First-class daughter

Chapter 760 Bloodthirsty Murderous Aura

Chapter 760 Bloodthirsty Murderous Aura

Chapter 760 Bloodthirsty Murderous Aura

As soon as the bag was opened, I saw some valuable gold and silver jewelry inside. Concubine Liang frowned and said, "Tao Hong, you are a third-class court lady, and I have never rewarded you with these things. Where did it come from?"

"This..." Hongtao looked at the things in her bag, and said, "Your Majesty, I don't know, these things don't belong to me."

"It's not yours, why did it appear in your baggage?" Li Nanny stepped forward, raised her hand, slapped Tao Hong's face hard, and said, "Quickly tell me, who gave it to you, Did the person who gave you the reward let you poison the princess's medicinal food?"

"This person is Concubine Xu Xian, right?" Concubine Liang's cold eyes fell on Tao Hong. Concubine Liang was usually gentle and dignified, with a smile on her face from time to time, but when she became indifferent, she also had a fearsome and powerful aura. .

Taohong kowtowed repeatedly, and cried, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty has learned from you. The slaves have been with you for many years, they are loyal and loyal, and have never had any unkind thoughts on your Majesty. Your Majesty, Your Majesty has learned from you."

"Your Majesty!" At this time, Bi Xiang stepped forward, knelt down beside Tao Hong, and said, "Your maidservant can testify that Tao Hong really has a problem with her!"

When Tao Hong heard it, she suddenly raised her head to look at Bi Xiang, with a surprised expression on her face, "Bi Xiang, you, what are you talking about?"

"Bixiang, tell me quickly, what evidence do you have?" Mother Li asked.

"At first, the servant didn't think much about it, but now that I think about it, I feel strange. Last night, the servant got up in the middle of the night and found that Tao Hong was not on her bed. The servant waited for a long time and didn't see her coming in. I felt strange in my heart. It stands to reason, If she wakes up at night, she should be back. So, out of worry, the servant went out to look for her, and found her in the corner behind the camphor tree, talking with a person, and took a piece of paper from that person's hand. Pack things." Bixiang recalled.

Tao Hong heard this, reddened her glasses anxiously, and said, "Bi Xiang, you are talking nonsense! I have never woken up in the middle of the night, and everyone who lives with me knows that if I don't have to keep watch, I will always wake up until dawn. For what purpose?"

"No! I'm not talking nonsense, you do have the habit of sleeping until dawn, but you did go out in the middle of the night last night!"

"Can you see the face of the person who gave her something?" Feng Yunzheng asked.
Bixiang shook her head, and said, "It was midnight, it was dark, and there was shade from the trees, so the servant did not see the man's face clearly."

"Your Highness Nine, Your Highness Ninth, there is no maidservant, this maidservant really hasn't been out in the middle of the night, it is Bixiang who is slandering me, Bixiang, Bixiang, why did you lie to hurt me?" Tao Hong shed tears, arguing for herself.

"Tao Hong, why are you still lying when you have something! Now, the princess is seriously ill, you should tell the truth and save her life, the empress treats us as slaves very well!"

Bixiang said earnestly.

"Nonsense! Nonsense! Bixiang, what are your intentions?" Tao Hong blushed loudly.

"Come here!" Feng Yunzheng commanded sharply, "Tie up this palace lady Taohong, and I will personally interrogate you~"

"Yes!" Several nuns and eunuchs stepped forward, escorting Tao Hong into the hall.

Tao Hong yelled while walking, "Your Highness, Your Highness, please spare me, Bi Xiang, Bi Xiang, why did you want to kill me?" =
That Bixiang was so frightened that she raised her head occasionally, and said, "Sister Taohong, I'm really sorry, but I can't hide the truth for you, the princess needs an antidote."

"Bi Xiang, you said that you didn't see the appearance of the person who talked to Tao Hong and gave her things clearly, so can you see where that person went after leaving? Concubine Liang asked again.

Bixiang nodded and said, "Because this servant is really surprised, I don't know why Taohong got up in the middle of the night to fetch things from someone, this servant was worried that she would commit a crime, and after Taohong left, she quietly followed that person for a while, that person They walked all the way to the Dongxi Palace, because they were afraid of being noticed, the servants did not follow all the way to the end, but that direction is indeed the direction of the Dongxi Palace."

"Winter Xi Palace, Dong Xi Palace, sure enough, it's Concubine Xu Xian again. Her behavior is really unforgivable. I want to go personally to invite the emperor to hand over the antidote! Yue'er must have nothing to do!" Concubine Liang Gui Standing up, holding Nanny Li's hand, she quickly walked out of Menghua Palace and walked towards the Rongyuan Hall.

Nanny Li walked a few steps, turned her head, and said to Bixiang, "Get up."

"Yes, thank you, ma'am." Bixiang raised her head slowly, a relieved smile overflowed from the corner of her lips, and then she exited the hall and returned to her residence.

Sitting on her bed, she breathed a deep sigh of relief.

After a while, she changed her clothes, and with a tray in her hand, she lowered her head and walked towards the imperial dining room——

When she turned the corner, suddenly, a black shadow flashed and blocked her way. She was startled, and suddenly raised her head to have a look. Suddenly, with a bang, the tray fell to the ground, and the bowl inside was shattered. all over the place.

"Ye, Master Ye..." Bixiang looked at the man with a stern expression and a murderous look in front of him, and her voice trembled.

Night Breeze put his arms around his chest, looked her up and down, and said, "Where are you going in a hurry?"

"Responding to your lord, servant girl, servant girl, go to the imperial dining room and bring some food. If the princess wakes up, you can eat it." Bixiang said tremblingly, while looking at Night Breeze's face in fear——

The hidden guard next to His Highness the Ninth Prince has always been cold-faced in front of the servants and rarely speaks, and the servants are very afraid of him.

"Really? You really have a heart. Taohong was arrested just now, so you're not afraid of anything?" Night Breeze's lips revealed a half-smile.

"Slave, I don't understand your lord's meaning." Bixiang lowered her head even lower, lest she meet Night Breeze's gaze.

"If you don't understand, just follow me to understand." Night Breeze said, there was already a hidden weapon in his hand, which was pressed against Bixiang's waist, and Bixiang felt a chill on his back.

"My lord, what do you want to do, you..." She still wanted to speak, but suddenly she felt a pain in the back of her head, her eyes went dark, and she didn't know anything.

I don't know how long it took, Bixiang only felt a heart-piercing pain at the back of her head, she frowned tightly, opened her eyes, and felt a few figures flashing in front of her in a daze, she blinked hard, and finally Seeing clearly the person in front of him——

She sat up suddenly, "Wang, Wangfei..."

I saw that the person facing her was not someone else, but Princess Hengqin Lian Siyue who was clearly supposed to lie on the bed and wait to die!

She had a cold face, as if she had come from hell, with a pair of breathtaking eyes, looking at her lightly, but there was clearly a bloodthirsty murderous look in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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