First-class daughter

Chapter 808 Complete Despair

Chapter 808 Complete Despair
Chapter 808 Complete Despair
After a while, Nanny Guo brought a pair of tools for pinching her fingers, and Ah Yue couldn't help shivering when she saw the cold torture tools.

She hurriedly begged the eldest lady, "Madam, I really didn't hurt Young Master Yan, I have no grievances with Madam and Young Master Yan, I really have no reason to hurt her.

If it is said that I was instigated by others, my master is His Highness Ninth Highness and Princess Heng, one of them is your daughter and the other is your son-in-law, and they are all relatives of Young Master Yan, so they will not instruct me to do things that hurt him up.

Madam, Mingjian, Madam. "

"It's so noisy in front of the eldest lady! Guo Nanny, stop her mouth, don't let her talk and disturb Brother Yan." Lian Siyu always listened to this girl with a reason, easy Convinced, he ordered.

Ah Yue looked at Lian Siyu, sneered, and asked, "Miss San, are you afraid of something? Why don't you want me to talk?"

"...Mother, look at this lowly servant girl, she has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and she is so scheming! She has always wanted to lead the crime to her daughter!" Lian Siyu said angrily.

The eldest lady finally sank her face and said, "Stop talking! Nanny Guo, start!"

"Yes, you guys hold her hand tightly!" Mother Guo ordered.

So, several servant girls stepped forward and grabbed Ah Yue's arms. Lian Siyu walked behind her and kicked her ankle skillfully. Her knees gave way and she fell to the ground.

The maids put her ten fingers into the hand clamp made of bamboo, each finger was clamped by two bamboo slices, each bamboo slice had some bamboo thorns on it, when Ah Yue's hand When she touched these thorns, she immediately rushed to see that her finger was pierced, and she cried out in pain.

"You're screaming before you start exerting force, a vulgar and lowly maid, do you think you're some kind of princess?" The nurse Guo who was in charge of torture sneered.

Ah Yue suddenly raised her head and looked at her, "Yes, I am a princess, I have been a princess before!"

"Hahaha, it's so funny, a lowly servant girl actually said that she was a princess! Nanny Guo, stop talking nonsense with her, work hard!" Lian Siyu gave an order, and Nanny Guo winked.

The maids on the left and right pulled the rope tightly, and the bamboo slices squeezed Ah Yue's tender index finger. She screamed in pain, her whole body seemed to have been drained of strength, her face was pale, and there were big and big lumps. Beads of sweat fell.

Fingers crossed!

She was in so much pain!
"Gag her mouth, don't disturb Yan'er!" the eldest lady ordered.

"Yes!" So, Youzheng pinched her chin, and stuffed a stinky rag into her mouth, and she had no strength to resist.

"Tell me! Did you do it to Young Master Yan?" Lian Siyu asked sharply.

Ah Yue exhausted all her strength to raise her head, stared at her fiercely, shook her head vigorously, and absolutely refused to admit it!
"Turn harder!" Lian Siyu winked at Yunduo, telling her to go forward and pull the rope. This time, Ah Yue heard the sound of her hand bones being broken!
She was in pain all over her body, curled up into a ball, and her whole body was shaking violently, but because of the rags in her mouth, she couldn't utter a word, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

She felt that all ten fingers had been broken, and the cold sweat from the pain had soaked through her clothes.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

She was so painful that she almost passed out!
She is afraid of pain. She has been afraid of pain since she was a child, and she can't stand any pain.

When I was still living in Changchun Palace, the queen mother fell out of favor, and there were no maids in the palace, so she did a lot of work by herself. Sometimes, if her finger accidentally broke the skin, she would hide beside the deer's fence shed tears.

But now, she can't pass out, she can't close her eyes, she is afraid that this unpredictable Lian Siyu will poison her and kill her!

She can't die, Lian Siyue hasn't come back yet, Brother Nine hasn't come back yet, and, and...

So, she has to hang on and wait for them to come back!

The eldest lady frowned and looked at the servant girl, and asked, "So, are you still unwilling to admit that you killed Yan'er?"

Ah Yue looked at the eldest lady, with grief on her face, her vision was blurred, she didn't know whether it was sweat or tears that wet her eyes, she really wanted to see what kind of person Lian Siyue's mother was— —

Why is Lian Siyue so perceptive, but her mother let Lian Siyu be at his mercy?

She shook her head towards the eldest lady, tears fell down in big drops, her eyeballs were red and her face was ashen.

"If you don't want to admit it, then use more force!" Lian Siyu thought, if this lowly servant girl refuses to admit it, then use a pincer to pinch her to death!

Seeing how she was about to pass out from the pain, she probably won't last long!
"Yes!" This time, Nanny Guo went into battle in person, increased her strength again, and pulled the rope violently!

"Ah!" This time, even though her mouth was covered with a rag, her screams escaped from the rag.

She hurts, hurts!

It hurts like the soul is out of body.

The whole body was drooping limply, the ten fingers connected to the heart, and the flesh and blood were already bloody, and the bones were probably broken.

I'm sorry, Lian Siyue, Brother Jiu, I, I can't take it anymore, it really hurts too much, I really can't take it anymore, forgive me——

Forgive me for failing you.

Finally, her eyes were slowly closed, and she fell limply on the ground like a puddle of mud. Her body twitched occasionally, her face was pale, and the ground was soaked in sweat.

Da Furen's heart trembled, and she asked, "Dead, are you dead?"

Lian Siyu hurriedly stepped forward, squatted on the ground, checked her breath, and said, "Mother, you're not dead yet."

The eldest lady looked at Ah Yue at this moment, and the ten fingers sandwiched between them were crushed, bloody and bloody, the blood dripped on her clothes, and the moon-white outer clothes were half red with blood, The face completely lost its color.

Nanny Guo took out the rag from her mouth, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth immediately.

The eldest lady felt compassion and didn't want to see this bloody scene again.

She got up and said, "I'll go in to see how Yan'er is doing, Xiao Yu, I'll leave this to you."

"Yes, mother! She will definitely plead guilty." Lian Siyu was overjoyed, and after the eldest lady left, she immediately showed a fierce expression, and said, "She is pretending to be dead, how could she die just by pinching her a few times, Yun Duo, Go fetch a basin of water!"

After a while, the water was brought over, and Lian Siyu brought it over, and splashed it on her body——

In a coma, Ah Yue felt a shock, and opened her weak glasses in a daze.

"Again!" Lian Siyu decided that this time, she would feel completely hopeless!

"No, don't..." Ah Yue made a slight and weak voice.

(End of this chapter)

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