First-class daughter

Chapter 815 Who Are They?

Chapter 815 Who Are They?
Chapter 815 Who Are They?
"I..." The lady was at a loss for words, indeed, she did not have any definite evidence to prove that the person who killed Lianyan was the former princess, everything was said by Xiao Yu.

Light rain?

Da Furen's heart trembled suddenly, that's right, everything was said by Xiao Yu, and even torture was Xiao Yu's idea, now that I think about it, Xiao Yu seems to want to kill this princess——

Her eyes became a little heavy.

"Prince Heng has arrived—" At this moment, there was an announcement from outside the door, and then Lian Siyue was seen walking in dignifiedly.

When the eldest lady saw Lian Siyue's figure, her heart tightened.

As soon as Lian Siyue came in, she didn't care about anything else, she just asked, "Where is Yan'er now, I'll go and see."

"Yan'er is not awake yet, the imperial doctor said that she still needs to wait carefully." Mother Lian wiped her tears and said.

Lian Siyue walked into Lian Yan's room, leaving only one sentence in his mouth, "Whoever hurts my younger brother, kill him." A faint sentence, but it contains a strong murderous intent, which made everyone in the room flock. Feel a rushing momentum.

Lian Siyu, who was pretending to faint on the bed, had a heart tremor, and dared not open his eyes anymore——

How to do?
How to do?
She was thinking quickly in her mind!

Mrs. Rong!A light flashed in her mind, yes, and Mrs. Rong!Mrs. Rong is on the same boat as her, so she will definitely not let her have an accident. If she has an accident, the Rong family will be ruined!

Lian Siyue walked to Lian Yan's bedside, and Lian's mother, Lian Yanqing, Da Furen and others followed in silently, Da Furen walked with a limp.

Lian Siyue looked at Yan'er who was lying on the bed with her eyes tightly closed, thinking about the hardships of the day when he was born, thinking about the feeling of him lying in her arms, and thinking about how she was raped before she was born. The son who cooked to death!
"Yue'er, what's the situation with His Highness the Eleventh?" Lian Yanqing couldn't help asking when she saw that she had been looking at Lian Yan, with her lips tightly closed.

Lian Siyue finally withdrew her thoughts, and said, "Let's find out the real murderer who poisoned Yan'er first."

Upon hearing this answer, Lian Yanqing still couldn't let go of his heart hanging in the air, and asked cautiously, "Why is Princess Eleven staying with you? When did she go to Prince Heng's Mansion."

Even Siyue turned around, and everyone took a step back, waiting for her to speak——

"Father, I will talk to you about this matter later, but since His Highness the Ninth Prince can keep her in Prince Heng's Mansion, and since I dare to bring her back to the Prime Minister's Mansion to be my companion, it means that we are not afraid of anything." Yes, father, you don't need to worry too much, you must know what the emperor said in Rongyuan Hall, we didn't disobey the emperor's order by doing this." Only Lian Yanqing could listen to Lian Siyue If you understand.

Lian Yanqing nodded, "Father, I understand."

"Yue'er, Yue'er." At this time, the eldest lady came over, tightly grasped Lian Siyue's hand, and said, "Your Highness the Eleventh has the best relationship with you, we accidentally hurt that person, you go and talk to him Tell me, let him take back the words about the bloodbath of Fu'an Courtyard, okay?" The lady can still remember how cold her eyes were and how cruel her tone was when Feng Jue said those words.

Lian Siyue looked at Da Furen's hand, held her wrist, took her hand away abruptly, and said, "Mother, he is the prince, I don't have the right to ask him to do anything, mother, you'd better cancel this too Thoughts, mother must remember that his name is Feng Jue, and he is His Highness the Eleventh, not someone who has a good relationship with me and you. If you can't remember this sentence, you may be killed! "

The eldest lady felt Lian Siyue's deep alienation. Since she came in, she hadn't taken a good look at her, and she didn't want to say anything to her in private, she already felt very nervous.

Now that I heard this talk again, I suddenly felt that there was no hope at all.

It was only then that she realized that at such a critical moment, the only person she could rely on was her eldest daughter, Siyue, who was her backbone and support, and Xiao Yu was no match for Yue'er's fur!
It would be great if Yue'er taught her what to do at this time.

Lian Siyue glanced at her biological mother indifferently, feeling a chill in her heart - she should really be taught a thorough lesson!
"Yue'er, you are right, the only way is to investigate the truth of Yan'er's poisoning first, Rong Shi, you should stop instructing Yue'er to plead with His Royal Highness the Eleventh Highness with love, love is not used to persecute others! You let Yue'er If Er'er comes forward to beg His Highness the Eleventh, that is to let Yue'er persecute His Highness the Eleventh!" Lian Mu said.

Lian Siyue felt that this grandmother was clearer.

"By the way, the third sister was also injured. Yan'er is also a concern now, and the Fu'an Court can't take care of it. I have asked the third lady to make arrangements to move the third sister to another courtyard immediately. Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya's Qingquanyuan." Lian Siyue said next.

Mrs. Liu came out from behind Lian's mother, and said, "Yes, follow the order of the princess."

"Yun Duo's maidservants stay in Fu'an Yuan to take care of Yan'er, Xiao Yu will arrange new ones." Lian Siyue instructed Liu Shi.

"Yes, princess, I will arrange it immediately."

"Yue'er, this..." Da Furen said, this Qingquanyuan is an unknown place, and Xiao Yu moved there, which is tantamount to...declaring to everyone that this second-in-law daughter is almost in the same position as the former third lady.

"What's the matter? Does mother have any better ideas?" Lian Siyue looked into her eyes and asked.

Her face was very calm, but it made the eldest lady dare not say anything, and finally murmured, "No, just do as you said."

"That's the arrangement! If I hadn't waited to investigate the results of Yan'er's poisoning, I wouldn't even invite all the staff to let her live!" Lian Yanqing said angrily.

Next, the entire Prime Minister's Mansion was immersed in an unprecedentedly tense atmosphere.

Ah Yue from Xianheyuan didn't wake up, and Lian Yan was still in a coma.

Lian Siyu was injured and no one healed her, leaving her face to bleed.

She was very anxious, but there was nothing she could do. She could only ask the servant girl to bandage her with a clean cloth. She really wanted to find Mrs. Rong, but she couldn't even get out of the yard. Well, the old lady had left long ago, and she felt even more uneasy——

This old man, did he just run away when he saw that the wind was wrong?

Lian Siyu was lying on the bed, anxious, and kept making all kinds of guesses——Lian Yan's affairs were considered seamless, and even if she couldn't find out that the lowly maid did it, she couldn't say that Lian Siyu did it Now, the most important thing now is to pray that the identity of the lowly servant girl will not be revealed!

"Miss..." At this time, a nanny who was not too old came in with a tray.

Even Siyu raised her head a little, and the nanny raised her head too——

Immediately, the eyes of the two met, and then, the two screamed at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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