First-class daughter

Chapter 814 Is there any evidence?

Chapter 814 Is there any evidence?
Chapter 814 Is there any evidence?

Feng Yunzheng came back in a hurry, and all the servants knelt down on the ground. He quickly walked into the room, and saw several imperial physicians gathered around the bed, and Feng Jue was among them, with a serious expression on his face.

He stepped forward, seeing Ah Yue's dying appearance, his heart trembled immediately, and he said tightly, "This lady and Lian Siyu are so vicious?"

"I will never let them go, a second daughter who appeared suddenly dared to use lynching!" Feng Jue said fiercely.

Now, with the only affection left for the eldest lady, he has no scruples.

"How is Ah Yue?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Imperial Physician Guo turned around and knelt down and said, "Your Highness, this girl is seriously injured and her life is in danger. The humble ones try their best to save her life with medicine, but..."

"Just what?" Feng Jue asked immediately.

"It's just that this time the injury has seriously damaged the vitality, and the root cause of the disease will be left behind. It will take several years of careful recuperation." Imperial Physician Guo said regretfully.

Feng Jue clenched her fists tightly and was about to stand up immediately, "I said, if she has any troubles, she will definitely wash Fu'an Courtyard with blood!"

"Eleventh Brother!" Feng Yunzheng held back his temper, looked him in the eyes and said, "Wait for Yue'er, she may have other arrangements."

"Sister?" Feng Jue narrowed her eyes slightly.

Lian's mother, Lian Yanqing and the others came to the Xianhe courtyard to plead guilty to Feng Jue as soon as they returned to Xiang's residence, but Feng Jue was determined this time, so they disappeared!

They had no choice but to quickly go to the Fu'an Courtyard.

Before entering, she heard Lian Siyu's wailing one after another, and she also heard Mrs. Rong telling Lu Taiyi to heal the scars on her face, and not to become like the former third lady Lian Shiya, and so on.

Lian Yanqing was furious, walked in quickly, pulled the lady aside, and slapped her hard across the face, the lady fell to the ground, her cheeks were swollen, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding, and Nanny Zhou hurriedly wanted to fuck her. Lian Yanqing raised his foot and kicked him out viciously.

"Where is Yan'er?" Lian's mother quickly cared about Lian Yan, ignoring the troublesome mother and daughter.

"Old lady, Young Master Yan is not awake yet. He just took medicine, so he must wait quietly." A servant came to report.

This Lian Yan is now the only male in the Lian family. Lian's mother felt her legs and feet were weak, and her hands trembling on crutches. She stumbled in and saw the child with her eyes tightly closed, her heart ached. Injustice, it only took one morning, how could it become like this, my grandson, if something happens to you, how can you call your grandmother to live on?"

Even the mother's crying touched the heart of the eldest lady, and she also cried.

"Father, father!" Seeing Lian Yanqing's angry face, Lian Siyu was frightened out of his wits, his face was pale, and he lay on the bed trembling.

After she came to the Prime Minister's Mansion, she hadn't been too close to this father, but every time she saw him, she felt majestic and kind, and she had never seen him so furious.

"You still have the guts to call me! How dare you offend His Highness the Eleventh, how dare you use lynching in the back house!" Lian Yanqing asked Doctor Lu to go away, and gave an order, "Let her face be like this, and don't give her any medical treatment."

Lian Siyu immediately felt deep despair, ignored the pain, knelt down on the bed and begged bitterly, "Father, my daughter knows it's wrong, my daughter knows it's wrong, don't let Doctor Lu treat my face, please! "

Seeing that she still dared to cry, Lian Yanqing raised his foot and kicked her hard on the heart, causing her to fall on the bed, closed her eyes, and passed out.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu..." Seeing that Lian Siyu had been knocked out, the eldest lady hurriedly got up, lay down on the bed, and yelled loudly.

Lian's mother came out of Lian Yan's room, saw the mess in front of her, beat her chest with grief, and said, "It's all right, the land has been made like this, and my grandson's life is at stake. What's going on? , Mrs. Rong, tell me clearly!"

"Yes, old lady."

The eldest lady knelt on the ground, explained the matter in detail, and finally said, "At that time, Xiaoyu, Guomao and others saw the maid feeding Yan'er chestnut cake, and saw her beating Yan'er. , I really felt sorry for Yan'er, so I grabbed her and asked her to admit it, but I didn't expect her mouth to be so hard, and she refused to admit it.

Later, I was concerned about Yan'er, so I went into the room to take care of Yan'er, probably because the servants below didn't know how serious it was, and hurt her too badly! "

"Bold! Bold! Really bold!" Lian motherly cursed again and again, "Mr. Rong, why are you so foolish, using lynching in the back house without permission, it's a crime!"

"But, old lady, that maid..."

"Then you can lock that maid first and make a decision after we come back. If she really harms Yan'er, no one can protect her. Yan'er is the prime minister's son, and it's useless to let her be anyone's maid. But if it wasn't for her, you would have beaten her up today and abused her!

This is the servant girl of His Highness Ninth Prince, you, how dare you do this? "Mother Lian really thought, how could Yue'er have such a mother! She was so angry that she almost didn't know how to scold Mrs. Rong!"

"You let me down so much! As the eldest wife of the prime minister, she should be in control of the overall situation at critical moments, but you, but you are so confused!" Lian Yanqing sternly said.

"Actually, actually..." The eldest lady bit her lower lip and said, "This maid is not an ordinary maid, so she is, she is the original Eleventh Princess Feng Lingyue, this is what His Royal Highness said personally of."

"What? The eleventh princess? She, didn't she be burned to death?" Lian Mu was shocked, why did another eleventh princess appear suddenly.

"I don't know why this happened. If His Highness the Eleventh hadn't said it, I wouldn't have believed it." The eldest lady said.

But Lian Yanqing knew a little about the real inside story of the eleventh princess's death, so it turned out that the fake princess went with His Highness Ninth Prince afterwards!

"No wonder, no wonder His Royal Highness the Eleventh is furious, shouting to bloodbath the Fu'an Courtyard!

You have forgotten that at my birthday banquet, he wrote many love poems. Xiao claimed that they were written for our Yueer, but later it was confirmed that they were written for the eleventh princess. The eleventh princess is the person he admires. Now the life and death of the tortured person is unknown, it's no wonder he didn't bloodbath your Fu'an Courtyard! "

Even Yanqing's words made everyone feel even more uneasy, and felt that the matter was more complicated.

"However, it's true that Yan'er was poisoned by bitter almond powder, and it's also true that she's unconscious now. This, this has nothing to do with her. No matter who she was in the past or who she is now, it can't just be left alone. For Yan'er Seek justice, master." The lady's heart hurts when she thinks of Lian Yan.

Lian Yanqing snorted coldly, and looked at the eldest lady like the most stupid idiot in the world——

"So, do you have proof?"

(End of this chapter)

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