Chapter 789
Chapter 789
Lian Siyue first went to Qing'an Courtyard to meet Lian's mother.

As soon as she saw Mother Lian, she stepped forward, kowtowed firmly, and still called grandma as before.

Lian's mother immediately felt very relieved, she hurried forward, helped Lian Siyue up herself, and said, "Now, you have become the princess of Hengqin, so please don't kowtow to me because I want to see you. you."

Lian Siyue said, "How can it be like this? It was your granddaughter who kowtowed to you when I went out a few days ago. When I come back a few days later, I want you to kowtow to me? Yue'er is Prince Heng in front of outsiders. Grandma can't help it." , I also want to call Princess Hengqin, but after closing the door, Yueer is still the granddaughter of the grandmother, and she should kowtow to the grandmother."

The smile in Lian's mother's eyes deepened, and she said with relief, "Yue'er, I knew that you knew respect in your heart. At the beginning, your father was very worried that you would hold grudges. Come and see, it's all because of his overthinking." .”

Lianmu asked Lian Siyue how her life in the palace was like in detail. After listening to Lian Siyue's eloquence, a smile appeared on Lian's mother's face, and she said, "It's your blessing, Yue'er, that His Royal Highness knows how to love others." , you should also regard him as the sky, and the husband and wife will break the gold."

"Yes, Yue'er follows her grandmother's teaching." Lian Siyue said.

"Hey." Lian's mother said, sighed, and said, "Perhaps you were too capable in the past, helping your mother, managing the back house in an orderly manner, and never letting grandma worry about it, even though your third aunt She is capable, but she still lacks some of the boldness of a lady, and she is always a little timid."

"Grandmother, has she ever thought about teaching Xiaoyu well? She is the second daughter of the Lian family. It would be great if she could help the third aunt manage the back house. I have heard my mother say several times that Xiaoyu is very sensible and can learn things quickly. " Lian Siyue picked up the tea in front of him, took a sip, and said, his eyes rested on the tea surface slightly.

"Xiao Yu?" Lian's mother showed a disapproving look, "Your mother is right. She is very sensible, serious in her work, reserved, and never flamboyant. But... She grew up in the countryside, with a big heart. Not to mention comparing with you, even if you compare with Lian Wanyin and the sisters, you can't compare."

"Mother likes Xiaoyu very much." Lian Siyue said lightly.

"Speaking of your mother, she really cares about Xiaoyu. She is a master of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I have invited many masters to teach her. I have never seen her with such vigor. Even before, she didn't care so much about you brothers and sisters. Now , It seems like a different person, you said if she had the energy she has now, why was she suppressed by Aunt Xiao for several years." Even the mother was helpless Dev.

"Come to think of it, my mother sees that I'm married, I'm lonely in my heart, and I don't care about the affairs of the back house, and I have a lot of time, so I focus on my younger sister Xiaoyu, and I ask grandma to be considerate of my mother. It took a lot of pains."

Lian Mu said, "I won't bother with her about these things, so don't worry."

Mrs. Liu of the third room has been waiting for Lian Siyue outside the Qing'an courtyard. After Lian Siyue came out, she immediately stepped forward, knelt down, and said respectfully:

"See the princess."

"No courtesy, third aunt, get up." Lian Siyue said.

The two of them walked together on the bluestone road in the garden, followed by the maidservant.

Mrs. Liu told Lian Siyue all the affairs of the Xiangfu in the past few days, and Lian Siyue asked:

"Third aunt, how is little sister Xiao Yu?"

"This new third young lady rarely talks on weekdays, and she doesn't say a few words on weekdays, but she goes to the old lady a lot. She will do what you did for the old lady before." Do it, once I was waiting outside the yard to see the old lady, and vaguely heard what the third lady said, my sister did it for you, Xiaoyu will study hard
Lian Siyue showed a slight smile on the corner of her lips, and said, "You are so sensible. It seems that you don't have to worry about Fu'anyuan and Yan'er anymore. Mother has a good daughter, and Yan'er has a good daughter." elder sister."

But Mrs. Liu felt that she couldn't figure out the meaning of Lian Siyue's words, so she said, "Yes, it's good to have someone who is sensible, so sister-in-law won't be lonely."


When Lian Siyu and the servant girl were walking together, she vaguely heard the sound of applause coming from somewhere, she listened attentively, stopped, and asked:

"Where is that place, it seems very lively, what happened?"

The servant girl Yun Duo said, "Going back to Miss San, it's the fourth master, the second master and a few others, and I have invited His Highness Ninth to shoot arrows and throw pots there. Listen, servant girl, the cheers should be for His Highness Ninth."

A flash of emotion flashed in Lian Siyu's heart, and he asked curiously, "Is His Highness Ninth Prince's archery skills very good?"

"Yes, there used to be three most powerful archers in Kyoto, the Eighth Highness, the Ninth Highness, and... and the little prince Xiao He who has disappeared, but now, there is an eleventh Highness." Yun Duo said .

Lian Siyu walked to the wall and put her ears against the wall. The sound of cheering and applauding reached her ears more and more clearly. She closed her eyes slowly and listened carefully.

"Miss San, Da Furen is waiting for you..." Yun Duo called softly.

Lian Siyu opened his eyes and said, "Yun Duo, will Eldest Sister watch His Highness Jiu shoot arrows again?"

Yun Duo thought for a while and said, "Missy should be at the old lady's side, let's have a heart-to-heart talk with the old lady, I just saw her maid nearby."

Lian Siyu's heart skipped a beat, with an imperceptible look on his face, he said, "Yun Duo, mother is not in a hurry to get the medicine, let's go later, I want to see my uncles shoot arrows."

Yun Duo froze for a moment, then said, "Miss San, are you...going?"

"Lead me the way, I'll take a sneak peek and leave." For some reason, Lian Siyu felt as if she was expecting something, and that long body and those deep eyes flashed in her mind.There is even a shy feeling inside.

"Yes, go this way." Yun Duo said, and led Lian Siyu to the direction of the school grounds.

As the footsteps got closer, the voice of cheering became more and more clear.

Lian Siyu walked behind a tree, and under the cover of the big tree, half of her head was exposed, and she secretly looked at the school field——

I saw that many men took turns holding bows and arrows one by one, aiming at the opposite target, and among them, the most eye-catching one was the Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng who was dressed in silver.

At this moment, just seeing him raise the bow and arrow high and shoot the first arrow, there was a burst of cheers from the crowd, and it hit the bullseye again!
Then, with another bang, the second arrow was shot, still penetrating the bullseye!

He moves neatly, has an extraordinary posture, and every move exudes a powerful aura that makes people surrender involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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