First-class daughter

Chapter 811 Hurry up and save her

Chapter 811 Hurry up and save her
Chapter 811 Hurry up and save her
The old lady Rong who was hiding in the dark secretly watched Feng Jue leave Fu'an Courtyard with Ah Yue in her arms. Immediately, her whole body was limp on the ground like a puddle of mud, her head was sweating profusely, her face was ashen ashes—



This girl is actually the former Eleven Princess!

She remembered that the emperor once announced to the world that the eleventh princess, Feng Lingyue, suffered a heavy blow because of the death of Empress Duanwen.

How would it appear here?

Moreover, it happened to be the granddaughter she carried away from Lian's family.

Could it be... isn't she really dead?

Madam Rong thought to herself, it must be because she was found not to be a real princess when she was in the palace, and she was kicked out of the palace by the queen mother and the emperor.

However, even though she is a fake princess, judging by how much the Eleventh Highness attaches importance to her, she is definitely not easy to mess with.

What should we do now?
Mrs. Rong clenched her hands tightly, bit her mouth——

It's all the dog play of that female branch girl, who came up with such a bad idea!

What's more, she dared to hide her behind her back and lay a poisonous hand on Yan'er. This little bitch wants to kill three birds with one stone!Really underestimated her.

However, until now, there is no other way!

Mrs. Rong heard her daughter Rong Xue's howling and Lian Siyu's screams coming from the Fu'an courtyard. Rong Xue said again and again, how could it be her?How could it be Princess Eleven, isn't she already dead?

And Lian Siyu, that howling sound is very scary!
Old Madam Rong turned around abruptly, ran back to Ziyun Garden, packed her bags, took advantage of Lian Yanqing, Lian Madam and the others hadn't come back, and hurried away.

Now she wants to go to Niujiapo and get rid of Hua's eldest brother and Hua's sister-in-law before Lian's family!


Feng Jue carefully placed Ah Yue on the bed, her eyes were tightly closed, blood was all over her body, and her breath was weak. He thought that the maid should come in and change her clothes, but her hands!

Feng Jue gently grabbed her two arms, his hands were trembling, his eyes were sore, and two strings of male tears fell down!

How miserable!
Too bad too bad!
Her ten fingers were bloody and bloody, the bones were drooping, the flesh was squashed and stuck together, blood red——

What pain and torment she was suffering before he went!
And she actually persisted until his arrival!
He couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if she came a little later.

He didn't dare to let go of Ah Yue's hand, she was afraid that if she touched any place, she would die in pain, his tears fell one by one, and fell on her face, but she didn't feel it either.

"It hurts too much, it hurts so much... I have to pass out."

He ordered the maid at the side to wipe off the sweat from her forehead bit by bit. At this moment, she was completely soaked!

"Your Highness, Fenix ​​is ​​here." Sijiu came over and led the maid Fenxiang who was still limping.

He saw Ah Yue, who was barely human in shape on the bed, also standing beside Feng Jue, crying, "It's so pitiful, she is so pitiful, there is no one more pitiful than her in this world." , Your Highness!"

Sijiu has always been very fond of this eleventh princess.

"Tell me, what happened exactly? How did it become like this?" Feng Jue asked, still holding Ah Yue's arm with both hands.

Fennel knelt on the ground and said in a straightforward manner, "Your Highness, what happened is this. The third lady went out to play with Young Master Yan in her arms. After a while, she hurriedly brought him back. Young Master Yan is in very bad condition. Doctor Lu Speaking of being poisoned by the bitter almond powder, the third lady said that this servant girl fed the chestnut cake to Master Yan, and in order to force her to admit it, she used such torture."

Fenix ​​also told how Ah Yue was tortured, how she tried hard to ask Da Furen for forgiveness, and how Siyu slapped her.

As Feng Jue listened, his complexion gradually became uglier!

"Obviously, today's game against Eleven was premeditated. It was either Rong's idea or this second daughter's idea." However, Eleven did not pose any threat to them at all. Such a cruel hand must have some ulterior secret, and this secret has something to do with Eleven.

"Where did you find this second-in-law daughter?" Feng Jue only heard that Lian's family had also found the second-in-law daughter who had been lost for many years in Ming An Palace, so she didn't pay much attention.

"Yes, it was found by Liantian General Nursing Hospital and the eldest lady's personal maid, Luzhi (Lengmei). I heard that it was from a place called Niujiapo."

"Niujiapo?" Feng Jue narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Your Highness, the lowly position is here!" Before he had time to think about it, Imperial Physician Guo, who was exclusive to Ming An Palace, had already arrived.

"Doctor Guo, show him quickly, I order you to keep her alive no matter what!" Feng Jue ordered immediately.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Physician Guo walked to Ah Yue's bed, but was taken aback by the sight in front of him——

"Hey, who made such a murderous hand, this girl's hands were almost all cut off!" Rao, the Imperial Physician Guo, who had seen many tragedies, was also shocked by Ah Yue's pair of bloody hands.

"Doctor Guo, her breath seems to be very weak, please take a look." Feng Jue urged.

"Yes!" Imperial Physician Guo hurriedly stretched out his hand to check Ah Yue's breath, his face became a little more serious, and then he took her pulse again, frowning slightly.

"How?" Feng Jue asked tightly.

"Your Highness, this girl's breath is weak, yes, her life is in danger!" Imperial Physician Guo said these words in embarrassment.


Feng Jue's heart trembled violently, and suddenly an important thing fell off from his atrium——

Dangerous to life?

This lively and innocent her life in danger?

Imperial Physician Guo knelt down and said, "The humble officer can only give her life-sustaining medicine, give her hands, apply medicine to her hands, as to whether she can live well, it depends on her will."

Feng Jue only felt that it was a blow to the head, and his heart was heavy.

After returning from Shanhaiguan and seeing her again, he never thought that she would leave early.

Doctor Guo's words made him suddenly feel that death and parting are so close, the person who smiled and said I don't like you yesterday, but today... is lying here——

"No!" Feng Jue said firmly with firm eyes, "I will never let her die like this! She can't die! She can't die!
Forty-nine, you immediately take this king's token, go to the Imperial Palace Hospital immediately, and call all the imperial physicians Rong, Ma, and Yang over, and without a moment's delay, tell the prime minister's mansion that someone was injured. After a pause, he said again, "Don't say it's her." "

Father Huang once said in Rongyuan Hall that he was not allowed to enter the palace again on the eleventh day, and he would not see her again.

"Yes, this servant is going!" Sijiu didn't dare to worry for a moment, and ran out of Xianhe courtyard quickly while wiping away tears.

(End of this chapter)

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