Chapter 772
Chapter 772
Emperor Zhou Cheng was also standing on the wide steps below the Linglong Pagoda, looking up at the Taoist priest on the altar, wearing a dragon robe and a cloak over his shoulders, when the wind blew, the robe rustled in the wind, His Royal Highness the Eleventh Phoenix Jue stood closest to him.

The rest of the civil and military officials and the princes and grandchildren knelt on the ground, each feeling oppressed and heavy.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue were also ordered to come, and they knelt on both sides of the pagoda. Concubine Liang, Concubine Xu Xian, Feng Ye, Queen Mother, and Pan Ruochu after taking the antidote also came.

At this moment, the sky is covered with dark clouds, which makes people feel extremely depressing.

Feng Jue said, "Father, don't worry, since Taoist Priest Shan Ren has figured out where the phenomenon is, he will find a way to resolve it."

Feng Jue's comfort made Zhou Chengdi slightly stretch his brows, and said, "My lord, you don't know something. I have lost important things because of these visions, and I will never lose them again."

Pan Ruochu took the antidote that Lian Siyue gave her, but she seemed to have suffered a heavy blow, she was no longer that arrogant and domineering, when she stood there, her figure was a little sluggish, but her eyes were It fell on Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue.

Even Siyue didn't ask her to do anything, but asked her many questions about the Taoist priest in detail.

She didn't guess what Lian Siyue was thinking, but now, can the Taoist priest's actions separate the two?
Although she is powerless, she is still eagerly looking forward to it!

However, she suddenly felt a trace of icy gaze, looked up, and saw Feng Ye looking at her indifferently, with a warning in his eyes, just like when he grabbed her neck.

Concubine Xu Xian stood with Feng Ye, her cold eyes fell on Lian Siyue, when she knew that Hai Dongqing died in Menghua Palace, she finally felt relieved towards Feng Ye——

"Ye'er, the concubine mother is very pleased that you have not forgotten your identity." She said in a low voice.

Feng Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he didn't hear anything, his eyes fell on the girl kneeling on the ground——

I saw that there was an incense table in front of Taoist Shan Ren, holding a white dust whisk in his hand, with a solemn expression, eyes closed, facing the center of the dark cloud, and his mouth was plausible:
"Yuqing has an order to tell the Sanyuan; Cao Zhi of the ten directions, the order is announced; all the subordinates stand in front of the altar; promote the great transformation, and help the people and the heavens; be as urgent as the law! Monsters, ghosts, chaos and disasters Star, show up quickly!"

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue looked at each other across this distance, and the corners of their lips raised an arc at the same time. Everyone in the scene was tense, but these two were the only ones who were somewhat contented.

Feng Jue looked at Lian Siyue, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his lips, then looked at Feng Yunzheng, and then nodded slightly, his eyes shone brightly, and the hand under the sleeve made a gesture ,——

Lian Siyue looked at Feng Jue, and then at Feng Yunzheng, with a hint of doubt in his eyes - what good show did these two prepare for?
And Feng Ye's eyes did not let go of these three people, but when his eyes swept over, the three of them seemed to have made an appointment, and at the same time they became expressionless, and his brows frowned slightly.

Then he looked at Taoist Priest Shan Ren above the pagoda—all were proceeding according to his plan, and—Pan Ruochu, a stupid woman.

Suddenly, Pan Ruochu knelt down on the ground, climbed up in front of the emperor, and said, "Your Majesty, your majesty, it's so scary, so scary, I saw a monster, look, your majesty, it's right there, she's a monster, Hai She is the one that Dongqing hates!" She pointed at Lian Siyue and shouted sharply.

The queen mother was taken aback, and asked Mother Wen beside her, "What's wrong with her? It's fine, she's screaming like a ghost."

A trace of displeasure appeared in Feng Jue's eyes, and he muttered: A woman who doesn't know how to live or die.

"Princess Yiyun, you are talking nonsense. Daoist Xuanwei has told my concubine's fortune. She said that this concubine is destined to be lucky. How can I be a monster?" Lian Siyue said a little aggrieved.

But in fact, she looked at Pan Ruochuruo.Silent mourning has begun for her.

And at this moment, dark clouds gathered again, a flash of lightning flashed in the sky, and the whole world suddenly lit up!

At this moment, Daoist Shan Ren suddenly stood up, and continued to chant the mantra in a louder voice - "Your Majesty, Princess Yiyun has seen a vision, she has seen..."

Lightning became more and more frequent, and violent thunder was also remembered at this time. The phoenix whirred, and the leaves were blown into the air, and the tributes on the shrine were also blown to the ground. at the feet of the moon.

All the civil and military officials kneeling on the ground were blown so hard that they couldn't open their eyes, and even Emperor Zhou Cheng was blown back a step——

"Father Emperor." Feng Jue stepped forward, supported Emperor Zhou Cheng, and said, "It's windy here, my son will accompany you to the Tai Chi Hall."

Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his hand and said in a loud voice, "No, I want to see with my own eyes the phenomenon of Daoist Daoist expelling the vision, and protect my society."

As soon as Emperor Zhou Cheng's words fell, he saw the Taoist priest kneeling on the ground with a plop, and raised his head to the sky and said loudly, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, God's will can't be done... Let's separate, let's separate..."

But at this time, a flash of lightning flashed through the air again, followed by a thunderclap. At this time, the phoenix became even bigger, and it was like flying sand and rocks. Many people were blown by the wind, and the flag on the pagoda also fell to the ground. on the ground.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was blown by the wind and took a few steps back.

On the pagoda, Taoist Priest Shanren suddenly changed his face slightly, what happened?Why does he feel that his body is struggling, and there seems to be some force behind him, pulling his body again!

His expression changed, and he staggered two steps. If he hadn't grabbed the edge of the shrine firmly in time, he would have fallen off the tower.

under the tower.

Night Breeze and Lengmei looked at each other and nodded secretly at the same time. Their sharp eyes froze for a moment, and they opened their palms. The target was the Taoist priest on the tower!
"Yin Huai!" Feng Ye immediately said in a deep voice when he sensed the actions of the two hidden guards.

"Yes, Your Highness." In the midst of thunder and lightning, Yin Huai also started to attack, fighting against Ye Feng and Leng Mei who were opposite the tower.

Night Breeze sneered, "The so-called husband and wife are of one mind, two swords are perfect, you can be as strong as you are in martial arts, but it's wishful thinking for one person to win against the two of us."

His lips were heard by Leng Mei verbatim, and he cursed: "Shut up, if you make a mistake, you are the only one to ask."

Yin Huai has fought with Feng Ye for many years, and he is really capable.

The Taoist priest on the top of the tower didn't know what happened, he just felt that his body was being controlled back and forth by two forces, and the whisk in his hand couldn't be controlled!
He tried his best not to let the emperor and civil and military officials below see the abnormality. He also wanted to use the power of His Royal Highness and Princess Yiyun to become the real steward of the Taiji Hall. However, when he was thinking about it, suddenly , he only felt a strong force on the soles of his feet, and then everyone suddenly heard——

"Bang" loud noise!
(End of this chapter)

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