First-class daughter

Chapter 804 One Laughed Together

Chapter 804 Laughing Together

Chapter 804 Laughing Together

Fu'an Hospital.

Since the banquet that day, the eldest lady's attitude towards Lian Siyu has become a little colder. Lian Siyu knows that she is not up to date and has made this mother very embarrassed, so she has been very cautious these two days and dare not say a word. Said that he worked hard to practice piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and did not dare to neglect at all.

During this period, Nanny Zhou came to tell the eldest lady that the third lady is working hard now, and she looks pitiful.

Da Furen felt compassionate again, and quietly went to listen to her playing, and also read her handwriting, but she returned disappointed, saying, "No talent means no talent, from now on I should study honestly. Let’s be female, let’s forget about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.”

When this word reached Lian Siyu's ears, she became even more eager to get rid of that little maid so as not to threaten her status.

When she returned to Fu'an Courtyard from outside, Nanny Zhou was eating steamed cakes with Lian Yan in her arms. Lian Yan seemed to like the taste very much, she ate it all in one mouthful, and kept stretching out her hands and babbling.

The eldest lady watched from the side with a smile on her face, and said, "Yan'er, you are healthy and healthy. This is my greatest wish. Mother's lifelong hope is you."

Lian Yan couldn't understand, she only knew how to babble, Zhou Nanny heard it but said happily, "Ma'am, look, Young Master Yan is saying, mother, don't worry, he must be a good man."

The eldest lady was very happy to hear that.

Lian Siyu looked at the lady's face full of tenderness, and began to be jealous of Lian Yan's baby who couldn't say such a thing.

Lian Siyue, Lian Yan, and that servant girl can all be loved by the eldest lady with a clear conscience, but she is the only one who lives in fear of the truth being exposed every day. Looking at Lian Yan's fleshy face, she feels A vicious and terrifying thought popped up——

If all the children around Da Furen died one by one, then she would be able to enjoy all the favors of Da Furen to herself.

Thinking about it, a deep coldness appeared in her eyes, and she put on a cautious smile and walked over, saying:

"Mother, let me feed brother Yan'er."

As she spoke, she took Lian Yan from Nanny Zhou, sat on a chair, and fed him steamed cakes.

The eldest lady looked at her and said, "Your forehead is covered with sweat, where did you go?"

"Mother, I think the weather is fine today, and I thought to myself, Brother Yan has been out for several days to get some fresh air, so I ran to Lanyue Court to take a look, all the lotus flowers were in bloom, and the fish in the pond also swam up." , wait for Brother Yan to finish eating the steamed cake, let's go out and have a look at the scenery." Lian Siyu said.

The eldest lady nodded, and said, "You've got your heart, Yan'er hasn't been feeling well these days, it's because she hasn't gone out for a few days, it's good to go out to get some fresh air."

"Well, mother, I'll take my brother out, you can rest, it's been hard to take care of my brother for the past two days." Lian Siyu said thoughtfully.

"Alright, when Yan'er sees Yue'er, she is always very happy, and she still vaguely calls her elder sister, and she is always a bit colder when she is with you. It is necessary for you to cultivate more feelings with him." The eldest lady also has her own plan.

"Yes, Xiao Yu will play well with Brother Yan." Lian Siyu lowered his head and stuffed the last piece of steamed cake into Lian Yan's mouth, with an imperceptible sneer on the corner of his lips——

After eating the steamed cake, washing her face, and changing into a sweater, Lian Siyu carried Lian Yan out of the door, and took her maid Yun Duo and the two women out of the Fu'an Courtyard.

But Lian Yan seemed reluctant to hug Lian Siyu, he always swayed in her arms, and stretched out his hand to scratch Lian Siyu's face, a red mark suddenly appeared on her face.

Her complexion darkened immediately, and Lian Yan burst into tears. She really wanted to pinch this brat, but there were more important things to do today, so she coaxed, "Brother Yan, don't give up!" Cry, sister loves you."

But I said viciously in my heart, I want you to look good later!
After leaving the Fu'an Courtyard, she didn't go all the way to Lanyue Court, but turned around a corner and passed Xianhe Courtyard.

The amazing thing is that Lian Yan was still moaning and whimpering in Lian Siyu's arms, but when he passed Xianheyuan, he stopped crying inexplicably, raised his head, looked at the door of Xianheyuan, and babbled. Babbling and beckoning to Xiaopang's hand.

Lian Siyu felt that Lian Yan was in her arms anyway, so she said, "It seems that Brother Yan likes Eldest Sister very much and wants to play in Eldest Sister's yard. I'll take him in and play for a while. I heard he is very I like to look at the crabapple flowers in the yard of my eldest sister."

"Yes." The three servants were about to follow her in.

But she said, "Elder Sister returns to the door, His Highness Ninth Highness also lives inside, it is best not to come in and out, so as not to cause any trouble, you just wait for me outside, unless I call you, come in again."

"Yes, Miss San." Several servants waited outside the door.

Lian Siyu carried Lian Yan into the Xianhe Courtyard, she quietly checked carefully, because His Highness Ninth Prince and Lian Siyue went to the Lian Family Ancestral Hall, so the security in this courtyard was not very strict, her face showed A smile——

Really picked a good time.

"Yeah..." Lian Yan opened his small hands and made a sound.

Ah Yue heard the commotion outside, and ran out. When she saw Lian Siyu and Lian Yan, she froze for a moment——

"I was going to take Young Master Yan to Lanyue Court for a walk, but who knew that she would not leave when she passed by Xianhe Courtyard, she insisted on coming in while crying, you see how happy he is." Lian Siyu said , couldn't help looking at Ah Yue a few more times, and thought to herself——

This servant girl is really lucky, she is actually the real second daughter of the Lian family, I wish I could strangle her right away!
Ah Yue came back to her senses, hid her dislike towards Lian Siyu in her heart, and said, "Hi Miss San, Hello Young Master Yan."

"I hugged him all the way from Fu'anyuan to here, he just clings to me and refuses to get close to the maid. My arm is almost broken. Come here and hug me for a while." Lian Siyu ordered.

"Yes, Miss San, let me give you a hug, but, I haven't reported a child before, so I don't know if I can hug it well." Ah Yue looked at such a small person, feeling scared in her heart, afraid to hug her. He hurts.

"It's okay, Young Master Yan is very good, easy to hug." Lian Siyu put Lian Yan into Ah Yue's hands, and said, "Hold him and look at the crabapple flowers, I'll rest for a while."

"Okay." Ah Yue took the child over, hugged her into her arms, and snuggled up so softly in her arms, she suddenly felt so miraculous, so she couldn't help stretching out her hands to pinch Lian Yan's fleshy cheeks .

"Yeah..." Lian Yan blinked, danced a few times, and giggled.

"Haha, he's so funny, he's soft, he doesn't cry, and he even scratches me." Ah Yue also laughed along with her, her eyes bent into two crescent moons.

(End of this chapter)

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