First-class daughter

Chapter 770 Not a Divine Bird

Chapter 770 Not a Divine Bird
Chapter 770 Not a Divine Bird
"You guys, poison me." Deep fear floated in her heart, her eyes felt blurred, and her body strength was slowly draining.

"Princess Yiyun, there is an old saying in our Central Plains, which is to treat a person with his own way, and that is what it means now." Lian Siyue looked at Pan Ruochu with sympathetic eyes.

Pan Ruochu stood up abruptly, and ran towards the entrance of the hall.

However, after only a few steps, the soles of his feet became weak, and he fell to the ground, unable to get up again. His limbs gradually became numb, and his breathing began to feel difficult.

"Pan Ruochu, you heard me clearly, I am Yunzheng's mother concubine, and the emperor is in charge of Yunzheng's affairs, but I also have the right to make decisions.

Don't say that I never thought about accepting a side concubine, even if I thought about it, I wouldn't like a daughter-in-law like you;

Don't say that Yunzheng only has Yue'er in his heart, even if he wants to marry a side concubine, it won't be your turn;

Don't say that you are a nondescript princess, even if you are a real princess, there is no place for you in Prince Heng's Mansion.

If you give up on this idea now, if you still give up, then the only person in this Palace who will let you die is this person. " Concubine Liang didn't spare any sympathy for what Pan Ruochu said——

"You, you..." Pan Ruochu never expected to hear such harsh words from Concubine Liang, "What kind of poison did you poison me? Gu poison?"

"Of course not. You can get the antidote from Concubine Xu Xian for the poison. The antidote is in our hands." Lian Siyue said, "As for the Gu poison you prepared for me, I have given Only dog ​​slaves who betrayed their masters will eat them."

"Plop." After Lian Siyue finished speaking, she saw Bi Xiang's body tilted and fell to the ground, bleeding from her mouth.

Pan Ruochu was startled, feeling the fear of death for the first time——

"The Queen Mother likes me, are you not afraid that the Queen Mother will know?" Pan Ruochu called out her "rescue soldiers".

"Believe me, if the empress dowager finds out that you and others have moved Hai Dongqing in the Taiji Hall, she will definitely not like you anymore. On the contrary, she will be the first to get rid of you. In the empress dowager's mind, perhaps There are many things that are very important, but nothing is more important than the emperor. Hai Dongqing is the emperor's divine bird, and naturally the queen mother's lifeblood. Tell me, will she kill you and feed him to Hai Dongqing? .” Lian Siyue reminded in a “good faith” way.

Pan Ruochu was speechless for a long time when he was blocked by Lian Siyue's words, and after a long time he asked in a murmur:

"What kind of poison did I eat?" She wanted to crawl, but she couldn't move at all. Her limbs were so numb that they were no longer her own.

"You want to know?" Lian Siyue raised her eyebrows.

"Lian Siyue, quickly give me the antidote, hurry up!" Pan Ruochu said with difficulty.

"It's not impossible to have an antidote. I didn't want your life at first, but you have to do something for this princess." Lian Siyue said.

"You want to tell the truth in front of the emperor? I did everything, everything? What's the difference between this and killing me directly?" Pan Ruochu wanted to move his body, but it was very difficult.

"You also know that the emperor will punish you with death for what you did. Why didn't you think about it when you did it?" The more Concubine Liang looked at Pan Ruochu, the more disgusted she became, and she said, "Pan Ruochu, why do you want to become a What about Yunzheng's woman? You are far inferior to Yue'er in appearance, and even a hair of Yue'er's strategy is even worse. Apart from being the daughter of King Anqing, what else do you have? As far as these two things are concerned, Bengong and Yunzheng are not rare at all, and the only thing that Bengong and Yunzheng are rare about is Yue'er."

Pan Ruochu blushed when she heard this, no one has ever belittled her like this, Concubine Liang is gentle and dignified, but what she said now poked her heart.

"Mother Concubine..." Even Siyue felt a little embarrassed, His Royal Highness and Concubine Liang really spoke in the same style.

"Okay, let's not talk about the mother and concubine, you can talk about your business." Concubine Liang smiled slightly.

"Yes." Lian Siyue looked at Pan Ruochu, who was ashen-faced again, and said, "This princess will not let you surrender before the emperor, this princess just wants to know about the matter of the Taoist priest, what can I ask you, you answer That's what it is."

"Don't try to play tricks. You should know after passing today that you are nothing but an ant in the hands of our empress and princess. I usually fight with you because it is too embarrassing. Now that you have come to your princess palace, you You have to obediently obey the orders, otherwise, not to mention going to Qingnan, you won't be able to get out of this Princess Palace, and you should have learned about His Highness Ninth's temper." Night Breeze warned from the side.

Lian Siyue successfully bluffed Pan Ruochu after hearing this loud and loud warning, her eyes showed admiration.

"Let's talk, what's the matter with the Taoist priest of the mountain?" Concubine Liang asked...


In the city of Kyoto, at a simple wine stand.

The guards on both sides surrounded the small wine stall, and everyone on the street retreated. At a glance, there was no one there, and the owner of the wine stall didn't know who the two distinguished guests who came suddenly were. Knowing that there seems to be a deep grievance between them, they have already drank three jars of this wine, one bowl after another. He didn't dare to breathe, and squatted on the ground to continue warming the wine.

On both sides of the crude table, two men stared at each other closely, one was wearing a silver brocade robe, unparalleled in the world, the other was wearing a purple brocade robe, distinguished and extraordinary, each with a meaningful look on their lips.

"It's so late, I didn't expect Brother Nine Emperors to have such an elegant mood, and came here to drink on the street." His usual rebellious expression appeared on Feng Ye's face.

"If you don't come, I don't know that this back alley has been waiting for such a long time, and the person who is drinking is Brother Bawang. With the moonlight, I will be drunk." Feng Yunzheng said calmly. .

"That's just right. It's rare for a thousand cups of wine to meet a bosom friend. It's rare that Brother Jiuhuang shares the same interest as me, so I want to drink it all the time, hahaha." Feng Ye raised his bowl, raised his head and drank the whole bowl of strong wine, with a serious expression on his face. There was a fiery red on his face, and the moonlight in his eyes was even more desolate.

"Brother Bawang is not only good at training soldiers on the battlefield, but he also trains Hai Dongqing to the point of perfection." Suddenly, Feng Yunzheng said.

Feng Ye paused holding the bowl, raised the corners of his lips, and said, "What do you think Brother Nine Emperors say?"

"The year before last, Feng Meiren died because of Hai Dongqing; last year, Lu Guogong was stabbed to death because of Hai Dongqing; this year, Hai Dongqing died in Menghua Palace, and every time, the one who made the most profit was Concubine Xian Empress and Brother Wang, do you think what my brother said is right?" Feng Yunzheng took a sip of the strong wine, and suddenly clenched the wine bowl tightly, "This Haidongqing is not a natural bird, but a bird that has been trained by you, Brother Wang. Train with one hand, when the training place only listens to your command,
(End of this chapter)

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