First-class daughter

Chapter 771 How to open an altar

Chapter 771 How to open an altar

Chapter 771 How to open an altar

You dedicated him to your father, and from now on, this divine bird is a tool for you and your mother and concubine to use. "

Feng Ye felt a little surprised in his heart. Two years ago, the training of Hai Dongqing was carried out very secretly. How could Feng Yunzheng easily know about it? ——

It turned out that this Costin was indeed trained by him.

At that time, he captured this Costin on the way to the battle. His grandfather Xu Guogong said that it looked like a Costin with a strange skeleton. When it grows up, it will be bigger than the average Costin, and its personality will be more fierce. Therefore, when Feng Ye was about to let go, Xu Guogong found a foreigner who was very good at training raptors and taught him how to train this sea dongqing. A fake Costin was placed in front of him, while the real Costin was raised in a cave, and he went to train on time every day.

After half a year, this sea dongqing has been trained by him to listen to him very much. At this time, Xu Guogong killed the foreigner who taught Feng Ye how to train birds with a sword, and dedicated the sea dongqing to him when he returned to the capital. Even though Feng Ye did not win the war that time, Emperor Zhou Cheng did not punish Feng Ye because of this divine bird.

Thinking of these past events, Feng Ye didn't deny it, but said, "But this divine bird died so tragically in the end."

"Yeah, it's dead, Menghua Palace can't get rid of it, and Yue'er and I can't get rid of it. Father's thoughts are all on this dead bird. What the Xianfei empress did to the eleventh brother... I really don't care to pursue the fault, and Brother Bawang, relying on his status as a devotee of Haidongqing, went to the father's emperor to say some comfort, and he could also win the father's favor. This ability makes my brother admire."

Feng Ye smiled slightly, "The story of the Nine Emperor Brothers is very beautiful. If I tell my father, I wonder if it can resolve his worries at the moment."

"Shua!" Feng Yunzheng stood up suddenly, and pulled out the long sword from the waist of the guard next to him. With a shua sound, the tip of the sword reached Feng Ye's throat. sword.

"Your Highness!" Feng Ye's bodyguard Yin Huai and the soldiers behind him immediately stepped forward and drew their swords from their waists, and the hidden guards behind Feng Yunzheng also immediately confronted each other.

For a moment, time seemed to freeze, and the smell of blood could even be heard in the air. The boss who was warming the wine was frightened, his hand slipped, and the jug of wine that was finally warmed fell to the ground and shattered.

Feng Yunzheng's eyes overflowed with deep coldness, and he said, "How can you make Yue'er feel embarrassed by doing this? Is it what you would like to see her returning home alone?"

Feng Ye's heart twitched for a while, as if being slowly sliced ​​open by a sharp knife, the hand on the table was slowly clenched into a fist, but the words that came out of his mouth seemed very cold and indifferent——

"Ninth Emperor Brother, since you, as her husband, are the one she wants to marry without hesitation, you must have the ability to protect her.

Could it be that you have no way to protect her in the face of this difficulty?If this little obstacle leaves you helpless, and you can only come and talk to me with irrelevant and useless words, then you are not worthy to marry her!
She is smarter than any woman, and she is more generous than any woman. If she suffers from grievances and hardships that she has never suffered because of her marriage with you, then it is wrong for her to marry you! "

When it came to the end, Feng Ye's voice and emotions had ups and downs, and his unruly eyes showed a little excitement.

Feng Yunzheng got a fact - Feng Ye hadn't given up on Yue'er, and this knowledge alone made him even more angry.

He said, "Brother Eight Kings, you intend to study my brother and me.

That may disappoint you. Yue'er is the person I want to protect for life and life. If I don't have the ability to protect her, I will never get close to her. Since I married her, I will protect her for the rest of my life, and I believe that , Yue'er and I have the same thoughts, so Brother Bawang, let's put away those useless thoughts and marry a woman that he can marry. "

Feng Yunzheng let go, and the long sword that was touching Feng Ye's neck slipped from his palm and fell to the ground. His eyes were no longer angry, but rather domineering.


Feng Yunzheng turned around, raised his hand, and left with all the guards.

Feng Ye sat on the spot, clenched his fists tighter and tighter, his eyes locked on Feng Yunzheng's silver back. When he finally disappeared from sight, the table in front of him collapsed, and the wine jar on the table collapsed. It fell to the ground and broke into pieces!
"Wine!" He snapped, took the wine jar handed over by the guard, and raised his head. The wine poured into his mouth and wet his robe. Something slipped.

Feng Yunzheng had just returned to Prince Heng's mansion when His Royal Highness Feng Jue slipped off the horse in a hurry, stepped forward and shouted——

"Brother Nine Kings!"

"You're here, come in quickly." Feng Yunzheng said immediately, "I was going to order someone to come find you."

"What's going on? Today is the first day of your wedding with your sister. How could such a thing happen?" Feng Jue hurriedly followed Feng Yunzheng with worries in his eyes.

"..." Feng Yunzheng told him what happened all the way.

Feng Jue's eyes were already cold and frighteningly cold, and he said, "There are people who dare to treat my sister like this, this king will never spare them!"

"Come to my study, and I will discuss with you." Feng Yunzheng knows that time is running out, now is not the time to talk to Feng Ye, and the situation in the palace will change at any time. He found a surefire way to preserve his Yue'er's marriage contract.

The two brothers entered the study for a long talk.

After a while, the steward came to report:

"Your Highness, Lengmei is back."

"Come in!" Feng Yunzheng said immediately.

The study door opened, and a figure with cold brows and dusty appearance appeared at the door, and standing beside her was an old man with a white beard, holding a dust whisk in his hand, which seemed to be somewhat fairy-like.

"Master Xuanwei (formerly Feng Yunzheng's person)." Feng Yunzheng got up, with a smile in his eyes.

"Your Highness, I am a bit late, please make amends, Your Highness." Daoist Xuanwei walked in and bowed.

"Not too late, just right." Feng Yunzheng said.

At this moment, in the palace.

Emperor Cheng of Zhou was always brooding over the death of the divine bird, and Taoist Master Shan Ren took the opportunity to say——

"Your Majesty, look at the sky covered with dark clouds. The death of Hai Dongqing angered the heavens. I am afraid that a rainstorm is coming. This is a warning from a vision. The poor Taoist has the final say. At this moment, on the Linglong Pagoda It is just right to do a ritual, and the poor Taoist pray to the heavens for peace, and pray for the emperor's blessings."

Emperor Zhou Cheng agreed!

Thus, Taoist Master Shanren began to prepare for the practice of opening the altar at the Linglong Pagoda——

(End of this chapter)

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