Chapter 810
Chapter 810
"Eleventh..." Feng Jue's heart was in such pain that he could hardly breathe!
How could it be like this, she is so lively and lovely, but now, how can she look like she is about to leave at any time.

Her pale and chapped lips opened with difficulty, Feng Jue hurriedly approached her mouth with her ear——

"Lianjue, I, I like you, I, I don't want to lie to myself, I really... like you very much. Also, I can still see you, I'm really happy." Perhaps Ah Yue felt that she was I probably won't be able to survive this time, so I don't want to be brave anymore, and I don't want to leave with regrets, so I bravely spoke out my inner thoughts.

Feng Jue's heart trembled violently, and he looked up at her tear-stained face.

"However, you don't have to like me, me, I'm okay, I'm anyway..." Ah Yue said, a faint smile appeared on her face, and then, unable to hold on anymore, she closed her eyes wearily.

"Eleven! Eleven!" he yelled, suddenly losing a vital piece of his mind.

"Your Highness, this lowly servant girl, she poisoned Lian Yan, that's why we interrogated her like this. She is scheming, insidious and cunning, Your Highness..." Lian Siyu never understood the relationship between this maidservant and His Highness Eleventh, fearing that he might misunderstand, So he said hastily.

Feng Jue turned her head abruptly, a cold murderous look burst out from her eyes!
Lian Siyu's heart trembled, he was terrified by his eyes, and fell to the ground in fright, "His Highness Ten, Eleven..."

Feng Jue kicked Lian Siyu violently, and her kicked body hit the pillar behind her hard. Suddenly, her bones seemed to be falling apart, and she couldn't get up for a long time due to the pain.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." Lian Siyu opened his mouth, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

She looked at Feng Jue in disbelief, the person she thought she would marry in the future.

This maid has, what is it worth His Highness the Eleventh doing for her?It's just a lowly servant girl next to His Highness Ninth Prince.

"Shua!" Feng Jue took the dagger that was going to be tortured for Ah Yue from the tray of the maid beside him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was going to use this dagger to kill the person who tortured Shiyi like this.

"Be merciful, Your Highness the Eleventh..."

However, at this time, the eldest lady came out in a hurry. She walked over quickly, bent her knees, hugged Feng Jue's legs tightly, and begged bitterly——

"Your Highness, Xiao Yu is my daughter. In order to bring you back, I sent her away. She has lived a miserable life these years. Please be merciful, Your Highness."

Lian Siyu finally heaved a sigh of relief seeing Mrs. Dao pleading for her.

Slowly put down the dagger in Feng Jue's hand, turned around, looked at Da Furen with extremely disappointed eyes, and said:
"So it's your idea to torture Eleven?"

"Eleventh?" The eldest lady was taken aback when she heard Feng Jue addressing this maid like that, "Did Your Highness know her?"

It's just a little maid, how did she know that Doctor Jiang was involved with Jue'er?She was extremely puzzled.

"That's right, Eleven, she is the Eleventh Princess Feng Lingyue!" Feng Jue said sadly.

"What..." Da Furen's heart trembled, and she fell to the ground with a pale face, "Yes, it's her?"

And even Siyu was taken aback for a moment—this lowly maid was actually a princess?No wonder she knows everything about the palace!

"On that day, Aunt Xiao, Lian Shiya, mother and daughter found a poem written for 'Yue' in my room, it was indeed written to my sister, because at that time I already knew that I was not your own?

However, in order to keep you, we must not expose the truth that I am not the real son of the Lian family!

Therefore, Princess Eleven stepped forward in time and said that these poems of mine were written for her!If it hadn't been for her to save me, Aunt Xiao even accused Shiya of chaotic wheeling against me, Madam, you wouldn't be able to live well to this day.

Therefore, the person you are torturing today is not someone else, but your savior! "

As Feng Jue said, she recalled that day in her mind, when the situation was critical, Princess Eleven jumped out, not afraid that others would laugh at her, and took those love poems directly. At that time, she was so innocent and lively, like a warm flower blooming flowers.

After hearing what Feng Jue said, the eldest lady showed regret and annoyance on her face. She said, "Your Highness, I, I didn't know that she was the eleventh princess back then. I really didn't know it was her. If I knew, I would definitely not ..."

"So, if it wasn't for her, would you be cruel enough to torture a poor child?" Feng Jue's eyes were burning with rage, he was disappointed, he was so disappointed!

"I really can't believe that the angry wife of the prime minister in front of me is the one who has been my mother for more than ten years? Since when did you become so vicious? How did you do it?" Feng Jue's eyes were scarlet.

"I... I... Jue'er, I..." The eldest lady couldn't utter a word when Feng Jue questioned her, and she didn't even dare to look into the adopted son's eyes!
With a cold face, Feng Jue carefully lifted Ah Yue from the ground, gently let her lean against his chest, and said coldly:

"If something goes wrong on Eleven, I will definitely wash Fu'an Courtyard bloody, and I won't look at anyone's face!"

All affection has been exhausted!
"..." Da Furen has never seen such a heartless Feng Jue. At this moment, he is not at all like the warm and bright Jue'er in the past, the one who always smiled——

The current him is really like Yan Luo with a cold face!

And Lian Siyu was so frightened that she curled up into a ball, trembling like a withered leaf, unable to speak a word.

Only then did she realize that she had offended someone she couldn't offend!

When Feng Jue passed her, she stopped, and Lian Siyu trembled all over, trembling.

Feng Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, and the dagger in his hand dropped quickly——

"Ah!" Lian Siyu let out a horrific scream, covered his face with his hands tightly, and fell to the ground, rolling and screaming like a dog!The blood slid down her face!
He is so ruthless!
It took a lot of strength!

I don't know what kind of face was cut?
"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu..." The eldest lady was terrified, and hurriedly crawled over. She looked at Lian Siyu, whose face was bleeding profusely, and was too frightened to go forward, "Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you, Xiao Yu."

"Help me, save me, mother." Lian Siyu yelled in pain, feeling as if one side of her face had been cut off.

And Feng Jue gave her a cold look, and said, "It's just a little interest!"

As he said that, he had already walked out of Fu'an Courtyard with Ah Yue in his arms.

"Your Highness!" Sijiu and Fennel also came in a hurry.

"Fourty-ninth, go back to Ming'an Prince's Mansion immediately, and send the exclusive imperial physician that my father gave to this king!" Feng Jue ordered in a deep voice, and carried Ah Yue all the way back to Xianhe Courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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