After her untimely death, the Khitan Palace set off a bloody battle for the throne. Relying on her outstanding power-seeking skills, she controlled the court for nearly 20 years.

She had originally planned to make her eldest son Yelu Chongyuan the emperor after the big Monday round. She had studied Marshal Lian Yanfu for several years. She won a big victory, but she didn't expect to be completely defeated. She killed her most valued son, lost countless troops, and signed a shameful treaty——and all of this was defeated by the girl named Lian Jue. A gift from my boy!
She must avenge this revenge!

Among the people under that seat, apart from the princes and nobles of Khitan and all civil and military officials, there is also Xiao Zhenhai who was recently appointed as the Prime Minister of the South, Mrs. Xiao, and Xiao Hu who was named General of Civil and Military Affairs, but Xiao He was alone. shadow.

When Yeluchu was about to drink a glass of wine with a slight smile, his bodyguard, Modan, bent over and said something in his ear. He frowned, got up and walked out, walked to a secluded place, Modan road:

"Little prince, Xiao He really doesn't know what to do. You made him a great general, and his official position is even higher than in the Great Zhou Dynasty. The Empress Dowager's birthday, the last general has invited him three times, but he is still indifferent." Mo Dan said angrily.

Yeluchu's face turned cold, and he said, "This Xiao He is really stubborn. This king has treated him with the utmost benevolence and righteousness. He is still so stubborn. It seems that this king should teach him a lesson. Otherwise, he would think that there is no one stronger than him in Khitan."

"Little prince, even though Xiao He is really a rare talent, if he really can't be used by us, it will be a disaster. According to what the general sees, it is better to simply keep Xiao Zhenhai from doing nothing and kill him. !"

(End of this chapter)

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