First-class daughter

Chapter 805 Chapter 8O4 Zhang Lianyan's Accident

Chapter 805 Eighty-Fourth Zhang Lianyan's Accident
Eighth Four Zhang Lianyan's Accident
"Haha, he's so funny, he's soft, he doesn't cry, and he even scratches me." Ah Yue also laughed along with her, her eyes bent into two crescent moons.

Lian Yan's hand touched her nose, which made her itch and giggled.

She suddenly felt that holding a child wasn't so scary anymore, so she hugged Lian Yan and sat down on the chair in front of Begonia, smiling and teasing him, her heart was melted by this little person, and she didn't notice it at all to the approaching danger.

Lian Siyu stood aside, looking at Ah Yue silently. Her skin was like jade fat, crystal clear, pink and white, and her eyelashes were like a small curved fan. Lovely breath, and a pair of almond eyes under her eyelashes, watery and watery, flickering like the eyes of a deer.

A servant girl is so beautiful!

If she puts on Miss's luxurious clothes, I'm afraid she will really be compared to Lian Siyu!

After sitting for a while, Lian Siyu stood up and asked, "Master Yan should eat now, is there something to eat here?"

After hearing this, Ah Yue said, "Yes, my servant will get it."

"No need, I'll go in and let the servants take it. Young Master Yan likes you, so you can hold it for a while." Lian Siyu said, and went in. When she got inside, she saw the chestnut cake on the table, and she brought the cake. He got up, quietly took out a pack of medicinal powder from his sleeve, and sprinkled the yellow medicinal powder on the chestnut cake, which looked like the powder contained in the chestnut cake itself.

A bloodthirsty expression appeared on her face, then she collected herself, raised her head, puffed her chest up, and walked out with the pastry in her hand.

Ah Yue was sitting on Lian Yan's chair, picking a crabapple flower for him to play with.

Lian Siyu walked over, put the chestnut cake in Ah Yue's hands, and said, "Feed him, I'm afraid he'll be cold, so I ask the maid outside to go back to Fu'an Courtyard and give him that little cloak."

"Okay, Miss San, you can go, I'll take Master Yan." Ah Yue has already silently fallen in love with this fleshy and beautiful young master, "You and Lian Siyue really look alike, she Were you as fleshy as you were when you were young?"

As she spoke, she cut a small piece of the chestnut cake with a small fork and put it near Lian Yan's mouth. As soon as Lian Yan saw what he was eating, his saliva dripped to the corner of his mouth, and he opened his mouth to bite the cake.

"Oh, eat slowly, don't choke." Ah Yue took out a handkerchief from her waist to wipe off his saliva, and then fed him bit by bit.

"It's the first time for me to feed a child, you are really cooperative." Saying that, he fed another mouthful.

Lian Yan had been hungry for two days due to his illness, so today's taste was particularly good. He quickly finished eating a piece of chestnut cake, and when he continued to eat the second piece, he ate it bite by bite.

Ah Yue kept looking at him with a smile, thinking it was amusing and magical.



"Ahem..." Lian Yan's face suddenly flushed red, his mouth was wide open, and his eyeballs were bulging, as if he had been stalked by something. The joyful expression just now disappeared, but he couldn't express his frightened expression. voice comes.

"Ah!" Ah Yue was so startled that she dropped the plates in her hand.

She quickly hugged Lian Yan into her arms, reached out and patted his back, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong? Young Master Yan, what's wrong with you? Did you choke?"

However, Lian Yan just kicked his feet vigorously in her arms, but his face began to turn from red to purple.

"Master Yan, Master Yan!" Ah Yue burst into tears, and continued to pat her on the back frequently and quickly.

"What are you doing? How dare you beat the young master!" At this moment, Lian Siyu walked in, and the woman and maid behind her were holding Lian Yan's cloak in their hands.

Ah Yue suddenly turned her head back, she hugged Lian Yan tightly, and hurriedly said, "Miss San, hurry up, hurry up and invite the doctor, I don't know what happened, but Young Master Yan suddenly choked up, I..."

Lian Siyu took a few steps forward, raised his hand, and slapped Ah Yue's face fiercely, saying, "You still dare to argue, I clearly saw you beating Young Master Yan! All the maids saw it." !"

"Yes, we have all seen it, you are so brave to hit the young master!" Yun Duo, who didn't understand what he meant, also followed Lian Siyu's words and accused Ah Yue.

Seeing Lian Yan's appearance, the other two women were so frightened that their legs went limp!

This Young Master Yan is the only grandson of the Xiangfu!The eldest lady is especially serious, if something happens, I'm afraid they will all die!
When the other servants in Xianhe Yuan heard the commotion, they all hurried out and knelt on the ground.

"I...I..." Ah Yue felt that now is not the time to argue with Lian Siyu to prove her innocence, but Lian Yan, whose face is getting more and more purple as soon as he thinks of a way!So he said, "Miss San, yes, yes, it's because the servants didn't take good care of me that this happened, hurry up and invite the doctor."

Lian Siyu paused for a moment, then saw that Lian Yan's face turned purple, his eyes became dim and bulging, and his hands and feet were moving stiffly in the air.

She said coldly, "Yun Duo, hurry up and invite Dr. Lu, Madam Guo, you and I will immediately carry Young Master Yan back to Fu'an Courtyard. You guys, arrest this damned bitch and send him to Fu'an Courtyard!"


Everyone panicked, and they all listened to Lian Siyu's order——

Lian Yan was carried back to the Fu'an Courtyard, and A Yue was escorted to follow behind. She kept staring at Lian Yan, for fear that something might happen to him!
But how could it be like this?
Was it really choked by something?But just now she obviously fed every bite very small, because she was afraid that he would not be easy to bite.

Before she had time to think about it, Ah Yue had already been pushed into the Fu'an Courtyard.

"Mother, mother, it's not good, brother Yan was killed by this maid!" Lian Siyu hugged Lian Yan tightly as soon as she entered the door, knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, her face was covered with tears.

The eldest lady was sleeping, when she suddenly heard someone say that Lian Yan was in danger, she got up in a hurry, before she even had time to put on her outer clothes, she hurried out.

Seeing Lian Siyu hugging Lian Yan and crying bitterly on the ground, he almost fainted——

"Ma'am!" Nanny Zhou hurried forward to support her!
The eldest lady walked up to Lian Siyu's side in a few steps, and hugged Lian Yan. Seeing the distorted son, she immediately gasped and exclaimed:

"Yan'er, Yan'er, what do you think, don't scare mother! Yan'er, Yan'er!"

Lian Siyu cried bitterly on the ground, "It's my daughter's fault, it's my daughter who didn't take good care of my younger brother, that gave that lowly slave a chance to hurt my younger brother


Soon, Dr. Lu was called over in a hurry. Seeing Lian Yan's face covered with bruises, he was startled. Before he could say anything more, he asked the eldest lady to put the child on the bed and start to check the pulse!
(End of this chapter)

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