Chapter 783

Chapter 783

——Lianjue, you are the emperor's most important son. The emperor said that he would never see me. Don't say that the person in your heart is not me. Even if it is me, if you want to be with me, you will lose a lot. Anyone risk me, especially you.

During the meal, Ah Yue kept chattering, but Feng Jue seemed to talk less, just listened to her quietly, and Lian Siyue also said that she had arranged a teacher for her. Waiting for reading.

As a result, when Ah Yue heard this, she put down her chopsticks, her face collapsed, and she said, "I have a headache."

Feng Yunzheng tapped her on the head with chopsticks, and said, "Not only do you want to study, but you also need to practice martial arts to train your body. The master who learns martial arts is also looking for you."

Ah Yue lay on the table and said intentionally, "You two, take me back, I'm afraid you will torture me."

In fact, she knew very well in her heart that brother Jiu and Lian Siyue took such painstaking efforts to protect her, and she felt very touched in her heart.

"Let me look for the master who practices martial arts." At this time, Feng Jue said.

Ah Yue was taken aback, got up, looked at him, and said, "You looking for?"

Feng Jue nodded, "Well, you can't do random things when practicing martial arts. You have to find a master who suits you. Let me look for it."

"It's so good." Feng Yunzheng said.

Even Siyue nodded and said, "Je'er is the same age as you, so it's the most suitable for him to come looking for you."

"Then... okay." Ah Yue thought to herself, what's going on with this combo?He made it clear clearly, but he was eager to find a master for her.

Well, no matter so much, Ling Yueer, you can study and practice martial arts at ease, and don't think about anything else.

On this day, Feng Jue stayed in the middle school for about half an hour after lunch and then left.

Seeing that he was gone, Ah Yue returned to the room, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, lying on the bed, God knows how hard she had to work to hide all the feelings in her heart.

Khitan, Youzhou.

On the training ground, tens of thousands of Khitan soldiers were practicing. Xiao Zhenhai was dressed in silver military uniform, standing on the high platform, watching the soldiers practice with a calm expression. These soldiers were trained by him personally in the past few months, day and night. As the deputy general, Xiao Hu was also in military uniform, standing beside his father.

Xiao Zhenhai's goal is very clear. He wants to train an elite army in Youzhou. One day, he will break through all the way to the Central Plains, pull the dog emperor from his throne in the Golden Palace, and then kill Feng Yunzheng and Lian Si. moon.

"Father, these Khitan soldiers are no worse than our previous Xiao family army." Xiao Hu said with a smile on his face.

But Xiao Zhenhai looked indifferent, without any sense of surprise, and said, "Hu'er, you have to remember that our mission is to fight back to the Central Plains and destroy the Feng Family Dynasty." His eyes were shining with great ambition.

Xiao Hu was taken aback, "Father, do you mean to overthrow Emperor Zhou Cheng...and replace him?"

"Why not? Emperor Cheng of Zhou is fatuous and incompetent. The people of the Central Plains need a more wise emperor. He has fought for his father for many years and made great contributions to the Great Zhou. If I fight back, I will inherit the country of the Great Zhou." Xiao Zhenhai eyed Looking at the densely packed soldiers in front of him, he said.

Xiao Hu did not expect that Xiao Zhenhai's inner thoughts had changed from seeking revenge on Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue to subverting the Feng family dynasty, and instead, "Yeluchu's side..."

"Yeluchu, in the eyes of his father, he is just a yellow-mouthed child. He thinks that he will use his father's hatred for Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue to make his father work for him, but he doesn't know that his father is just pretending to be stupid. If you want to use him in reverse, this Youzhou has no outstanding people in Kyoto, and you must go back as a father, but everything needs to be considered in the long run." Xiao Zhenhai's eyes flashed a scheming look.

"Father, the risk is very great." Xiao Hu lowered his voice and said.

"What Hu'er said, I understand it in my heart. As a father, I have to learn from Tang Gaozu Li Yuan. From now on, you and He'er will be my King Qin and King Guang, hahaha, hahahaha!" Xiao Zhenhai laughed loudly, his eyes were scarlet.

In the distance, Yeluchu looked at the soldiers trained by Xiao Zhenhai, with a satisfied expression in his eyes, and said, "Young Wang really hasn't seen it, Xiao Zhenhai's generation of heroes, even though they have fallen so far, still can't hide the power of the general, now, It's just a matter of waking up Xiao He's sleeping lion, if Xiao He can be used by Xiao Wang, he will truly be like a tiger with wings."

"But, my lord, Xiao He is really the most stubborn person I've ever met, he won't accept anything!" When Mo Dan talked about Xiao He, he gritted his teeth.

Yeluchu was calm, disapproving, and said, "Although he is stubborn, as long as he is human, he will have weaknesses. As long as we grasp a person's weaknesses, we can take advantage of them, just like Xiao Zhenhai, his weaknesses It's because he is eager for revenge, think about it, what is Xiao He's weakness?" He said, an inscrutable smile flashed across his face.

Mo Dan concentrated and thought for a while, "The final general can't figure it out, he is like a stone in the toilet, smelly and hard and stubborn."

Yeluchu smiled and said, "Women, Xiao He's biggest weakness is women. Have you forgotten how he came to Youzhou with us? Wasn't it because of a woman, to be precise, a nun, a very interesting woman?" Little nun."

"The little prince means..." Mo Dan seemed to finally understand.

"Mo Dan, you will lead Xiao Wang's thirteen masters from Youzhou, and take another trip to the Central Plains." Yeluchu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Bring that little nun to see Xiao Wang."

"Yes! The general will make arrangements and set off immediately." Mo Dan took the order and left.


The shopkeeper stood at the door of the room, and when he opened the door, a strong smell of alcohol hit him. He asked the waiter next to him to deliver the food to the table, and said cautiously to the man sitting on the ground, "Young Master Xiao, Here comes your meal."

Then, Xiao He lay motionless on the ground, as if he had fallen asleep.

The Xiao Er shook his head, he had never seen such a drinkable person, he walked out helplessly and closed the door.

The moment the door was closed, the eyes of the man on the ground opened suddenly, with a flash of sharpness, the sleepy expression on his face disappeared, replaced by calmness and composure, and the gleam in his eyes should not be underestimated.

Xiao He stood up. At this moment, he is not a decadent person who spends his days with wine and doesn't care about worldly affairs, but a person who is extraordinarily sober and full of passion.

He glanced out the window, it was almost dark, he poured the remaining jug of wine on his body, threw the wine jar on the ground casually, walked to the table, and took two casual bites of the food.

At the moment when it was getting dark, he quickly took out the night clothes hidden under the bed and changed into them, then covered his face, and jumped out of the window.

(End of this chapter)

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