First-class daughter

Chapter 809 Arrive in Time

Chapter 809 Arrive in Time
Chapter 809 Arrive in Time

A little maid watched anxiously at the scene of Ah Yue being tortured inside, she clenched her fists tightly, sweating profusely.

After a while, she suddenly ran out.

However, she is just a little maid, and without the permission of the eldest lady, the nursing home at the gate of Xiangfu will not let her out!So, she thought of a way——

She remembered that when the young lady came back from Yaocheng two years ago, she entered from the back, and the back door was rarely guarded!

So she took a shortcut and ran to the back door.

Looking from a distance, it happened to be guarded today.

She gritted her teeth and climbed up a tree next to the wall. After climbing up the wall, she slid down the wall. When she stood up, her feet hurt, and she couldn't care less.

Gritting his teeth, he quickly ran towards the Lian Family Ancestral Temple!
Now, only His Royal Highness Ninth Prince and Princess Wang can take care of that poor maid.

She is just a third-class maid who sweeps the floor in Fu'an Courtyard. Usually no one pays attention to her, but every time she sees the eldest lady, she knows that she is an absolutely extraordinary person. If something happens to that poor maid, the consequences will be disastrous .

She ran fast on the street, sweating profusely.

"Drive, drive!" At this time, a galloping horse ran over in the distance, and she took a closer look, and was immediately overjoyed——

Isn't that handsome man in the ice blue brocade robe the Eleventh Prince?
His Royal Highness the Eleventh has a good relationship with the Eldest Miss, so he will definitely not sit idly by.

She didn't care about the danger, so she knelt down in the middle of the road and shouted loudly: "Your Highness, help me, Your Highness, help me! I am Fen Xiang, the servant girl of Xiangfu, help me, Your Highness, help her."

"Woo!" Feng Jue saw a woman rushing into the middle of the road suddenly, he tightened the reins suddenly, the horse's hooves were raised high, and it spun around on the spot before finally stopping.

Feng Jue condescendingly looked at the servant girl below, and asked in a deep voice, "You call for help, whose life do you want me to save?"

Fen Xiang said loudly, "Save the life of a servant girl next to Princess Heng. She, she is afraid that she is about to die. Your Highness Eleventh, go and save her."

Feng Jue saw that the servant girl's eyes were red, and she shed tears when she talked about the sadness, he said:
"I'm going now!"

He immediately turned the horse's head, raised the whip, and lashed the horse's back, and the horse walked towards the Xiang's mansion.

Fennel finally relaxed and sat on the ground.

Sijiu hurried over and asked with concern, "Girl, is your foot hurt? Let me help you up." Sijiu ordered the following maids to help Fen Xiang up and got into the carriage.

"Thank you Sijiu brother." Fennel said.

"Girl, you said that the servant girl next to the princess is about to die, which servant girl is it?
Fennel thought about it for a while and said, "It seems to be called Linger."


Sijiu was startled suddenly, his expression changed immediately, and he clapped his hands - it was her!This is terrible!
Feng Jue arrived at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion as quickly as possible.

The guards guarding the gate saw him and knelt down one after another—"Your Highness is a thousand years old!"

Feng Jue jumped off the horse with long legs, walked directly through the gate, and walked in the direction of Fu'an Yuan——

"Strength!" Lian Siyu began to sweat on his forehead, and his palms were hot!

She really didn't expect that the vitality of this lowly servant girl was so tenacious. No matter how hard she pressed her, she refused to admit it. After pinching her several times in a row, the flesh on her fingers had been crushed, and she was still dying.


She ordered again!A ferocious expression appeared on his face.

But this time, Nanny Guo hesitated even with the maids who were tortured, and they did not carry out Lian Siyu's order.

Guo Momo said hesitantly, "Miss San, it seems that the maidservant may not have done it by her. It's all like this, and she still refuses to admit it, and still refuses to pass out. Maybe, Master Yan's poisoning has other secrets, why not..."

"Slap!" Lian Siyu stepped forward, she was so angry that she didn't care that Nanny Guo was Lian Yan's close-in-law, so she raised her hand and slapped her face hard, saying, "You What is it, Miss Ben said she is the murderer and she is! Hurry up and pinch me hard!"

She was slapped forcefully, but Nanny Guo still refused to do it again. She stood up straight and said, "This punishment, I don't need it, I will go to Da Furen to clarify!" She is somewhat respected. Mammy, being beaten like this by a young lady who just arrived, I feel very unhappy!

"Okay! If you don't pinch me, Miss Ben, I don't believe how hard her mouth can be!"

Lian Siyu knew that the time was getting tighter, she did this on purpose, she could take the opportunity to kill the servant girl completely, when the time came, she would just push the crime of killing the maidservant to Nanny Guo!

Ah Yue's vision became more and more blurred, she watched Lian Siyu approaching her helplessly.

She only felt that her whole body was light and light, and she couldn't even feel the existence of her body.

In a daze, she seemed to see some people, they were walking towards her, they surrounded her, protected her, and loved her.

She really likes the feeling of being with them.

If only we could be together like this forever.

On her frail face, a faint and vain smile slowly appeared——

Lian Siyu saw her laughing even at such a time, and scolded: Crazy!

Then he took the gripper, and clamped it hard——

"Bang!" Just as Lian Siyu was about to use his strength, suddenly, the door of Fu'an Courtyard opened, Lian Siyu turned around suddenly, and saw an ice blue shadow flashing in like a gust of wind!

She froze for a moment, let go of the instrument of torture in her hand in fright, and murmured, "Eleventh, Your Highness Eleventh."

This was the man her mother wanted her to marry, and she immediately fell to her knees.

As soon as Feng Jue came in, he saw a scene that he would never forget—Ling Yue'er curled up on the ground dying, with a broken and desolate smile on her face, her hands, her hands were bloody , his body was covered in blood, his face was ashen, as if his soul would fly away in the next moment, and he would leave him, never to come again!
"Ling Eleven..."

He walked quickly to Ah Yue's side, carefully took the broken person into his arms, and called out in a trembling voice, seeing her like this, his heart was about to break!
In a daze, Ah Yue faintly heard the voice that she had dreamed about thousands of times, ringing in her ears, this was her favorite voice.

She slowly and with difficulty opened her heavy eyelids, she seemed to see the face she was thinking about, she smiled, and wanted to raise her hand, but her hand didn't seem to belong to her anymore

Eventually, she gave up.

(End of this chapter)

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