First-class daughter

Chapter 803 Dangerous Approaching

Chapter 803 Dangerous Approaching
Chapter 803 Dangerous Approaching
"What did you think of?"

"Borrowing a knife to kill someone." Lian Siyu said word by word.

"Borrowing a knife to kill someone?" Mrs. Rong paused, a deep thought flashed in her eyes, and asked, "Who borrowed the knife?"

Lian Siyu settled down, and said, "Borrow Da Furen's knife." She hardened her heart and said.

Madam Rong was taken aback, "Xue'er? Tell me about it."

"The old lady promises to Xiao Yu first, don't get angry." Lian Siyu knew that this plan must allow the old lady to fully agree, after all, the person to be used is her own daughter.

"Tell me, I'm not angry." Mrs. Rong agreed.

"These days I'm with Da Furen, according to my observation, Da Furen's most important thing is not me, nor Lian Siyue, but her son Lian Yan. She really keeps her mouth shut for Lian Yan. In order to hold it in her hand for fear of falling, as long as it is about Lian Yan's affairs, she will be very nervous and take it seriously.

If someone hurts Lian Yan, the lady will definitely not bypass this person, I can guarantee this.


There was another ruthless chill in her eyes, and she said, "If that maid named Ling'er did something to hurt Lian Yan, the lady will kill her!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Rong's heart trembled suddenly, and a chill ran down her spine, she said, "You can think of this level, I misjudged you earlier! You are a good hand."

"It depends on whether the old lady wants to use the eldest lady and Lian Yan to do this. If she agrees, it will perfectly solve the problem we are afraid of. If she is not willing, then we will take the risk.

However, if found out, the identity of my daughter-in-law will be lost, and the old lady may...not be forgiven by the Lian family.

Madam, what do you think? "

Lian Siyu's words deeply shocked Mrs. Rong's heart. She sat on the chair, holding the back of the chair, her brows were deeply furrowed, and she did not answer for a long time.

With her own daughter and nephew on the one hand, and her own life and the prosperity of the Rong family on the other, what should I do?
Seeing that Mrs. Rong couldn't make a decision for a while, I was afraid that she would soften her heart, so she continued:

"Old madam, paper can't hold fire. If you don't get rid of this girl as soon as possible, I'm afraid that the princess is so smart that she discovered this secret in advance. Since you and I can find the crescent moon mark on her shoulder, the eldest lady will find out sooner or later." , once this secret is exposed, I am afraid that the old lady will not even be able to go back to the Rong family."

Madam Rong's expression slowly began to let go, as if she began to agree with Lian Siyu's words.

"Master can't support the Rong family. The Rong family is all supported by you, old lady. If something happens to you, what will happen to the Rong family? What will happen to the two ladies when they marry in the future?
Madam, don't hesitate any longer!
You are hesitant now because of your kindness, but if the secret is exposed, no one in the two families will treat you kindly! "

Finally, Mrs. Rong gave her mouth, and stood up abruptly, with no more hesitation on her face, she said fiercely, "You are right, now the arrow is on the string, and I have to do it. The matter has reached this point, We have no way back but to go forward!
Looking back, there is an abyss! "

"Great, old madam, you finally figured it out." Lian Siyu was extremely happy after hearing what old madam Rong said, and a big stone in her heart fell down.

"Xiao Yu, now you and I are in the same boat. The water in the river is very fast. If we don't work together, the boat will capsize. So, you must not have other thoughts, understand? "The old lady was both satisfied and worried about the scheming girl.

Because of her young age, her mind is really vicious and meticulous.

Lian Siyu hurriedly knelt on the ground, raised her hand, swore, and said, "Old lady, don't worry. I'm not confused. Everything I am today, my status, status, and good life, are all given to me by you. Without you When I was brought back from the countryside, I am still listening to the ridicule of others and the scolding of my adoptive parents in my dilapidated house.

Xiaoyu cherishes this hard-won luck very much, and is even more grateful to the old lady. "

She spoke very Chicheng, with tears in her eyes, which finally made Mrs. Rong feel relieved.

"Then tell me about your plan and see if there are any loopholes. I'll point out one or two." Mrs. Rong said.

"Okay..." Lian Siyu approached Mrs. Rong, lowered her voice, and said the plan she had thought of, and Mrs. Rong nodded again and again, saying——

"Then let's do this. However, you can't really hurt Yan'er. Yan'er is Xue'er's lifeblood, and she is here; the foundation of the Lian family's foothold is you in the future; the pillar of the Lian family .” Mrs. Rong said.

"Yes, Xiao Yu understands this, the old lady can rest assured."

"Okay, just do as you said, I'm here to hear your good news. We won't meet again for these two days." Mrs. Rong said.

"Yes." Lian Siyu left through the back door.

Old Madam Rong sat on the red sandalwood chair, closed it, twisted the Buddhist beads in her hands, and recited scriptures plausibly.

On the second day, follow the rules.

His Highness Feng Qianyue and Prince Heng's concubine Lian Siyue have two things to do, one is to worship in the ancestral hall of the Lian family, and the other is to accept the kneeling of these people from the Lian family branch.

Early in the morning, the two brothers Lian Yanqing and Lian Yanfu waited outside the gate of Xianhe Courtyard, until Feng Yunzheng finished his breakfast, changed into auspicious clothes, and walked out with Lian Siyue.

The two immediately stepped forward and knelt down, "His Royal Highness is a thousand years old."

Feng Yunzheng motioned for the two to excuse themselves.

Lian Yanqing stood up, stood aside, bowed and said, "His Royal Highness, the time is coming soon, the sedan chair is ready, please go to the Lian's Ancestral Hall."

"Thank you, Prime Minister." Feng Yunzheng said, turned around, took Lian Siyue's hand, and the two of them got into the sedan chair respectively.

Lian Yanfu shouted loudly, "Let's go!"

The two sedan chairs set off for the Lien Ancestral Hall.

Lengmei and Yefeng walked in front and behind the sedan chair respectively.

The worship ceremony was very grand, both sides of the road were full of people from the side branches of the Lian family. They had been waiting at the gate of the prime minister's mansion a few days ago in order to meet His Highness and the princess.

Now, finally met, everyone is very religious.

Walking all the way, the sound of firecrackers rang in my ears, and in the rickety sedan chair, even Xiangyue held on to the railing of the sedan chair, and her body swayed accordingly.

An inexplicable expression slowly appeared on her calm face.

In a dark place, Lian Siyu watched Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue's sedan chair get farther and farther away, clenched the handkerchief tightly, and a murderous look appeared on his face.

Then, she turned around abruptly and walked in the direction of the Fu'an Courtyard. Her footsteps became faster and faster, and the blood in her heart was churning. Everything happened today.

(End of this chapter)

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