First-class daughter

Chapter 784 Competition 1

Chapter 784

Chapter 784

Soon, he hid behind the crowd and merged with the deep night.

Xiao He is like a keen eagle, waiting for an opportunity to find what he needs in the dark night——

That's right, the decadence and drunkenness these days are all pretended by him. In fact, he is very clear-headed all the time, and he knows his goal——

He won't be a traitor, but he can't ignore his parents and younger brother. Therefore, when Xiao Zhenhai was actively training the Xiao family army in Youzhou, he was actively looking for ways to restrain his father in the future. He knew very well that his father, Xiao Zhenhai, was eager to The land wants to make a comeback and is eager for revenge. When the time comes, he will definitely use the most terrifying and extreme methods to deal with the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

However, among those soldiers, there were also many people who had been with Xiao He through life and death, and he couldn't just watch them die under the sword of Xiao's family.

Therefore, he hides day and night.

In the middle of the night, he finally stopped his investigation, took another route, and quietly returned to the restaurant. From the beginning to the end, no one noticed.

He took off his nocturnal clothes again, hid them in an invisible place under the bed, and changed back into his own clothes. The little puppet had already rolled out of the clothes a few times.

Xiao He's originally sharp and sharp eyes became full of tenderness in an instant. He picked her up, put her in his palm, and stroked her face with his fingers. A smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and said:
"Ling Yueer, it's okay. With you by my side, I won't be too lonely. Are you okay now? I look forward to seeing you, but I'm also afraid of seeing you again. At that time, at that time, how should you and I settle down."

His doting smile became a little bitter.

He turned over and lay down on the bed, held the little puppet in his hand, placed it on his chest, closed his eyes, and murmured, "Ling Yue'er, go to sleep."

That night, Xiao He had a dream about Ling Yueer——

He dreamed that in the imperial city, under the glazed tiles, on the bluestone road, there was an innocent and lovely little girl, wearing a pink dress, running happily, turning her head from time to time and shouting loudly while running, " Xiao He, Xiao He, Master Wei praised me, he said that my handwriting is much better than before, Xiao He, Xiao He, come and see my handwriting."

When I woke up, it was already dawn.

He looked at the little puppet in his hand, because of this dream, he was in a good mood all day, and he closed his eyes from time to time to reflect on it——

Although, for a long, long time to come, he could only see that girl in his dreams, and that would be a consolation for his life in exile.

Ling Yueer, I will be fine, please be fine too, if we meet again in the future, I hope I can still stand in front of you, protect you, and love you.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant and the waiter rarely saw him leave the room, and they also showed surprise eyes. Although he still smelled strongly of alcohol, he was much more approachable than the hostile Mr. Xiao.

The shopkeeper even stepped forward to ask, "What would you like to have for lunch, my lord?"

"Do you have dishes from the Central Plains?" He asked.

Originally, they thought that what they got was cold eyes and disdain, so when they heard Xiao He Haosheng talking to them, it took them a long time to come back to their senses and said:
"Yes, yes, there are sauced elbows, pork belly..."

"One for each." Xiao He chose a seat and sat down, and put a piece of silver on the table for Xiao Er to take.

Soon, the dishes he ordered were served, but soon, the people from the Khitan Palace also arrived.

The people in the restaurant suddenly became very nervous, some diners put down their money and ran out, only Xiao He didn't even raise his eyes, and continued to drink and eat calmly, treating people as air in the future, even though he had a beard , looks a little rough, but still exudes an extraordinary bearing.

The leading general stepped forward, cupped his hands, and said, "General Xiao, I am the person in front of the Empress Dowager Renyi. The Empress Dowager is holding a hunting competition in Danqiongyuan, and specially sent me to invite the general to watch."

Xiao He remained silent, and several soldiers stood quietly beside him.

After he finished eating the food in front of him, he finally stood up and said, "I will go with you after I wash up."

Now that he has gradually grasped some information secretly, it is time to meet these Khitan princes and nobles.

On the hunting ground, the wild beasts ran wildly, and the arrows in the hands of the warriors on horses shot frequently, and the wild beasts fell to the ground one after another.

When Xiao He appeared on the hunting ground, there was a little commotion among the princes and nobles, Yeluchu's eyes flashed with surprise, and he said to Queen Mother Renyi next to him:

"The emperor's grandmother still has face, but Xiao He has come."

As soon as Yeluyan, who was discussing with everyone how to hunt in the future, heard the word Xiao He, his heart trembled, and he turned his head abruptly, only to see that this Xiao He was completely different from the decadence of the past. The stubble is gone, and she is wrapped in a purple luxurious brocade robe. She is tall and tall, with a smile on her face, and she is full of energy.

Although his face is not very delicate, nor is it the kind of picturesque eyebrows, but it is superior in bearing, exuding a stern bearing, different from Khitan men who are mainly rough, he has a kind of natural elegance.

"Princess, princess..." The people next to her shouted a few times before she came back to her senses, her face flushed.

"The princess is blushing, maybe she misses Young Master Jin Wu." Someone deliberately teased.

"Don't talk nonsense..." Yeluyan reprimanded, but her eyes looked at Xiao He again involuntarily.

Xiao Zhenhai was very happy to see his son finally appearing upright, without that depressing aura, and said to Empress Dowager Renyi, "Empress Dowager, the dog Xiao He has come to pay a visit."

I saw Xiao He walked in front of Empress Dowager Renyi and Yeluchu, and said, "See Queen Mother, little prince."

The empress dowager of Khitan is different from the empress dowager of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The empress dowager of the Great Zhou Dynasty also took care of the affairs of the harem, but the Renyi Empress Dowager of Khitan had a higher prestige in court affairs than the emperor, and after the emperor died, all There is Empress Dowager Renyi in charge of court affairs, and Yelu Chu is expected to ascend the throne a year after Yelu Chongyuan's death.

Empress Dowager Renyi looked at Xiao He, her condensed and wise eyes swept across his face, and said, "Ai Jia heard from Chu Er that Xiao He is very good at archery, why don't we children from Youzhou open their eyes today?" , so I can learn the archery of the Central Plains. How about it?"

"Queen Mother, Xiao He has not led soldiers for a long time, and his archery skills have long been rusty, and perhaps because he has been drinking too much recently, his hands are still shaking frequently, I am afraid that everyone will laugh at him." Xiao He said.

"Hmph." At this time, a sneer sounded, and Yeluyan's fiancé, Jin Wu, came out and said, "People in the Central Plains like this. They talk around the bush and do things in a jerky way. Xiao He, just say, Do you dare to compete with our Youzhou warriors to see whether you are the best from the Central Plains or our Youzhou warriors."

(End of this chapter)

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