Chapter 773
Chapter 773
With this sound, the mountains shook and the ground shook, as if the entire center of the earth had been hit hard, and everyone's ears were instantly deafened. For a long time, they could only see other people's mouths moving, but they couldn't hear the sound.

And Daoist Shan Ren suddenly rushed high into the air accompanied by a burst of white smoke, and then heard a loud noise in the air, his whole body scattered like a celestial maiden scattered flowers, and then, his hands , feet, head, etc. fell from high altitude respectively, and the blood fell like rain.

"Ah!" Everyone screamed in fright, and ran away one after another.

Fengyun Zhengba walked up to Lian Siyue in a few steps, hugged her into his arms, raised his sleeves, and blocked the bloody scene for her, Lian Siyue closed his eyes slightly, she had already smelled the blood in the air. Strong bloody smell.

"Don't look." Feng Yunzheng's thick voice rang in her ears.

Lian Siyue leaned on his chest, and was not poisoned by the tragedy.

"..." Emperor Zhou Cheng on the high-level gasped, took two steps back, and felt dizzy for a while. If Feng Jue and Feng Degui hadn't supported him first, he would have fallen to the ground!

On the ground, a bloody scene!
Daoist Shan Ren has been torn to pieces in the lightning!

Even Feng Ye was stunned. The fight between Yin Huai, Ye Feng and Leng Mei would not have caused such a tragic situation, who else was acting out of it? He looked to the opposite side, and he caught the look in Feng Jue's eyes. Cunning, and the complacency when looking at Feng Yunzheng.

"Ouch..." Concubine Xu Xian lay all on Feng Ye's shoulder, and couldn't help vomiting.

The rest of the people also felt the overwhelming pain in their bodies one by one, and they covered their eyes and dared not look any more. It was too tragic, it was too tragic-this way of death was worse than being quartered by five horses.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" At this moment, suddenly, an immortal Taoist priest hurried in from outside the Tai Chi Hall, with a solemn expression and a look of anxiety——

Ignoring the blood drops under his feet, he quickly ran in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng, knelt down on his knees, folded his hands together, and said something to him, then turned to the Linglong Pagoda, and said loudly, "Injustice, injustice!"

"Renren, you're back?" Seeing the real person Xuanwei, Emperor Zhou Cheng's complexion improved a bit, but he was still shocked by the fact that the Taoist priest's body was torn apart in an instant.

"Your Majesty, the poor Taoist is guilty. The poor Taoist introduced Shan Ren, a thieves and priests with evil intentions, to the emperor. The poor Taoist deserves ten thousand deaths for his crimes, and ten thousand deaths for his crimes."

"Really, what's going on here?" Emperor Zhou Cheng asked, and the rest of the civil and military officials and the crowd have not yet recovered from the shock.

Taoist Master Xuanwei faced the Linglong Pagoda, raised the fly whisk in his hand high and horizontally, put his palms together, muttered something in his mouth, and said:

"The mountain people had evil intentions and angered the heavens, so they finally reaped the consequences and were struck to death by the heavens with lightning!"

Emperor Zhou Cheng was shocked, "The mountain man was chopped to death because he offended God?" He looked at the ground, and saw bright red blood on the ground, legs, feet, arms, palms, head, ears, scattered scattered on the ground. On the ground, many people covered their mouths and vomited wildly. Emperor Zhou Cheng also felt a strong sense of discomfort in his heart, and his stomach twitched.

This really offended Tianyan, that's why he was hacked so badly.

Xuanwei Daoist said, "Your Majesty, I have already heard about what happened in the palace these two days before entering the palace. His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince and Prince Heng are a match made in heaven. They are friends of fate. In order to satisfy his own selfishness, the Taoist priest blatantly violated the law." Heaven’s will said that their horoscopes were not compatible, and they dared to open the altar, which finally offended the heavens and led to the current tragedy!”


Emperor Zhou Cheng slowly raised his eyes to look at the scattered corpses on the ground——

"Your majesty." Concubine Liang finally came to her senses, removed the veil covering her mouth, and said, "I remember that when the Taoist priest told the emperor that Yunzheng and Yue'er were incompatible, he said, He definitely has not expired the emperor, otherwise the sky will be struck by lightning, and now, he is really struck by lightning, retribution."

Emperor Zhou Cheng carefully echoed what Taoist Priest Shan Ren had said to him, and it seemed that he really said this sentence——

"Your Majesty, the imperial concubine is right. This is retribution. He dared to offend the heavens, and the heavens punished him!" Xuanwei said.

"Being struck by lightning like this really offended the heavens, but that Haidongqing..." This is what Emperor Zhou Cheng was worried about, especially when the divine bird was killed in Menghua Palace, it was also in such a tragic situation now , making him remember it with his eyes closed.

"Father, look quickly, there are words on the top of the pagoda." At this moment, His Royal Highness Feng Jue suddenly discovered something, pointed to the top of the Linglong Pagoda, and said.

Everyone followed the fingers of His Highness Eleventh, and saw a few golden words looming on the body of the pagoda.

"What is written here?" Because the white mist had not completely dissipated, Emperor Zhou Cheng could not see it clearly.

"Father, my son will go up and show you." Feng Jue said, and walked up to the top of the Linglong Pagoda with Master Xuanwei. When they reached the top, Feng Jue was taken aback, while Master Xuanwei turned pale with shock.

"Father, there is a person's name written on this pagoda!" General Feng Jue said loudly when he saw it.

"Whose name?" Emperor Zhou Cheng asked, and the rest of the civil and military officials, the palace nobles stood on tiptoe and looked over——

"Pan Ruochu!" When Daoist Xuanwei was speaking, the white air around the tower was slowly dissipating, and the eyes of the rest of the people gradually got used to it. When they opened their eyes, they saw that the words "Pan Ruochu" were indeed written.

Immediately, everyone looked over to Pan Ruochu, and Pan Ruochu was frightened by the sudden dismemberment of Taoist priest Shanren, and she didn't recover for a long time, now that her name suddenly appeared on the pagoda, she was even more displeased. Know what's going on.

"This, me, how could it be my name?" She felt very uneasy in her heart, sweat began to sweat on her forehead, and she seemed to feel ominous.

Master Xuanwei closed his eyes, counted with his fingers, opened his eyes suddenly, pointed at Pan Ruochu with the whisk in his hand, and said, "It's her, it's her! Your Majesty, it's her! It's her fate with Shuangsha, and The princess hall is invincible, ah, poor Taoist calculation, yesterday happened to be the No. 40 nine days when she stayed in the princess hall, and the evil spirit reached its maximum, so, the plum tree, Hai Dongqing, and the chick had accidents one after another!"

When Pan Ruochu heard it, his face turned pale immediately, and his voice trembled, he said angrily, "You Taoist, don't talk nonsense! This princess was born rich and honored, how could it be, how could she be born with two evil spirits."

"Your Majesty, the Taoist priest of Shanren has been struck to death by lightning, and the name of Princess Yiyun appeared on the Linglong Pagoda. This Princess Yiyun is the culprit!" Master Xuanwei closed his eyes and faced the pagoda. The words are clearer again!
"Nonsense, no, I'm not the culprit, I'm not!" Pan Ruochu was about to rush towards Master Xuanwei.

(End of this chapter)

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