Chapter 762
Chapter 762
"Don't lie." When she was about to say a name, Lian Siyue said calmly.

"Yes." Bixiang trembled, "Yes, it was Princess Yiyun's maidservant, Pipa, who came to find this servant girl, servant girl, servant girl who was fascinated for a while, and then listened to her instigation, servant girl knew she was wrong, wangfei, please forgive me, wangfei, please forgive me..."

"It really is her." Lian Siyue's lips showed a cold sarcasm, "It seems that she is not very satisfied with being Princess Yongqing."

Feng Yunzheng's eyes were cold, and he said, "Then let her be unable to even be Princess Yongqing."

He motioned to Night Breeze, and forced a pill into Bixiang's mouth. Bixiang grabbed her throat tightly, and she didn't know what she was eating.

"This is the antidote for half of the Gu poison. You follow this king's instructions. After the task is completed, this king will give you half of the antidote." Feng Yunzheng said.

Bi Xiang hurriedly kowtowed and said, "Your Highness Nine, please give me instructions."

"Get up." Feng Yunzheng said condescendingly.

"Yes." Bixiang got up.

Princess Hall.

Pan Ruochu stood under the tree, listening to the news from outside the palace, saying that when Princess Hengqin was with the imperial concubine, she was overwhelmed by the plum tree and injured, and she is still unconscious. Going in and out, I also heard that His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince has been by Wangfei's side all the time, refusing to leave even a single step.

A faint smile appeared on the corners of Pan Ruochu's lips, and he said, "However, she has fought against Lian Siyue, she really should not be underestimated, Pipa, I don't worry, you go and meet the maid who met you privately."

"The princess is really much more cautious now, the servant girl will go now."

Pipa bowed and walked towards the imperial dining room.

"Lian Siyue, it's so easy for you to be Prince Heng. If you want to compete with me, you will have to pay a price. I, Pan Ruochu, have never lost before. Even if you can't win this time, you have to pay me some price. "Pan Ruochu narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly stabbed out with the long sword in his hand. With one sword, he cut off the bun on the head of the maid standing in front. fell to the ground.

Imperial Room.

With a tray in her hand, Pipa came to pick up the afternoon snacks that Princess Yiyun would use according to the usual rules. She secretly looked around, but she couldn't see the shadow of Menghua Palace Bixiang after looking around.

"..." At this time, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and patted her on the shoulder. She was startled, and turned around abruptly, only to see Bixiang standing behind her. ,


"Hush!" Bixiang quickly put her hand between her lips, signaling Pipa not to speak.

Pipa understood, took the snacks she had chosen, bowed her head, walked out, and stopped at a corner.

After a while, Bixiang also came over with some things——

Pipa looked around and found that no one was paying attention to this place, so she asked in a low voice, "Bixiang, the princess asked me to come. I heard that Princess Heng is in a coma. This is true."

Bixiang nodded.

"Then..." Pipa lowered her voice again, "Have you used up the poison powder given to you?"

Bixiang nodded again.

Pipa was taken aback, moved closer, and asked in a tight voice, "Bixiang, why didn't you speak from the beginning to the end? Is something wrong? Is it Prince Heng..."

"No." Bixiang finally spoke, and said, "Everything is going according to plan. Princess Heng has already drank the poisonous medicine. Now, His Royal Highness and the Empress are suspecting that Concubine Xu Xian did it. You tell the princess to be careful. Just don't reveal your secrets."

Seeing that Bixiang was speaking normally, Pipa was relieved, and said, "That's good, I'll go back to the Princess Palace and report to the princess, be careful, we don't meet again for the time being, so as not to be suspicious, don't worry , What you did for the princess, the princess will remember it in her heart, and she will reward you well after the incident, Princess Yiyun has more gold, silver and treasure than any other princess, and she spends generously."

"Yes." Bixiang said.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Pipa picked up the tray and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Bixiang said suddenly

"What's wrong?" Pipa's heart skipped a beat.

"Be careful when you walk, look, your soup has spilled, let me wipe it for you," Bi Xiang said.

Pipa took a look, sure enough, the soup in the bowl spilled on the tray, probably because of nervousness, she didn't notice it just now.

Bi Xiang wiped off the soup with a handkerchief, and said, "Let's go, we will meet here again if there is any new situation."

"Okay." Pipa nodded, then quickly left with the meal in hand.

Bixiang breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a weakness all over her body. Just as she was about to fall, a black shadow flashed past and tapped on her back. She felt a wave of enthusiasm spread throughout her body. Turning around, she saw Ye Feng Yi stood behind her expressionlessly, she panicked, knelt down, and said, "Lord Ye, everything has been done according to His Highness's instructions."

"Well, go back and act like nothing happened." Night Breeze ordered coldly.

"Yes." Bixiang bowed her head and walked past him.

Pan Ruochu had been waiting in the princess hall. When Pipa came in with afternoon snacks, she immediately stood up and asked in a tight voice, "Pipa, how are you?"

"Princess, I met Bixiang, and she said that everything is going according to plan. Princess Heng has already taken the poisonous medicine, and the symptoms are the same as those of Her Majesty the Eleventh Prince. Her Royal Highness Ninth Prince and the Imperial Concubine suspected that it was Concubine Xu Xian. The imperial concubine is going to the Rongyuan Hall to report to the emperor." Pipa said.

Pan Ruochu showed a sneer on his face, and said, "Concubine Xu Xian, this old bitch, tried to use me to harm the phoenix last time, causing me to be misunderstood by His Highness Ninth Prince, and even ridiculed by Lian Siyue. Now, I am repaying you in her own way. Treat her body, and let her have a good taste of being a scapegoat!
Besides, this Gu poison was only found in her place, so it is natural to suspect her. "

This Gu poison was actually released back to the palace after she was wronged and killed Feng Jue. She went back to the place where she lost the sachet and found it again. She picked it up secretly, and no one knew about it.

Now, it comes in handy so quickly.

"Princess, what should we do now? Will there be doubts on our heads?" Pipa asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, they must have doubted Concubine Xu Xian at first. While they are focusing on Concubine Xu Xian, I will eliminate everything related to this princess."

Pan Ruochu had a somewhat smug expression on his face——

"Princess, you can drink some soup." Hearing what Pan Ruochu said, Pipa was relieved a lot.

Thinking that Lian Siyue was injured and poisoned again, Pan Ruochu felt very happy in his heart, and asked Pipa to bring the soup in front of him, and drank it comfortably.

(End of this chapter)

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