Chapter 807
Chapter 807
Ah Yue's words were well-founded, making it impossible to refute.

She knew that even if Siyu wanted to harm her, she must have been prepared long ago, and now she is just a maidservant, and her status as a princess is useless.

The only thing she can do is delay time, wait for Brother Nine and Lian Siyue to come back, save her, and then see through the true face of Lian Siyu.

"You!" Lian Siyu didn't expect that she was just an ordinary maidservant with such a strong mouth, and dared to refute her word by word.

Lian Siyu couldn't help but glanced at the eldest lady again.

Time was getting tighter and tighter. If this lowly servant girl continued to delay, then His Highness Ninth Prince and Lian Siyue's ancestral hall worship would be over, and her plan would be in vain.

She gritted her teeth and said to the eldest lady, "Mother, it seems that this lowly servant girl will not tell the truth. If she wants to harm Brother Yan, she can deny it in any way!"

"Miss San, I don't understand why you are so eager to convict me instead of thinking of other ways to kill Young Master Yan.

If both you and the eldest lady feel that I am the one who killed Young Master Yan, then you can tie me up, lock me up, save Young Master Yan first, and then come to interrogate me, I can't escape. "

Ah Yue said again very cleverly.

When she said this, it made Lian Siyu's slander against her even more untenable, but everything depends on the judgment of the eldest lady Rong.

If the eldest lady is willing to believe her, then she may be able to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, but if the eldest lady chooses to believe in her own daughter, then she probably cannot escape easily today.

After all, she was a princess before, and when she spoke, she was so loud and imposing. Although Lian Siyu was wearing the identity of the second daughter of the Lian family, her aura was obviously weaker than that of Ah Yue.

She was so questioned by Ah Yue that she could barely speak, choked for a long time before saying:
"You maidservant, don't think that you can get rid of the fact that you poisoned younger brother Yan because of your sharp teeth, you are just trying to save your life by making all kinds of excuses.

Saying that there is no reason to kill people in Xianheyuan, it is because you did not expect that I would go and come back so soon.If I went back a little later and brother Yan was beaten to death by you, you would have a thousand reasons to shirk responsibility, wouldn't you?

Now that I have caught it, there is no way to quibble. "

"So, I don't plead guilty, but I won't quibble anymore, everything will wait for Young Master Yan to be fine, and then, Da Furen, you can tie me by your side, and I won't leave even a single step.

However, to convict me based on Miss San's one-sided words is not fair to the servants, nor to Young Master Yan. You can't let the person who really poisoned him go, right? Ah Yue's expression returned to calm, and she was no longer as anxious as before.

"You!" Lian Siyu didn't expect that this lowly servant girl would calm down so quickly.

Not only did he not cry and beg for mercy, but he also offered to be tied up.

Now, her plan to use her excitement to blur the focus of the eldest lady cannot be carried out!

Isn't she just a maid in His Royal Highness's mansion?
No matter how he speaks, he has the demeanor of Lian Siyue, the owner of Xianheyuan.

Especially after she calmed down, her expression was similar to that of Lian Siyue having a dispute——

Sure enough, they are worthy of being biological sisters!
But the more this happened, the more Lian Siyu wanted to kill her quickly, to kill her!

So, she walked up to Da Furen, grabbed her hand, lowered her voice, and said in a voice that only Da Furen could hear:
"Mother, look, this is obviously just a servant girl, but she speaks with such power that even my daughter, the second-in-law daughter, can't speak against her.

How could an ordinary maid have such an ability?

This lowly maid is really not simple, if His Highness and Eldest Sister come back, we will not be able to control this matter.

Brother Yan's suffering was in vain. "

Lian Siyu knew that now the only way to take advantage of Da Furen's Aizi's eagerness was to make use of her weakness.

The eldest lady frowned and looked at Ah Yue deeply, she didn't look like someone who hurt Yan'er, besides, she was right, she really didn't need to be so stupid as to do something in Xiangfu or Xianheyuan , and throw yourself into the trap again.

Seeing that the eldest lady was not as she imagined, Lian Siyu became furious and immediately killed the lowly maid to vent her hatred, and became even more anxious.

She thought about it and said, "Mother, at that time, both Han Guo and Nanny Guo saw this lowly servant girl wanting to beat Brother Yan vigorously, if I saw it alone, it might not be trustworthy to say it.

However, Nanny Guo is by your side and has taken care of brother Yan'er since he was born. You should believe what they say. "

The eldest lady looked at the two nuns and asked, "Did you see it?"

Nanny Guo was stunned for a moment, looked at Lian Siyu, then looked at A Yue, and finally said, "I don't dare to say who killed Master Yan, but I did see this slave named Ling'er slapping you with my own eyes. Young Master Yan's back, and he used a lot of strength."

This mother Guo is also telling the truth about what she saw.

Lian Siyu showed a hint of anger on his face, and said immediately, "Mother, did you hear that, Mother Guo grew up with Brother Yan, and she does her best to Brother Yan on weekdays, so she won't talk nonsense."

After Lian Siyu's guidance and Guo Nanny's words, the balance in Da Furen's heart finally shifted.

Yes, Yan'er is the most important thing!
It is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let go of a hundred!
So, she turned cold and stared at Ah Yue fiercely, "Since Nanny Guo has seen you slap Yan'er, no matter how much you argue, I can't believe you anymore!"

When Lian Siyu heard the Da Furen finally said these words, the big stone in her heart was put down.

"Come on, I don't believe in the law of the Lian family, she will die and refuse to admit it!" the eldest lady ordered.

The smiling expression on Lian Siyu's face was suddenly stunned, "Mother, why don't you just kill her?" She bent down and urged in a low voice.

"After all, this is someone from His Royal Highness's residence. If she killed her before admitting it, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain to His Royal Highness, but if she admits it herself, and then kills her, His Royal Highness will have nothing to say?" the eldest lady signaled Mother Guo went to prepare the family law.

Lian Siyu's heart tightened, she thought that she was just a lowly maidservant, and she would kill it right away, just like killing a dog, but she didn't expect it to be so troublesome!

If I had known earlier, she would have killed her in Xianheyuan!
Seeing that time is getting tighter and tighter now?
How can I kill her quickly?
(End of this chapter)

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