Chapter 802

Chapter 802

Old Madam Rong fell down on the chair, clutching the back of the chair tightly with her hands, with veins appearing on her forehead——

At this time, Lian Siyu hurried in, looked at her in a panic, and asked in a tight voice: "Old lady, how are you?"

"It's her, I can be sure that she is the real second daughter of the Lian family!" Mrs. Rong said, with a layer of cold sweat breaking out on her forehead.

Lian Siyu listened, as if her strength had been exhausted, she took two steps back, her face was pale, and she murmured, "It's over, it's really over now."

"But I found out that this child probably doesn't know about it yet." Mrs. Rong recalled Ah Yue's reaction and said affirmatively.

"In that case, even Siyue and His Highness the Ninth Prince probably don't know about it!" Lian Siyu said.

Madam Rong nodded, "It should be."

"If that's the case, it's better to kill her and let this secret die with her forever, so that no one can find out our plan." Lian Siyu's eyes radiated a cold chill.

"It's not easy to kill her. This is the Prime Minister's Mansion, and His Highness the Ninth Prince is also in the mansion, and the guards are heavily guarded. I'm afraid that instead of killing her, we will be involved instead." Mrs. Rong remembered that she almost succeeded today, but was suddenly intruded. The maid who came out disrupted the plan.

"It depends on whether you are willing to kill this granddaughter, old lady." Lian Siyu's expression became more and more indifferent, and the smile on his lips permeated people.

Mrs. Rong's eyes became deep, and she said cruelly, "She is indeed my granddaughter, but more than ten years ago, she lost her life to enjoy life and was destined to be a miserable person, instead of continuing to be a human being It would be better for a servant girl to die than to live a hard life, and she has also contributed to the Rongguo Mansion, I will be grateful to her!"

"Since the old lady said so, let's think of a way to get rid of her as soon as possible. One day with her around, we will have no peace." Lian Siyu began to think of a way in his mind, how can we be ignorant? Consciously get rid of the real second daughter of the Lian family.

Old Madam Rong looked at Lian Siyu and said, "I have heard about your performance at the banquet today. If you look like this, even if you don't have that child, you will not be able to make a name for yourself. Then, I will regret choosing you to be the first daughter."

When Lian Siyu heard this, her face turned red. She didn't expect that this matter would spread so quickly, and even Mrs. Rong knew about it.

So he said, "Madam, I was eager for success and wanted to be loved by Da Furen earlier, so I lied, but from today on, I will definitely practice harder, and what happened today will not happen again. "

Mrs. Rong frowned and said, "I see that your mother played the piano very well when she was in Yihonglou, and even made the prime minister who was an imperial envoy lose her soul, making him miss the gentle country and gave birth to You, why don't you have any talent at all."

"That's because when I was a few years old, she begged the old bustard in Yihonglou to send me to the countryside. In fact, she didn't have any talent. She was trained hard by my mother's old bust. Can.

Old madam, you believe me, I want to stay in Lian's house more than anyone else, and with this lesson learned, I will definitely not be negligent. "

Actually, Lian Siyu didn't want to mention her own mother at all.

She was a woman who was cast aside by thousands of people. When she was in the countryside, those people knew her background, and they all laughed at her for being a girl. They scolded her and beat her. She was often beaten into the ditch. But even so, she dared not go home and cry, she had to dry her tears and go home to work for the family who adopted her.

All the tears and grievances can only be swallowed in the stomach.

Until one day, the old lady from Rongguo Mansion found her in the village and bought her from her adoptive parents for 100 taels of silver.

When the adoptive parents saw the white money, they asked the old lady to take her away without any hesitation.

Although the ruthless behavior of her adoptive parents chilled her heart, she felt faintly happy seeing the old lady's rich appearance.

She thought to herself, she doesn't want to be in this country, and she doesn't want to go back to Yihonglou. It's good to be a maid in this kind of house. When she was in Yihonglou, she heard some dramas from some girls. In the dramas, the young master often fell in love with the maidservants. Drama.

Such a rich and powerful family will always have a young master, and if there is no young master, there will be a master. As long as she thinks of a way, she may be able to be an aunt or wife.

However, this old lady who claimed to be the old lady of Rongguo Mansion did not let her be a maid, but took her into the room, asked her to take off her clothes, looked at her carefully for a while, and asked her if you were afraid pain?

She instinctively replied that she was not afraid, so she nodded firmly and said that she was not afraid.

The old lady Rong asked her again, do you want to be a lady of a rich family, have a maid and a wife to wait on you, eat delicious food and drink hot food, wear gold and silver, and don't have to work.

She nodded immediately and said, thinking.

So the old lady said that she was going to bite a tooth mark on her shoulder, and then told her about pretending to be the second daughter of the Lian family.

After biting the crescent-shaped wound, some powder was applied to her, and soon the wound turned into a pale pink crescent-shaped scar.

Then, Mrs. Rong personally sent her to the Hua family in Niujiapo, and asked her to pretend to be the adopted daughter who grew up in Hua's family. She also told her to wait with peace of mind, and someone would come to pick her up soon. up.

So, she waited while working in Hua's house, and finally, someone really came to pick her up, and the person who came was really the prime minister's mansion that Mrs. Rong said.

The prosperity she has seen is nothing but the lust and beauty of the Yihong Building.

But when she first entered the Prime Minister's Mansion, she realized what real wealth and prosperity are. Everywhere here is full of dignity. insult.

Although it wasn't long, she was already obsessed with being the second daughter of the Lian family and couldn't extricate herself.

In her opinion, her mother-in-law in Yihonglou has long been deliberately left behind by her. The mother-in-law in her mind is someone as luxurious and elegant as the eldest lady——

She did her best to cultivate her and love her, all of which made her enjoy it very much.

So, now, she is unwilling to return this identity no matter what!

In this world, there is only one second daughter of the Lian family, and this person is Lian Siyu!

"Old madam, you are right. If we do something, not only may we not be able to get rid of that girl, but we may also reveal flaws. Therefore, I have a good idea." Lian Siyu said.

"What did you think of?"

"Borrowing a knife to kill someone." Lian Siyu said word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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