First-class daughter

Chapter 817 Falling into Despair

Chapter 817 Falling into Despair
Chapter 817 Falling into Despair
Lian Siyu suddenly turned her head to look at the past, and suddenly, her feet went limp!
I saw that the place at the door——

Lian Mu is here, Lian Yanqing is here!

Also, the eldest lady Rong also came, her face was pale, her hands were tightly clenched, and her eyes were staring at her!
And the one who walked at the end was Lian Siyue, who seemed to be descended from a devil!
She is looking at her with a pair of cold eyes, her eyes are indifferent, but in Lian Siyu's view, it is like a hell, a shackle, making her unable to breathe just by looking into her eyes!
Her body was limp, and she was already kneeling on the ground, feeling that she couldn't breathe.

And when Chun Qiniang suddenly saw Lian Yanqing, she was stunned, she looked at this person she had thought about for a long time, she thought she would never see him again in this life, but unexpectedly, He suddenly appeared in front of her, so alive.

And Lian Yanqing had a cold face, like Yan Luo, he also noticed this vulgar woman, but he just gave her a look like a servant, he didn't remember such a woman at all.

Several people walked up to Lian Siyu.

Lian Siyu shivered all over, kneeling on the ground, not daring to raise her head, the sweat on her forehead fell to the ground one by one.

Lian Siyu's face turned blue with motherly anger, "How dare you be so bold, pretending to be the first daughter of my Lian family! You raise your head up!" She shouted sharply, and Lian Siyu raised her head suddenly in fright, she was already in tears His face was full of sweat.

And Lian Siyue just looked at her condescendingly, like looking at a pile of dung!
As for the eldest lady Rong, she sat on the ground limply, looking at the "daughter" in front of her who was full of guilt and pity, and wanted to give her everything that Siyue had.

She shook her head, heartbroken, regretful!
"You, you, you are just a bastard, you lied to me!
I even held you in my palm as a treasure.

I ask the master to train you and plan a marriage for you!

Everything is for your sake, I even blame my Yue'er because of you, you, you are fake, you..."

"Mother, mother, listen to Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu is not fake, it is true, it is true, this woman, this woman is not my mother, she is, she is Lian Siyue deliberately looking for me to harm me, because she has been She didn't regard me as her own sister, she didn't want to admit me, she was afraid that my mother would love me more than her, so, that's why she came here so hard to harm me."

"Up to now, you still want to lie to me! Do you think I'm such a fool?

I hate myself!I really hate myself for being blind, seeing you as my own daughter, and giving you everything! "

"Mother, mother, you have to believe me, I listen to you the most, Xiaoyu listens to you in everything, you are my most respected mother!" Lian Siyu shouted one after another, especially pitiful.

When Chun Qiniang saw her daughter so eagerly recognizing someone else as her own mother, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken!
But the eldest lady scolded fiercely!
"Shut up! You lowly maidservant, you still want to quibble! It's outrageous! Don't call me mother anymore. I don't have a daughter like you. I only have Yue'er, and Yue'er is my daughter! You are not, you are not allowed to call my mother!"

Now that Rong Shi heard Lian Siyu shouting like this, she just felt it was a great humiliation, a disgusting feeling that she didn't want to look back on!
When Lian Siyue heard Da Furen shouting like this, she closed her eyes deeply, and felt a cold feeling in her heart.
At this moment, a pair of strong hands gently held hers. When she opened her eyes, she saw that face that reassured her, those eyes full of strength and warmth——

"It's okay, I'm here." Feng Yunzheng said with a smile in his eyes.

"Mother, mother, she wants to win favor, mother!" Lian Siyu was still in the wind.

"Heh!" At this moment, a cold snort sounded, and he took a sudden look——

It turned out that the Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng, whom she had always admired so much, also came. He looked at her indifferently and mercilessly, his eyes filled with disgust, and said, "Do you think my princess is just like you, and she will fight for favor? Mo Said, this eldest lady is her own mother, she doesn't need to fight for favor. With my husband's favor, she will have everything, and she needs to compete with someone like you, you think highly of yourself .”

Feng Yunzheng's lonely and cold words hit Lian Siyu's heart heavily.

She looked at her beloved man with tears in her eyes, and said, "She, she is ruthless, cold and selfish, and domineering. She is just so good, worthy of the Ninth Prince. Do you really like her?"

When Feng Yunzheng heard this, a frightening coldness suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he said immediately, "This king thinks that you live half an hour too long, cold brow!" Who dares to say that in front of him? Yue'er's bad words are suicidal!
"Yes, Your Highness!" Leng Mei immediately drew his sword, and the blade swung across Lian Siyu's neck.

"Ah!" Lian Siyu didn't expect her to scold Lian Siyue a few words, His Ninth Prince wanted to kill her to vent his anger!
"Yun Zheng." Lian Siyue shook her head at her, there are more important things to do now.

Feng Yunzheng said obediently to Leng Mei, "Leng Mei, save her life first."

When the sword left his neck, Lian Siyu breathed a sigh of relief and let out a cold sweat.

Lian Siyue looked at Lian Siyu, and slowly approached her step by step. Seeing this, Lian Siyu retreated steadily——

She finally stopped and said, "You said, Chun Qiniang was deliberately hired by me to frame you?"

Lian Siyu wanted to make a plan for the present, but he gritted his teeth and refused to admit that there was still a chance of life, so he said, "Yes, you framed me! It was you!"

Lian Siyue smiled faintly, looked at Chun Qiniang again, and asked, "Chun Qiniang, you told Mrs. Zhang Yingzhi that your daughter is now a lady in the Xiangfu, and what this daughter said was this Lian Siyu. Bar."

Chun Qiniang trembled all over, Lian Siyu suddenly looked at her, looking at her with warning eyes!
Chun Qiniang finally lowered her head and murmured, "No, no, no, I never said such a thing, I, I don't know this lady, I've never seen her before."

"Oh, really?" Lian Siyue stood up.

Her face suddenly turned cold, and she ordered, "Come here, Lian Siyu used lynching in the back house and hurt the servant girl of Prince Heng's mansion. This princess wants to collect debts from her. The same criminal law, serve her up!"

"Yes!" After she gave an order, she saw Mother Tai, Qing Dai and others coming over with the same handcuff!
When Lian Siyu saw her, her face turned pale with fright, and she fell into despair.

(End of this chapter)

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