First-class daughter

Chapter 788 Another one

Chapter 788 Another one

Chapter 788 Another one

The rest of the people followed into the prime minister's mansion, and the eldest lady suddenly found that one of Lian Siyue's servants looked familiar, and after a closer look, she felt that this servant girl was very similar to the fake princess Feng Lingyue. Like, she suddenly froze for a moment——

How could it be the eleventh princess? Didn't the fake princess die when Jue'er recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan? "Mother, what's the matter with you?" Lian Siyu asked in a low voice when she noticed that there was something strange in the lady's expression.

"It's okay, let's go." The lady said.

Entering inside, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue sat upright respectively, and everyone from Lian's family came forward to bow down one by one, and received the homecoming ceremony brought by the new princess from the palace. They are all very happy, even Siyue is naturally doubly proud.

Afterwards, Lian Siyue returned to Xianhe Courtyard. In the evening, Lian's family will hold a family banquet to welcome the arrival of His Highness Ninth Prince and Princess Wang.

After His Highness Ninth Prince and Princess Heng left, the attendant Lian Yanfeng whispered to Lian Yanqing, "Brother, you said earlier that something happened when His Highness Ninth Highness and Yue'er entered the palace. Hai Dongqing from the Tai Chi Hall died. The head of humanity also died, and the emperor issued an order not to allow His Highness the Ninth Prince to return home with the princess, and asked the princess to come back alone, and even started to look for a side concubine for His Royal Highness, now it seems that the rumors are false!
Not only did the Ninth Prince accompany him back home, but he was also so rich that he seemed to have nothing to do. "

Lian Yanqing pondered for a moment, and said, "This is a good thing. If I go back home alone after the big wedding, what will happen? Even my family will be ridiculed by everyone in the capital."

The fourth master Lian Yanfu said, "There is no wind without waves. I guess something must have happened on the day your Highness and the princess entered the palace. However, both your Highness and the princess are smart people, and it may be a blessing in disguise. This is very important for the Lian family." It's a good thing, the Lian family is the princess' backing, in the future, no matter what decisions we make, we have to think more about her."

"Don't talk about it, it's good that nothing happens now, I will urge you again at the family dinner tonight, and there must be no mistakes." Lian Yanqing said.

Although the period was only a few days later, when I returned to Xianheyuan, Lian Siyue felt like it had been a long time.

As soon as they sat down, the maids of the Lian family brought in some pastries, tea cakes and the like one after another.

With her hands behind her back, Feng Yunzheng slipped around her place, saying that she came here before and only saw the surface but not the inside, and this time she wanted to take a good look at the place where she lived.

Lian Siyue only smiled and said, "We'll be staying here for half a month, you should visit one place every day to see clearly."

After an hour, Lian Yanfu came to see Feng Yunzheng, and invited him to play shooting and throwing pots with the men in the mansion. Feng Yunzheng said a few words to Lian Siyue and went.

Lian Siyue and the maidservants remained.

"Ayue, you must be hungry, come and eat some." She called Ayue over. Although she used to be the eleventh princess, she only came to Lianjia once. At that time, she came with Feng Yunzheng She didn't make a big show of it, so there are very few Lian family members who remember her appearance. Besides, she has changed her outfit now, even if she knows people, she can't see it all at once.

Besides, at that time, because Emperor Zhou Cheng deliberately concealed the truth that the eleventh princess was burned to death, everyone had already determined that the eleventh princess died because she missed Queen Duanwen too much. people know.

Therefore, even if someone thought Ah Yue looked familiar, they would not think of Princess Eleven.

Ah Yue sat down, a little curious, and said, "It's also very interesting to change your identity and observe things around you secretly."

After Ah Yue finished eating a pancake, even Si Yue decided to visit the old lady and the eldest lady in private.

But at this time, the eldest lady came to Lian Yanqing's study in a rare way.

Lian Yanqing said, "Yue'er will definitely go to your place when she returns home. Why did you come to my place?"

"Master, I have something to say to you."

"what's up?"

"Master, in addition to Yue'er's marriage, we should also consider her marriage for Xiao Yu. In a year or so, she will reach the age of marriage. Looking at the middle, there are not many princes of the right age. Xiao Yu Although she didn't grow up in the Prime Minister's Mansion, she was always the master's child, and she had the blood of the master's intelligence in her body. In addition, she had endured hardships, so she was very obedient and sensible.

I hired a teacher, she is smart and hardworking, and she learns very quickly.

The piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and female celebrity skills are all learned very well.

I think that if I train for another two years, I will be on par with Yue'er in the future. "

"It's about the same as Yue'er?" Lian Yanqing concentrated on it. In this world, there is probably no one who can be similar to his daughter-in-law.

But the eldest lady didn't know it, and said, "Master, don't believe it. Just think about it. We Yue'er used to be muddle-headed. We might not be as sensible and obedient as Xiao Yu. Didn't he suddenly change a lot later? Xiao Yu is her My little sister, I’m sure it’s okay too.”

Lian Yanqing said, "Ma'am, today is such an important day for His Highness and Yue'er to return home, you still came to tell me these things, is there something hidden?"

The eldest lady finally said, "Master, as a mother, my palms and backs are full of flesh, especially for Xiao Yu, I always feel deeply guilty. If it wasn't for the mistake in the past, Xiao Yu is now a young lady who grew up in rich clothes and rich food. How could it be worse than Yue'er?
But now, Yue'er already has a good home, and Xiao Yu's fate can't be too bad, so I want Xiao Yu to marry His Royal Highness the Eleventh Prince. Think of a way and invite His Royal Highness Ninth Prince or Yue'er to be a lobbyist in front of the emperor. "

Lian Yanqing frowned when he heard this, and said, "Why don't I think so, but don't forget, because His Royal Highness the Eleventh grew up in Lian's parents and called you my mother and father for many years. The Lian family is afraid, we must not go to him, get close to him, otherwise, we will violate the emperor's taboo."

The eldest lady made a move, saying, "Actually, there is another way. If His Highness the Eleventh proposes to marry Xiao Yu himself, the Emperor may consider it. He has always had a mother-child relationship with me for more than ten years, and he is especially grateful." People, maybe they will agree. There will be a banquet at Princess Anguo's mansion next month, and I will go to attend it at that time, and find a chance to talk to him."

"Ma'am, this matter is not as simple as you think. You can just inquire secretly, and don't make it too obvious." Lian Yanqing ordered.

"Yes, master, I understand." The lady said.

Lian Yanqing told her a few other things before the doctor left Lian Yanqing's study.

(End of this chapter)

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