Chapter 785
Chapter 785
Xiao He looked at this arrogant man, stretched out his hand towards Xiao Hu, and said, "Third brother, take my arrow."

"Yes, Second Brother." Xiao Hu handed a bow and arrow to Xiao He's hands with both hands, Xiao He held the arrow in one hand, and said again, "Horse."

"Yes!" Xiao Hu happily turned around and ran over to lead a horse. It seems that the second brother he admires the most is about to show his skills in front of these Khitan people. The second brother's archery is one of the three best in Kyoto. Now The second brother is willing to show his skills, which will definitely impress these people.

Holding the rein in his hands, Xiao He leaped with his long legs, and stood high on the horse, suddenly he was imposing and heroic, with his brocade robe raised high, he looked at Jin Wu and said:
"Admit it!"

With a cold and domineering expression on his face, Jin Wu also got on the horse immediately.

"It's so good! Let Jin Wu and Xiao He have a competition. No matter what kind of living things appear, they can hunt them all in one fell swoop. The one who kills the most will win. The Ai family will reward ten thousand taels of gold." The Empress Dowager Renyi said.

"Then we have a good show to watch." Yelu Chu smiled slightly.

Na Yeluyan looked at the imposing Xiao He, and suddenly smiled secretly.

"Drive!" Xiao He raised his whip high, and lashed hard on the horse's back. The horse raised its front hooves high, and then ran towards the hunting ground. Jin Wu was not far behind, and immediately rode up,

Xiao Zhenhai saw that Xiao He had regained the arrogance of the former Tianbao General and returned, he immediately felt very happy, and said, "Hu'er, your second brother is like a tiger, adding wings to your father, hahaha!"

"Congratulations to Prime Minister Nan, your hard work pays off." Yelu Chu said.

Xiao Zhenhai knelt down on one knee, and said, "Everything depends on the little prince being willing to give time to Wei Chen and Xiao He. If it weren't for the little prince's tolerance, the dog would have died countless times."

"Nan Xiang is being polite, Xiao Wang also appreciates Xiao He's talent."

Saying that, the people around the hunting ground began to cheer, Yeluchu and Xiao Zhenhai also looked over, only to see that Xiaohe's horse was so fast that it was almost flying, when the leopard ran past quickly, he narrowed his dangerous eyes slightly. Mouzi, with his backhand, drew an arrow from his back, drew the longbow with his hand, and shot it out while the galloping horse was galloping.

The arrow was like a gust of wind, making a sharp sound in the air. The sound seemed to pierce the air. Immediately, the galloping leopard fell to the ground with its head tilted and died.


Everyone outside cheered.

Jin Wu didn't expect Xiao He to be so fast, ruthless and accurate, his expression changed slightly, he also quickened the horse's pace, shot out a long arrow in his hand, a sika deer fell to the ground, flopped a few times on the spot, and finally not moving.

Yeluyan clenched her hands so tightly that she almost tore the clothes in her hands, and the humane said, "Princess, don't be nervous, Mr. Xiao He and Xiao are very powerful at first glance, but Master Jin Wu is our Warrior, he will definitely win against Xiao He."

Hearing the comfort from others, Yeluyan didn't respond, but bit her lower lip tightly and looked at Xiao He intently. This was the first time he officially showed his face in Youzhou. The emperor's grandmother must have some deep meaning in doing this. I hope , I wish him all the best.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao He hunted down another fox. He smiled arrogantly, and did not stop what he was doing. Instead, he shot with his bow and arrows in quick succession, one arrow after another, as fast as lightning without any pause in between. The fleeing prey fell to the ground one after another, neighing one after another.

"What a quick move!"

Everyone couldn't help but stare dumbfounded at Xiao He's archery. Seeing that Jin Wu had gradually fallen behind, although he also accelerated his speed, he couldn't keep up with Xiao He's speed at all.

Xiao Hu said proudly from the side, "You have only seen half of my second brother's archery skills. The title of General Tianbao is not just called casually."

As he spoke, his proud expression dimmed for a moment—General Tianbao, this is a title that is too far away. The second brother will never be General Tianbao again in his life!
Xiao Zhenhai looked proud, he knew that his son would not let him down.

Jin Wu gritted his teeth tightly, and there was a trace of fierce anger in his eyes!

But at this time, Xiao He actually pulled out several arrows at the same time, and put them on the bow at the same time!

"Look, Xiao He is going to shoot several arrows at the same time? Could it be that how many prey can be shot by pulling the bow at once?" Some people saw Xiao He's action and said loudly in disbelief.

And at the next moment, Xiao He's hand suddenly loosened, and several arrows left the bowstring all at once, and shot out like a gust of wind and rain. Among the wildly running prey, several of them fell to the ground at the same time, and these arrows shot out. However, none of the arrows missed, and all of them hit the ferocious prey.

"God, it's amazing!"

"I've never seen someone with such superb archery skills!"

Everyone in the arena ran wildly and cheered, Yeluchu nodded, and a smile appeared on his face, it seemed that he really didn't miss him, this Xiao He is really a rare good general.

Seeing Xiao He perform such a stunt, Jin Wu immediately slowed down the speed of the horse under his crotch!He could not catch up with him just now, but now Xiao He is actually playing this trick of counting arrows concurrently, and the arrows hit the target!

He gripped the rein tightly!
Now, it's clear that Xiao He's archery skills are better than Jin Wu's!
Yeluyan breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and then felt sweet in her heart, Xiao He is really brave and powerful!

On the field, only this Empress Renyi looked at the vigorous Xiao He with a calm expression all the time, she signaled to the maid next to her, said a few words in the maid's ear, the maid nodded and left.

On the hunting ground, Xiao He stood on top of a tall steed, his face was full of vigor, the prey on the field were almost killed, he hadn't done this kind of activity for a long time, now, it's really refreshing!

He looked at Jin Wu who was frowning tightly, apologized with both hands, and said, "Admitted!"

"It's not over yet." Just as he was speaking, another batch of living creatures appeared on the hunting ground. Xiao He raised his eyes to look, and suddenly, the expression on his face froze!

Yeluchu was taken aback when he saw the living creatures appearing on the field, and suddenly turned his head to look at Empress Renyi on the high platform, "Grandmother, this..."

It turned out that the living creatures tied up this time were no longer beasts, but human beings with their hands tied behind their backs.

The Empress Dowager Renyi looked calm, and said, "Prime Minister Nan, these are some Central Plains people we captured last time. They would rather die than surrender to my Khitan. The Ai family decided to punish them on the spot today. However, the Ai family They are not all cold-blooded people, within half an hour, if any of them can escape the arrows of Xiao He and Jin Wu, the Ai family will let them live."

She said calmly, without any pity for life in her eyes.

Xiao Zhenhai was stunned for a moment, and the rest of the people were also stunned. No one thought that Empress Dowager Renyi would suddenly issue such an order.

"Imperial Grandmother..." Yeluyan called out after hastily glanced at Xiao He.

When Jin Wu heard this, his face that was originally unhappy suddenly became brighter. He laughed and said, "Okay! These stupid people from the Central Plains should have died a long time ago! Xiao He, the queen mother said just now that all living things are counted. Our prey. These Central Plains people are naturally too, come on, let's see which of us has dabbled the most! Hahaha!"

As he spoke, Jin Wu raised the bow and arrow in his hand high, pulled out an arrow, and pointed it at the unarmed Central Plains people.

When those people saw this scene, they cried out in horror, and ran like dogs trying to survive.

Some people could tell from Xiao He's attire that he was from the Central Plains, so they ran towards him, knelt under his horse and begged bitterly: "Help us, save us."

"Hmph!" Jin Wu laughed coldly, "People from the Central Plains who are afraid of death!"

(End of this chapter)

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