First-class daughter

Chapter 761 Who Is Who

Chapter 761 Who Is Who
Chapter 761 Who Is Who
What's going on here, didn't she eat a medicated diet?Isn't she unconscious and vomiting blood?Didn't Imperial Doctor Rong say that she was dying?

Besides, hasn't Tao Hong been arrested and interrogated by His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince?
She thought that she had succeeded in making the imperial concubine and the others suspicious of Tao Hong.

Sitting next to the princess is His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng. The murderous look in His Royal Highness's eyes is not inferior to that of the princess—

At this moment, both of them looked like the scariest gods from hell!
"Night Breeze, do it!" A few words slowly spilled from Lian Siyue's lips, and she didn't even have a word to interrogate Bixiang.

"Yes." Ye Feng had a cold face, and stepped forward a few steps——

"No, don't, um..." Before Bixiang could beg for mercy, Night Breeze grabbed her neck quickly and hard, and with another force, she heard a click, and she was forced to open her mouth , warm blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, and Night Breeze poured a handful of incense ash-like powder into her mouth, and with another force, her mouth closed, and the ash-like thing melted into the blood and In the saliva, he was forced to swallow——

"Uh, uh..." Bixiang's eyes showed horror, she had seen this thing before, it was given to her by that person, and she knew it was the most terrifying poison fused into dust!
"You must know what this thing is, and you should also know that His Highness the Eleventh almost lost his life because of this harmful thing, and I was also 'poisoned' just now, and almost died. " Lian Siyue's voice was slow and possessed a frightening force. She spoke slowly, as if she was choking someone's throat, trying to strangle him to death bit by bit. Bixiang clasped her hand tightly. Throat, the other hand is desperately stuffed into the mouth, trying to vomit out the thing that has been eaten.

"Night Breeze..." Feng Yunzheng ordered in a cold voice, his eyes were cold and frightening.


Night Breeze's hand split the back of her neck, and she shook violently. The saliva was mixed with blood, and she swallowed another big mouthful. She prostrated herself on the ground, trembling with fear, sweating profusely, and she opened her eyes wide. Mouth, wanted to scream and vomit, but there was no way, she couldn't even close her mouth.

"Ah, ah..." She could only make suppressed sounds one after another.

"Mother Li, take off her outer clothes!" Lian Siyue ordered again.

"Yes." Nanny Li and the other two nanny stepped forward and roughly took off the outer clothes on Bixiang's body.

Feng Yunzheng and Night Breeze turned away slightly.

Lian Siyue stood up, took out a jade ruyi from her cuff, and slowly folded it, and the jade ruyi turned into a dagger.

This dagger was a wedding present that Feng Jue gave her on her wedding day, she never expected to use it so soon, she held the gleaming dagger, step by step, slowly and calmly approached Bixiang , murmured:

"Anyone who offends me will die, and anyone who opposes me will die. Today is the first day of my newlyweds even like the moon. It was a joyous day. His Highness Ninth Prince and I came to the palace happily, but unfortunately, my head is bleeding. Bloody, injured, so unlucky.

I must avenge this revenge. It's not good for you to offend anyone, but someone like me who must take revenge. I can only say that your days should be coming to an end. "

Her voice was cold and slow, and Bixiang seemed to feel that the god of death was approaching step by step.

"Uh, uh... no, no, princess, please forgive me..." She backed away little by little, sweating profusely, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.

Lian Siyue stopped in front of her, squatted down——

Nanny Li and the other nuns only grabbed Bixiang, making her unable to move.

"Do you think that if you put the jewelry that someone else gave you into Taohong's bag in advance, we will believe you and doubt her?"

Isn't it, isn't it?Bixiang's heart trembled, her hands trembled, her eyes didn't even dare to look at Lian Siyue.

"Extremely stupid!"

, Lian Siyue raised the dagger in his hand, swiped it, and slid a knife on Bixiang's arm--Bixiang suddenly let out a tragic cry, and Nanny Li quickly wiped a ball of dirty and smelly cloth With her mouth blocked, she could only open her terrified eyes, looking at the blood gurgling from her arm, she was so frightened that she was about to faint.

However, Lian Siyue slipped the knife again, which made her recover from the near fainting, became extremely sober, and endured the pain of seppuku.

But at this moment, in her eyes, this high and mighty Princess Heng is like a terrifying devil, and what is even more frightening is that, as her husband, His Highness the Ninth Prince, did not stop her princess from such a terrible behavior .

"Night Breeze," she called.

"Yes!" Night Breeze stepped forward, took out a bottle of medicinal powder from his sleeve and sprinkled it on the wound, and the bleeding hole was blocked.

She slipped the knife again, and let Night Breeze seal the wound again.Sliding down four times in a row, the four places were covered with incense ash to stop the bleeding.

"These four wounds are all sprinkled with Gu poison incense ash, you only have about six hours to live, if there is no antidote." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Uh, uh..." Bixiang's eyes were even more terrified, the eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets because of the fear, she was about to pass out from the pain, but she clenched her teeth tightly, she couldn't fall asleep , she was afraid that she would die in her sleep just like that, without even a chance to survive.

"Nurse Li, take out what's in her mouth." Lian Siyue finally let go seeing that her will was almost destroyed.

"Yes." When Nanny Li took out the broken ball from Bixiang's mouth and threw it on the ground, even if Bixiang wanted to scream, she had no strength left. His eyes were almost dull, his body was dripping with sweat, his eyes looked at Lian Siyue timidly and pleadingly, and he uttered an indistinct voice of "forgive me, spare me".

Lian Siyue walked back to the original seat, sat down, looked at her condescendingly, and asked, "Tell me, who is the person who is connecting with you?"

"Yes, yes..." Bixiang stammered, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

"You don't have any room for weighing and considering. You still have five and a half hours to live. If you don't want to live, this princess can leave immediately." Lian Siyue looked at the weight in the corner, and said .

"Slave, servant, say, say..." Finally, she opened her mouth extremely weakly, with a look of near despair in her eyes, she closed her eyes, and said, "Yes, yes..."

(End of this chapter)

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