First-class daughter

Chapter 813 Immediate Chapter Mansion

Chapter 813
Chapter 813
"Being tortured by the eldest lady and the third lady, and when the servant girl was about to die, His Highness the Eleventh came in time, and now that the maid's life was in danger, His Highness the Eleventh became furious and drew his sword to wash the Fu'an Courtyard in blood. again.

"What's the maid's name?!" Lian Siyue stepped forward a few steps, regardless of Lian Yanqing and others present, grabbed the servant by the collar and asked sharply.

"Call, call Ling'er, the one from His Royal Highness's house followed." The servant was shocked by Lian Siyue's reality, and his whole body went limp with fright.

Ah Yue!

As soon as Lian Siyue thought of this name, she didn't care about anything, and ran out of the temple like the wind. She clenched her fists tightly, and her eyes exuded a deep coldness. Open in general!
The dangerous aura exuding from her body shocked everyone deeply.

"Yue'er, don't worry!" Feng Yunzheng followed quickly.

"Something happened to her!" Lian Siyue roared, and immediately climbed up on the guard's horse, Feng Yunzheng's eyes narrowed, and immediately stepped up.

He raised his whip high and threw it on the horse's back. The horse galloped, and everyone around them knelt on the ground. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, bewildered.

And even Yanqing didn't want to preside over the worship ceremony any more, so he immediately got into the carriage and went back to the Prime Minister's Mansion together~!

His face was gloomy, His Highness Ninth Highness returned home with Yue'er, it was a glorious event, he was very honorable in the Xiangfu!
What, how could this happen again?
Now, His Highness the Eleventh is deeply favored by the emperor. If he really wanted to bloodbath the Fu'an Courtyard, the Emperor would probably not stop him. The Emperor didn't really like the relationship between His Highness the Eleventh and the Lian family!

Here, Mother Lian's face turned pale for a while, and she almost fainted. She said tightly:

"What's going on? We've only been out for half a day. What, why is Lian Yan dying of poisoning? Also, His Highness the Eleventh is about to wash the Fu'an Courtyard with blood. What did Xiaoyu do to force His Highness Eleventh to come down here?" Ruthless!

Rong Shi, what is Rong Shi doing? "

"Mother, what this servant said is unclear, let's go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion as soon as possible, and let them disperse here." Lian Xi was also concerned about what happened in the mansion.

"Okay, okay! Come on, don't worry about things here."

Even the mother and his party left in a hurry.

An originally splendid and mighty sacrifice ended in such a hurry, and those who were waiting to meet His Highness the Ninth Prince also came to nothing.

However, when Lian Siyue's horse was driving halfway, she suddenly asked Feng Yunzheng to stop the horse——

"Yunzheng, you go back to the mansion first to have a look, and you must hug Ayue! I'll go see the man Zhang Yingzhi captured." Lian Siyue already had another idea on the horse that had just galloped.

Feng Yunzheng nodded, and then instructed Leng Mei, "Drive the carriage and protect the princess."

"Yes!" Leng Mei complied.

So, the husband and wife split up——

In the inn in the city, in the room.

A woman in a willow-green smoked sweater, with thick powder on her face, exudes a vulgar fragrance, and bruises around her eyes, obviously from a beating.

She was sitting on a chair in the guest room, with one foot resting on the back of the chair, while eating the tea on the plate in front of her, her eyes painted with thick purple eyeshadow, looking around curiously.

When she saw a vase in the room, her eyes lit up immediately, as if a mouse had seen the food, she dropped the pastry in her hand, ran over immediately, and took the vase down.

Then he ran to the bed, pulled off the sheet, put the vase inside the sheet, tied it into a bundle, hung it on his body for a try, and said in his mouth——

"This vase looks very valuable. When I was an oiran, I saw it at an official's house."

"It's a fake, it's not real." When she was complacent about getting a baby, the door opened——

She was startled, and quickly sat on the bed, hid the vase on her body, looked up, and saw a luxuriously dressed woman walking in, looking at her with a smile on her face.

Her eyes sank, she looked behind Lian Siyue, and asked, "Who are you? Was it sent by that person who never smiled?"

The one who doesn't laugh?That is to say Zhang Yingzhi.

Lian Siyue then said, "You can say yes, or you can say no."

The woman was taken aback, and said, "I haven't read the book, and I don't understand profound words. You'd better explain it clearly, otherwise it will be useless."

"Chun Qiniang, as expected of Chun Qiniang, even though she has been reduced to this level, she still speaks with the same style as before." Lian Siyue said with a faint smile.

Chun Qiniang was taken aback for a moment, she looked at Lian Siyue suspiciously, sat up from the bed, and asked, "How did you know that I was an oiran back then? Who are you?"

"Of course, everyone knew Chun Qiniang's flower name back then. After a little inquiring, wouldn't you know it?" Lian Siyue said calmly.

And, sitting down in front of Chun Qiniang, she slowly raised her eyes and looked at her.

Chun Qiniang looked back at the vase, then at Lian Siyue, suddenly, she put oil on the soles of her feet, ran away quickly, and shouted, "Don't think I don't know that you are here to ask for debts!"

She ran, even Siyue didn't get up, just looked at it lightly.

As soon as Chun Qiniang ran to the door, Leng Mei's cold and hard figure flashed, and she drew out the sword with a swipe, and laid it across her neck.

She was so frightened that her legs went limp, she knelt down on the ground, begged for mercy, and said, "Miss, please forgive me. Miss, please forgive me. Which casino does Miss belong to? If I change, I will send the money over immediately."

"Can you pay it back? What do you use to pay it back? If you were young and beautiful, someone would want you, but now that you are old and addicted to gambling, no one will want you anymore." Lian Siyue's voice changed be grim.

"If you dare to play around again, I'll kill you immediately!" With a little force on Leng Mei's sword, her shoulder was pierced and overflowed, and she immediately begged for mercy in pain——

"I, I..." She really can't afford anything now, but... her eyes suddenly glowed, "My daughter is rich, and my daughter is in the prime minister's house."

The bloodthirsty smile on Lian Siyue's face slowly dissipated.

Now, basically something can be confirmed!

She will never take advantage of anyone who hurt Ah Yue!

Never forget it so easily!
Some people must pay a heavy price!

If you just remove her like this, it would be too cheap for her!
and so--

"You can go back with me and be your slave. If you become my slave, I won't ask you for money." Lian Siyue said.

"To be your slave?" Chun Qiniang was taken aback.

"Yes, Lengmei, take her away!" She ordered lightly, but her voice sounded like mountains and rivers frozen for thousands of years, causing Chun Qiniang to shiver fiercely!
(End of this chapter)

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